48 - Silly Love Songs

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The next morning, Sebastian woke up alone in bed, Rylee's side cold to the touch. He looked over at the clock and saw it was 7:30.

"Ry?" Sebastian questioned into the empty air, still half asleep, hair sticking every which way.
The answer he received was silence. He willed himself not to panic, he just woke up, she was probably around somewhere.

He got up and shuffled to the bathroom, grabbing a much needed shower. He continued on with his usual morning routine and eventually ended up back in the bedroom as he usually did, putting on gym shorts, and ruffling a towel through his short wet hair. He made his way to the loft landing and could hear Rylee quietly singing to some unheard music in the kitchen below.

As he trotted down the stairs, he took in the sight of Rylee standing in the kitchen, working over the stove. She was still dressed in just her large t-shirt from the night before, but God how'd she make a t-shirt look so fucking good? Her long brown hair down in flowing waves over her shoulders.

She continued singing lightly, which he could now hear much more clearly as the song "Silly Love Songs" by Paul McCartney.

Some people want to fill the world with silly love songs
And what's wrong with that?

She had a spatula in one hand and her other on the handle of a pan, that looked to contain a pancake. She scraped up the pancake and flipped it over, sizzling as the new side cooked.

I'd like to know
'Cause here I go again
I love you, I love you
I love you, I love you

He pulled out the stool by the kitchen bar behind her and simply watched her.  How did I get so lucky. She swayed her hips lightly to the unheard beat, scooping up the pancake from the pan and placing it on the plate beside her, stacked three high.

I can't explain the feeling's plain to me; can't you see?
Ah, she gave me more, she gave it all to me now can't you see?

She grabbed the bowl with her pancake mix and poured on another, sizzling immediately as it hit the already hot pan.

What's wrong with that?
I need to know
'Cause here I go agai-

Sebastian stood up from his chair and walked over to Rylee wrapping his arms around her waist and putting his chin on her shoulder. Rylee jumped with a small squeak, immediately throwing her hands up to cover her face as she started to laugh at how stupid she felt. 

Sebastian was now close enough to hear the music coming from her AirPods and started singing along.

I love you, I love you

He stood up straighter now, and pulled the spatula in her hand closer to his face, singing into it like a microphone enthusiastically, making Rylee laugh heartily.

Love doesn't come in a minute
Sometimes it doesn't come at all
I only know that when I'm in it
It isn't silly, love isn't silly, love isn't silly at all

He carried out the last "all" and then said "Oh shit. Whoops." As he quickly leaned around Rylee, holding on to her shoulder with his other hand, to flip the pancake that he may have just been responsible for burning.

"I call dibs on that one." He said kissing the open spot showing on her neck. And wrapping his hands back around her waist.

"You're down here earlier than anticipated." Rylee said as she pulled the last pancake off of the pan and placed it on the other plate stacked there, also three high.

Sebastian hummed questioningly in her ear, wondering what she meant.

"Turn around." She commanded, spinning her finger in a circular motion.

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