16 - Dont Correct Your Elders

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After another hour at the gym, Sebastian and Rylee packed up their things and both headed to their individual locker rooms to grab a quick shower. Sebastian changed into a green button down and dark chinos, while Rylee had changed into a blue and white tie dye striped dress and brown strappy sandals.

They met up and headed to the front desk, where Jen finished processing the new key fob. As she handed it to Rylee, she looked her up and down, judgement seemed to fill her eyes. Why? Rylee didn't really know, but she brushed it off as they walked out the door together.

"Where'd you park?" Sebastian asked curiously.

"Oh, I rode the subway here." Rylee replied. "I didn't bring my car with me when I moved. I just use the subway, or hitchhike with Alexa."

"You know if you want, I'm always willing to chauffeur you too, as long as I'm not working, just call me and I'll be there," he smiled gently.

"Thanks." Rylee stated quickly smiling in return and looking at the ground. Why was she embarrassed about not having a car? It was pretty normal to not have a car in the city...why was she letting these little things get to her this morning. She tried to shake it off, but the thoughts still lingered.

"Well, I'm parked down the next block...so...shall we?"  He asked, sticking out his arm in an 'after you' motion.

They began to walk together to his Jaguar, making small talk along the way, and, just as he'd done before, he opened the door for her before he went around to his side to get in. He pulled out into the slow traffic and drove them to Round Corner Cafe, only a few minutes drive away.

Sebastian was disappointed that he couldn't find a closer parking spot and ended up around two blocks away. They both got out and began walking towards the cafe. They continued their easy small talk as they walked. Occasionally their hands bumped one another. Both of them wanted to just grab the other's hand and lace their fingers together but being out in the street together right outside where they had their first paparazzi moment...made it extremely hard. Just another thing Rylee added to her list of things bothering her slightly today.

As they made it to the front door, Sebastian grabbed the door handle and ushered Rylee inside. They were both greeted immediately by Lisa. "Ayyyy! How are you both doing this morning?"

"Good, good. How'd Gavin's test go?" Sebastian asked.

"Oh he aced it. So now of course he always wants the car," Lisa giggled. "Hey Ken! Come out here!"

A few seconds later, Ken popped out from the backroom, drying his hands on a towel, "Well look at that. Who would've known my two favorite customers are dating. How are you two?"

Before either of them could correct him, Rylee dove into answering the second part of his statement instead, mainly in panic, "Good! Lisa told us Gav passed his test!" Sebastian looked at Rylee, smirking.

"Yes he did! He's already made four Taco Bell trips in three days." Ken chuckled. They all laughed and conversed as Ken and Lisa both prepared their usuals. Megs competition went well over the weekend. They placed second overall, proud of their accomplishments throughout the year. Ken had finished up their coffee orders but Lisa was still in the back putting together their baked goods. So she shooed them off to find a table until she finished.

Sebastian and Rylee found a seat in a back corner booth, tucked away from view while they waited for their orders. The cafe only had three or four other patrons, but they sat closer to the front of the shop, none seemed to notice them.

"So...we're dating now?" Sebastian asked, chuckling.

Rylee put her hands on her face peeking through her fingers  in embarrassment, "Listen, I panicked."

"I mean....I wouldn't be opposed to the thought..." Sebastian almost seemed to whisper, stirring his coffee with a spoon, and then promptly licking off the excess drips. Why did he look so good doing that.

"I....really?" She put her hands down.

"Yeah.." Sebastian reached for Rylee's hand across the table, taking it into his. "I mean..we've only known each other a short amount of time...but I feel like I've known you my whole life, yah know? I really like you and I'd like to get to know you more.." New York accent seeping through into his confessions being laid out on the old worn table. "What do you think? Would you want to make Ken right, as always, and make us official?"

She looked from their joined hands on the table up into Sebastian's bright blue eyes.  There was so much honesty and a little bit of hesitancy, like he was afraid of her answer. She separated their hands, to Sebastian's surprised, causing him to panic slightly in return. She stood up and moved over to his side of the booth, scooching up to him and kissing him deeply. She placed a hand on the back of his neck for leverage and he melted into her touch.

They separated for a moment, she looked back into his eyes, "Yes, absolutely."

Sebastian smiled radiantly, kissing her back in return.

Ken brought over their food a few moments later, trying not to interrupt the couple as they parted.

"Here you go, you two lovebirds," setting down their coffees and baked goods, "enjoy!"

They both thanked him, still sitting close together and looked down at their food. They noticed an extra plate with two heart sugar cookies on it.

"Did we just start dating because a coffee shop owner is too old and cute to correct?"

Sebastian laughed, " Yep. Absolutely the only reason. You can't correct your elders...it's rude." He kissed her again. His radiant smile back brighter than ever.

"Oh my god.." Rylee covered her hands with her face again.

"What?" Sebastian asked, furrowing his brow in confusion.

"Lex is going to lose her absolute shit about this." Rylee said surprisingly loud, moving her hands to the side of her face.

"Hopefully in a good way? He tried to laugh, still sort of confused.

"Very much so." Rylee chuckled, leaning into his shoulder.

She completely forgot about the girl at the gym, not having a car, and everything else that had put a damper on her day. Today was incredible.

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