22 - All Fifteen

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The rest of the week flew by with Sebastian having to go to set at all hours and Rylee spending her nights and early mornings at Ruby's. They didn't get to see each other often but they called, texted, and snuck in quick coffee dates when they could, completely and utterly smitten.

They sat together now in the back booth at Round Corner Cafe. Sebastian was over half way through his "lunch break" even though it was six in the evening and Rylee was about a half hour from starting her Saturday shift at work. They quietly enjoyed their food in each other's company, Sebastian finishing up his bbq burger and Rylee clearing her plate of her western chicken wrap.

"I can't believe it's already almost 6:30." Sebastian sighed as he looked at the time. He leaned his head back on to the back of the padded booth seat, closing his eyes for a moment.

Rylee sighed, "Ugh, I know. At least we'll have tomorrow to spend together." She leaned over to lay her head on his shoulder. He turned his head to give her a quick kiss to the top of her head, taking in the sweet smell of her strawberry shampoo.

Sunday was the only full day both of them had off. And they were both itching for it. Rylee had all these grand plans reeling through her brain of what they could do together tomorrow. One of those plans was to camp out in the living room and eat Chinese at some point. She'd had a hankering for it for the last few days and she wanted to have Sebastian try it out since he said recently that he doesn't get it often. She felt like that was a travesty, since she ordered chicken with broccoli almost once a week.

Sebastian pouted, "we should probably get going."

With another big sigh, Rylee nodded and Sebastian started to slide out of the blue patterned booth, offering his hand to help Rylee slide out as well. They brought their now empty dishes and cups to the sunlit front counter and waved their goodbyes to Lisa and Ken who were both back behind the serving window beyond the counter.

Sebastian swiftly linked his cool hand into Rylee's, lacing their fingers together as he led the way out into the sunny New York day. They both hopped into the car, having to pull down their sun visors and dig out their sunglasses for the bright sun that was now completely in their view. They were both thankful for the beautiful day but they were both bothered by the fact that they would both be stuck inside, away from one another, for the duration of the sun that was left.

Sebastian drove Rylee to Ruby's and pulled up to the front door. He reached behind her seat to grab her small grey duffle bag filled with her work clothes and her purse. They each leaned in simultaneously for a kiss as Sebastian handed her her bag.

"Have a good night, sweetheart." Sebastian spoke quietly as she started to lean away from him to open the door.

"You too, handsome." Rylee winked as she leaned back in for one more kiss before she exited the car and shut the door, making her way into work.

Sebastian always laughed at the phrase "Hate for you to leave but love to watch you go." But man oh man was it true in this exact moment as her hips swayed with each step. She was wearing tight skinny jeans and a crop top that tied in the front. She was wearing her Converse but she didn't need heels to accentuate her ass or her calves. She already had it going for her.

He put his head back on the head rest for a moment to collect himself. "Shes gonna be the death of me." He laughed as he spoke to himself, putting his Jaguar into drive and pulling out of his parking spot, driving back into the sun, on the way to set.


Sebastian was irritated.

This was the fifteenth time they've been trying to get this shot and he kept. fucking. up.
He was supposed to be running down some long, abandoned hallway with Chris, spouting some monologue to motivate Captain America himself. But he just couldn't stop getting tongue tied. He could sense the crew behind the cameras getting tenser when he would start to get past a line he flubbed before only to disappoint them and flub the next.

Joe Russo quickly called cut, putting his chin in his hand leaning against his director chair, thinking.

Sebastian stood there, slumped over, hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath. Exhausted from having to run the long, fake hallway time and time again. His costume was a heavy leather and his fake vibranium arm was tight and restricting.

Chris dramatically laid down on the ground, donning his Captain America garb, tossing his shield to the side.
"Oh my god. Could that hallway be any longer?" He laughed, trying to break the obvious tension. He knew Sebastian could get easily annoyed and irritated at himself if he messed up more than twice, so the fact that they were about to do shot 16...he couldn't even imagine what was running through his head.

Sebastian heard Joe call for everyone to take ten, and he immediately walked off set to an empty side room, where he had left his things earlier. Everyone cleared his path along the way, not wanting to bother him.

As soon as he shut the door, he leaned his back against it, sliding to the floor. He put his elbows on his knees, head in his hands, raking his fingers into his hair. He wanted to call Rylee but it was midnight and she was smack dab in the middle of her shift. He decided to at least send her a text, hoping it would take the edge off of his shitty attitude. He reached for his bag, straightening out one of his legs as he stayed on the floor. He grabbed his phone and put his head back onto his hand that was back to leaning on his knee.
He ran his hand back into his hair as he hit the home button, but his heart fluttered at the sight of a missed text.

Hey you, I hope you're having a good day. I miss you. Can't wait to see you tomorrow!

He smiled softly to himself, looking down at his screen. It's like she could sense his stress all the way across the city. She always knew just the right thing to say.

He found a new flame lit in him after reading her words. He shot her a quick text back, and tossed his phone back in his bag. He stood up off the floor and grabbed his script out of his bag, the page he needed already dog eared and worn. He began to pace the empty room with his script, refreshing himself on the monologue he needed to get through.

The ten minutes away was what Sebastian needed. As soon as he came back out,  they reset the shot and started again on take 16. and that was it. Sebastian and Chris nailed every step and every word. When Joe yelled cut again, the whole room erupted into cheers, hoots, and hollers. Chris trotted up to Sebastian and wrapped him in a hug, "Not gonna lie man, that mono was rough as hell, I'm glad I didn't have to do it. But you fuckin' nailed that last one."

Sebastian laughed, tension and irritation long gone. He was feeling back to himself again, able to joke about the situation, "How many of those will make it into the blooper reel?"

"Oh all fuckin' 15 man. Alllll 15. I'll make sure of it." Chris laughed his usual big laugh, placing his hand on his chest and leaning back.

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