10 - Black coffee and bagels

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Sebastian dipped quickly into his favorite coffee shop, Round Corner Cafe. He couldn't believe how crazy the rain had gotten all of a sudden. One minute he was getting out of his car, the next he was sprinting down the block from where he parked trying not to get completely soaked in the downpour.

He wasn't out there long, but he felt drenched. Luckily he was trying to keep a low profile while leaving the gym so he had thrown on a hoodie over his cut off tank top before he left. He was surprised that even his gym shorts got drenched during his quick sprint though.
He pulled backed his soaked hood, running his hands through his hair. "Holy shit, Ken, where did that rain come from?"

"Hey Sebastian! I know right? I just said the same thing!" Ken said in reply.

"Crazy, I'm tellin yah," his New York accent bit through, "how're the kids? You said Gav's got his drivers test soon right?"

The two men continued talking as Sebastian put his money on the counter and Ken made his usual, black coffee with a splash of oat milk and an everything bagel with cream cheese. His order never took long to produce since it was so simple, but he always enjoyed chatting away with Ken as he put it together, leaning on the counter near him. He always got the scoop on what Ken's kids were up to throughout the week. He comes here pretty much every other morning when he is in town, usually after his early morning workouts, but today he changed his day up. Going to bed so late and waking up earlier than expected really threw him for a loop, so he decided to just go back to bed and forgot to set an alarm, so here he was, leaving the gym and getting coffee at 12:30 in the afternoon.

"So how long can we expect to see you around this time?" Ken asked genuinely.

"We're filming around the city for at least six or so months. So you'll definitely be seein this ugly mug for a while." Sebastian laughed, he turned away from the counter to now take in the rest of the Cafe.

He always loved how quiet and comfortable this place was. He scanned over the room and noticed a couple sitting closely together near the back, and a woman reading near the front of the shop, facing out towards the front window. Ken passed Sebastian his coffee and bagel, and Sebastian put one hand in his pocket and held up his to-go cup and bag in the other, signaling his thanks as he began to walk towards the door. "Tell the family I said hello! I'll be back soon enough." He smiled.

"See yah Seb!" Ken responded giving him a nod as he wiped the countertop.

He took a moment, looking out the front door, debating on trying to wait out the rain or make a run for it. As he turned to look out the other window he saw the woman in the armchair and paused...wait...

"Rylee?" Sebastian questioned out loud , as he really took her in. It was absolutely her. Though he was surprised to see her in a pair of black rimmed glasses. She was still as beautiful as ever. He then realized she had headphones in, so she probably didn't hear him, especially since her nose was buried in her book. She's a bookworm..That's cute..

Sebastian stepped closer, making sure he was further into her peripheral vision, and tried saying her name again with a small wave.
This time it worked as she jumped a little, but tried to hide it by taking out her earbuds at the same time.

"Oh my god, hi!" She genuinely smiled, turning her body in his direction and sticking a finger into her book to save her spot. "What are you doing here?" She asked, still surprised to see him, especially without his posse.

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