80 - Every Second

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Tuesday and Wednesday flew by, at least for Rylee and Alexa. These past two days were press junket days. Sebastian tried to explain them to Rylee but the best way he could explain it was to compare it to speed dating.

The actors and those involved with the movie stay in a room, and the interviewers are the ones that come in and out. They usually get 10-15 minutes to grill everyone about the movie. It's a pretty tightly run ship by PR and everyone's kept on a really strict schedule.

So needless to say, once they both got back to their hotel rooms on Wednesday night, they were exhausted. It was about 8:00 that night when Sebastian walked through the door.

Rylee was laying on her stomach on the bed, holding herself up by her elbows to read her book. She heard the door open and looked up, waiting for Sebastian to walk through the bedroom door.

When he did, he took in Rylee's relaxed posture and immediately relaxed himself, small smile appearing on his face under his tired eyes.

"Hey Ryles," Sebastian practically sighed as he walked towards the bed, plopping down on it. He ended up on his back, arms splayed every which way, his booted foot hanging off the side of the bed while his other foot laid on the mattress.

Rylee looked backwards towards him, "Hey you, how'd today go?" She turned back for a moment to bookmark her page and then fully turned toward him, now moving to sit criss cross.

"It was alright, most of the interviews stayed pretty tame." He flopped his hand toward her as he spoke and she started playing with his fingers gently as she listened to him. "One guy got kicked out for harassing Hayley."

"Oh, is she alright?" Rylee was surprised to hear that. Hayley is always so lovely, who would do something like that to her?

Sebastian nodded, his eyes closed, "Yeah, she didn't even have to say anything, PR was great there. They had the guy kicked out before anyone could even blink.

"Well that's good." Rylee continued rolling her fingers around Sebastian's as he laid there, eyes still closed.

"Just glad they're over. Sometimes junkets are fun, but shit, they're exhausting." Sebastian opened his eyes now too look over at Rylee. He smiled again, taking in her relaxed state, minimal makeup, messy bun. "You're so beautiful."

Rylee blushed a bit, surprised at the comment, "Thanks, love. How about you get ready for bed and we can relax, maybe throw a movie on?"

Sebastian simply nodded and got up, practically dragging himself towards the bathroom.

Ten or so minutes later, Sebastian came back to the bedroom, towel around his waist and rubbing another one through his damp hair. He changed into a new pair of boxer briefs and slid into bed beside Rylee, who had gone back to reading her book, sitting up against the headboard.

"What're you reading?" Sebastian asked as he turned towards Rylee, he scooted over and put his head in her lap, resting his eyes.

"Eleanor & Park, it's a cute little story, I read it a good while ago, decided to break it back out again." She immediately put her fingers through Sebastian's soft, tussled hair, scratching gently at his scalp, causing a happy sound to escape from him.

"Want to read it out loud? I love listening to you read.." Sebastian said quietly.

"Sure." She kept her hand in his hair as she began to read aloud from the spot she was at when he joined her.

"I don't like you, Park," she said, sounding for a second like she actually meant it. "I..." - her voice nearly disappeared - "think I live for you."

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