35 - Took long enough

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Rylee and Sebastian sat together eating their breakfast and finishing their coffees. There was not much else they could do at the moment about the situation. They would go to buy her a new phone as well as stop at the police station to hopefully get some closure on the incident.

"Lex wanted a call from me or you today..to talk about yesterday. Do you want me to call her?" He offered cautiously.

"No, no. I'll call her. Thank you though." She sent a small sad smile his way before it turned into a deep frown, concern drenching her eyebrows. "Shit. How do I keep forgetting. I broke my phone last night." She ran her hands through her hair, grasping it gently, feeling stupid for forgetting so quickly. Sebastian ducked his head in embarrassment as well. They were literally just talking about it. How did he forget.

"Here, use mine." He handed her his phone and she began to dial Alexa's number, leaving the room to go sit on the couch in the living room. Sebastian stayed in the kitchen, cleaning up the morning's mess.

The phone only rang once before Rylee heard her best friend's concerned voice from the other end of the line.

"Thank God Sebastian, it took you long enough. How is she? What happened?" She seemed to speak a mile a minute.

"Hi to you too." Rylee said quietly, twisting her brown curls between her fingers.

"Oh my god. I'm sorry Ry. How are you? Are you okay?" Alexa briefly looked at her phone screen to confirm that the call was indeed from Sebastian's phone and not Rylee's. She was confused, but let it go.

Rylee nodded into the phone realizing Alexa couldn't see her, she responded verbally, "Yeah. I'm fine. I'm okay."

"Can..can I ask what happened last night? I've been worried sick about you. You haven't had a panic attack in a long time...not since-"

"I know," Rylee cut her off. Not needing the reminder. She knew her last panic attack was what led to the move here. Because of Michael...She took a deep breath, sat crisscross on the grey couch, clutching a pillow in her lap and began explaining the moments that led up to last night's end.

Alexa listened intently on the other end, in shock over this happening right under her nose. She was livid. Michael was scum of the earth and she has despised him for quite some time...She also now understood why Rylee was calling her on Seb's phone and not her own. She sighed into the phone when Rylee fell quiet. Alexa wished she was there right now to just hug her, but she knew Rylee was in good hands with Sebastian. She knew they haven't been together long, but she could see the love he had for Rylee.

"So..." Alexa left a brief pause, " do you want me to let Johnny know you won't be in tonight? I can spare him the details but he should know what happened -"

"No. No I'll call him and explain. He should definitely know, but I can't let this scare me out of living my life."

Sebastian walked around the corner, drying his hands on a towel, leaning against the wall, listening to her finish her conversation with Alexa. He was surprised and overwhelmed at her response. He was surprised she wanted to go back to work so soon. He took a mental note to talk to her about it later.

Rylee finished her call with Alexa, sharing 'I love yous' and 'see you laters' before she hung up. She sighed, closing her eyes and laying her head back onto the couch cushions behind her. She tossed Sebastian's phone on the couch beside her.

"You alright?" Sebastian asked when he realized that she didn't know he was still standing there against the wall.

She turned her head to look over at him and nodded, patting the couch next to her, encouraging him to sit.

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