26 - Happy Friday

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The next few days passed slowly as Rylee got back to feeling like herself again and Sebastian continued going back and forth from set to his apartment to hers.

It was finally Friday and the stars had some how aligned for Sebastian and Rylee. This was her first Friday off in about six months and Kevin had let the cast and crew out extremely early today since they were ahead of schedule, so Sebastian got out of work at 11:00 am. 

Sebastian decided not to tell Rylee that they got out early, to make it a surprise. He drove straight to Rylee's apartment and headed up the elevator after a quick wave to Theo in the lobby.

When he got outside her door he decided to call her. She answered after two rings.

"Hey you," Sebastian stated in a rush, "I think I dropped my script somewhere outside your apartment."

"Oh no! Hang on I'll check."

Sebastian smirked at how easily his plan worked. Listening to Rylee trudge through her apartment both over the phone and right outside the door.

"What a weird place to lose your stuff, babe. Don't tell Kevin you lost it or you'll be toast," she laughed. "Are you sure you left it out he-"

She stopped as she opened the door to see Sebastian standing in front of her, huge cocky smirk splayed across his face.

"Oh my god! Hi!" Rylee closed the gap between them embracing him in a big hug, her light blue sundress swaying at her movement, she quickly looked up to kiss him, "did you find your script?"

"Rylee..." he looked at her, waiting for her to catch on.

"Oh my god. I'm so gullible."

"Sure are," Sebastian let out a belly laugh, "believe me, if I lost a script I would be a lot more than toast."

Rylee stepped aside, allowing Sebastian to walk into her apartment. She shut the door behind him as he kicked off his shoes.

"So what're you doing here so early? Are you on a lunch break? I could've met you
somewhe-" Sebastian silenced Rylee with a kiss.

"Weeeee got told we could leave for the day. So I have," kiss, "all day," kiss, "for you," kiss.

Rylee's face lit up like the Fourth of July. "That's amazing!" She said, kissing him back more fully.

They stood in the middle of her living room, embracing one another and soaking each other in, he continued kissing her, tongues melding together slowly, methodically.

He leaned away slightly, taking his thumb and running it over her bottom lip and chin. A silent agreement made between the two of them in that moment.

Sebastian's hands slid down to Rylee's hips, and then down to her ass, giving it a squeeze, pulling her up off the ground. Their lips connected again as she crossed her legs behind him, locking herself onto his hips and putting her arms around his neck as he carried her to his bedroom.

He gently laid her down on the bed, finally parting his lips from hers, questioning again with his eyes. He didn't even need to speak, as Rylee nodded emphatically, leaning back up to surge into kissing him harder, more determination to prove how her answer was very much a yes.

Their mouths stayed captured and infatuated with one another, licking, and gently biting, as their tongues worked together. Rylee felt Sebastian's left hand stay on her hip as his right hand drifted down, pushing up the bottom of her dress, exposing her lace panties, leading Sebastian to let out a low growl at the sight.

"It's like you were waiting for me to get here." Sebastian hummed, voice low. He slowly pulled them down and off, tossing them somewhere across the room, giving him full access. He placed his palm against her mound and Rylee moaned at the pressure. Sebastian captured her bottom lip in his teeth, continuing the momentum of their mouths. He slipped two of his fingers into her folds watching the pleasure take over her features, "God Ry, you're so fucking wet for me already."
She moaned at his words, trying to catch her breath.

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