52 - Scripts and Lingerie

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Another few months passed as the days began to blur together. November had rolled in quickly and briskly. Sebastian was still in and out with filming and Rylee picked up extra shifts at Ruby's on occasion to fill the boredom of her lonely weekdays.

Sebastian actually had an entire day off, a miracle in and of itself. Rylee had to work later today, but it was nice to be spending a lazy Saturday morning together at home.

They both curled up together on the couch, eating the sausage, eggs, and toast Sebastian had thrown together not too long ago for breakfast. He was distracted while he ate, reflecting on what the rest of his week entailed.

Filming for The Last Mission was on the verge of completing. They only had another week or so left. Sebastian was a mix of ecstatic and sad about it. He couldn't wait to have a break to just solely be with Rylee, but he was also going to miss the crazy life of filming. But it also meant that he would be doing press tours soon, sending him away for long periods. He tried not to think about that for now.

After they finished eating, Rylee offered to wash the dishes and Sebastian went down to the lobby to pick up the mail. Paul was at the desk and had a large envelope tucked away for Sebastian that wouldn't fit in the mailbox with the rest of the mail. Sebastian thanked him and went back to the elevator. Once inside, he opened the large envelope to slide out a new script.

Pam and Tommy
Hulu Mini Series

Sebastian had almost forgotten about this. He had talked about it with his agent a bit ago and it was definitely out of his comfort zone, but that was why he liked it. He had chem tested for this a month or so ago with Lily James and their chemistry was undeniable. He had been offered the job on the spot.

He walked back through their apartment door, and plopped down on the couch, reading the notes sheet attached to the script.

"Watcha got there?" Rylee said practically skipping up to Sebastian to sit beside him, turning to look over his shoulder.

"Pam and Tommy script.." Sebastian stated quickly as he finished reading the page he was on. He turned it so she could see it better.

"That's the..." Rylee snapped her fingers, trying to spark her thoughts, "Tommy Lee, Pam Anderson thing right? That one sounded interesting when you auditioned."

Sebastian nodded. "I didn't expect to get the script already. This isn't supposed to start filming for a good while."

"Hmm," Rylee hummed. "Well at least you're not getting it like...the first day of shooting." Rylee laughed.

"Hey I've had that happen. And it's not great," Sebastian laughed back. He stood up to go get something from upstairs and to take the script to the office, "be right back."

Rylee messed around on her phone waiting in the living room for a bit, occasionally glancing at the clock and then back to the tv. "Seb?" She asked into the empty living room. No answer.

She stayed in her spot for another few moments and then decided to go try to find him. The apartments not that big, he had to be around somewhere.

She went upstairs, checking the bedroom and poking her head in the bathroom. No Sebastian. "Seb?" No answer.

She then poked her head into the office to find Sebastian kicked back in his rolling office chair, feet up on the desk, highlighter in hand, combing through the script he just got, focused.

"Hey you." Rylee said quietly, trying not to startle him.

"Shit, hi. I'm so sorry. I have no idea how long I've even been up here." He looked at the clock on his desk but he didn't know what time he left from downstairs anyway, so it wouldn't have helped him.

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