98 - Where's Here?

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Over the next two days, Sebastian slowly began to feel better, though he had to spend those days camped in bed. Overall now, he was feeling pretty okay, he just couldn't bend over and stand up quickly.

His face looked a lot better too, which had surprised Rylee. It was still black and blue under his eyes but the swelling had gone down a lot, making it so he sounded normal again. If he threw on a pair of sunglasses, you couldn't even tell anything was wrong.

They had decided to go out today and take it slow, just peruse the streets of Rome. Try to soak in some of what was left of their trip.

Sebastian put on a pair of black shorts and a solid green t-shirt, while Rylee put on a simple, white sundress with large yellow flowers.

As Sebastian sat on the bed to slip on his shoes, he kept reassuring Rylee that 'yes, he was feeling okay', 'no, he was fine', and 'yes, he wanted to go out'.

She was worried but honestly this was exactly what his doctor had asked him to do. After a few days, get back out to doing normal things. He had mentioned that they had a flight soon and was told to just wear ear plugs to combat any negative vertigo side effects. So they were going to try to find some today while they were out.

As they left their suite, they headed for the elevator, and before Rylee could ask, Sebastian said, "I'll be good. Motions not really a problem anymore."

He took hold of her hand as they went into the elevator, squeezing it gently, rubbing his thumb on the back of her hand.

As they made it through the lobby, Sebastian put on his Rayban sunglasses, making their way into the bright afternoon sun.


As soon as they walked outside Sebastian noticed the paparazzi camped across the street.
He gave Rylee's hand a light squeeze as they continued down the street side by side.

"Yah know, luckily, this is our last night in this hotel." Sebastian mentioned matter of factly as they walked.

Rylee stopped, shocked by what he said, "What do you mean?"

"You think just cause I was holed up in bed I didn't have shit up my sleeve?" Sebastian let out a small laugh, "we're heading out of Rome in," he held up his wrist to check his watch, "three hours."

"What've you been up to, Stan?" Rylee laughed lightly as they began to walk again.

"Well, I'll tell you the original plan for the last bit of our trip was to be in Venice...but being in a city where the main transportation was by boat didn't seem like the best idea when I could barely do cars two days ago. So...we're going somewhere else instead." Sebastian put a cheesy smile on, looking goofy as ever.

"I can't with you boy." Rylee shook her head again, laughing. He's been basically incapacitated in bed for days but he still found a way to make the rest of this trip happen. He's absurd and wonderful.

They eventually made it to a small cafe to grab breakfast, sliding into a booth in the back of the shop for some privacy. When they got comfortable, Sebastian pushed his sunglasses on top of his head, feeling weird wearing them indoors.

"So you're honestly feeling okay?" Rylee asked, taking a sip of her water.

"Yes, love." Sebastian said, "I promise. If I start to feel anything less than okay, I'll let you know."

Rylee set down her glass and nodded.

The waitress came back to take their orders. She was very obviously trying not to stare at Sebastian, though they weren't sure if it was because of his bruising, the fact that it was him, or maybe a little bit of both. After a moment of hesitation, she left to put in their orders, leaving them alone again.

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