89 - Firenze

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Rylee and Sebastian woke with about two hours left of their flight. Rylee wasn't quite sure what time it was anymore. She assumed with how long the flight was that their time zone had changed. But she decided not to worry about it. She was on a private jet flying to a two week long vacation destination with her amazing, handsome, loving boyfriend, she didn't need to know what time it was.

After they got dressed they came back out to see breakfast was being laid out on the table between two of the seats.

The breakfast was small and delicate compared to what was normally eaten in the United States. They each had a latte in front of them alongside something the stewardess called fette biscottate which was essentially twice baked toast, served with jam.

They both enjoyed their meal, Rylee being none the wiser about the fact that fette biscottate was a popular breakfast staple in Italy, her first hint.

Her next hint appeared in the use of Italian Prosecco, which Sebastian poured into two small glasses of orange juice for Rylee and himself to make mimosas.

"Oo, Italian. Fancy." Rylee commented as she read the bottle, completely oblivious to the hints slowly being laid out in front of her.

Rylee raised her glass, as Sebastian did the same, "to....vacation."

"To vacation." Sebastian replied back as they clinked their glasses together carefully.


Soon the Captain, James Perry, came over the intercom as they finished their drinks.

"Good morning all, we hope you've had a pleasant journey so far. We've recently entered Central European Standard Time, making the time now just about...10:30 am. I'll give you a few minutes to guess where we will be landing before we start our descent."

Central European time. Well that narrows it down a bit. But there are still a good bit of countries she knows of in that time zone.

Sebastian smiled in Rylee's direction, watching her brain sort through what information she's gotten and what she already knows.

"I'm not going to guess. I'll let the Captain tell me." Rylee said, nodding with certainty. She liked the idea of the surprise and didn't want to ruin it with over the top guesses.

A few minutes passed as Sebastian and Rylee had moved to sitting side by side when the Captain returned to the speaker. "Heeellllooo again. This is your Captain, James, speaking again and in about ten minutes we will be landing in the birthplace of the Renaissance, a city noted for its culture, monuments, and architecture. We would love to welcome you to Florence, Italy."

Rylee looked at Sebastian in shock, mouth fallen open. Italy.

"You remembered," Rylee sighed. She reflected back onto a drunken, late night conversation they had, when they were both lying together in bed, talking about everything and nothing all at once.


"Alright alright..place you'd love to go on vacation on three. One, two, three:

Both simultaneously said "Italy!"

"Noooo way." Rylee laughed, "did we both just say the same place?"

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