9 - Cold Brew and Scones

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Alexa woke up on her couch to her phone ringing. She sat up quickly, frightened briefly be the sudden noise. She reached around looking for her phone blindly, still ringing loudly. She hated falling asleep with her contacts in, they were such a bitch to deal with if they were in too long. She finally found it and answered without looking at the screen.

"'Ello?" She groggily spoke.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Rylee Ann." The voice on the other end sounded distraught and flat out done.

"What's wrong Lex?" Rylee asked, pinching the bridge of her nose and scrunching her eyes shut. These contacts need out like now. She stood up and stretched, slowly padding her way to the bathroom.

"I'm a major fuck up that's why."

"You're gonna have to be more specific.." Rylee responded, putting the phone on speaker. She started wiping off her makeup from last night. She still felt grody, but decided she'd shower after she talked to Lex. She plucked out her contacts one at a time blinking rapidly to clear her vision. She slid her glasses on and could finally fully see.

"One, rude. Two, I got major trashed last night..as you obviously noticed..."

"Yeah when you gave 'Chris Fuckin Evans' my phone number? I vaguely recall..." Rylee smirked.

"Yea- wait. What?" She said, sounding extremely surprised. "I combed back through my texts and don't remember seeing th- oh lord almighty there it is...sorry Ry..I think? Is this you being annoyed or thankful? Cause you don't have dibs on Chris.."

Rylee smiled and rolled her eyes, "Chris is all yours girl...I'm mainly focusing now on the fact that Sebastian texted me last night...

"EXCUSE ME? You mean Sebastian. Like Sebastian Sebastian? Alexa yelled back in surprise. "How, why, and when. Rylee start talking."

There was a moment of silence across the line.

"...yah done?" Rylee let out a short laugh, at this point she had made her way to her bedroom and plopped on her bed. "Yes. 'Sebastian Sebastian.'" She responded, even though that makes zero sense. "He texted me at like midnight last night, but it got busy at work so I didn't get anyones messages until like 5:00am. I texted him back when I got to the subway, but I was surprised he responded back right away..so we started talking. He said you gave Chris my number, and then Chris gave it to him..not really sure why..but still."

There was another brief pause of silence. "I'm so confused but so intrigued. So what's happening. Is he nice? Do you like him? Does he like you?"

"Alright. Relax. We had a like...hour long phone conversa-"

"A WHOLE HOUR? ON THE PHONE? I thought you guys were texting?" Alexa questioned.

"I mean it started as texting...but then I called him."

"Oh my god. YOU called HIM? Rylee look at you go girl. And I'm still blown away that you called at 5:00 am and actually got a response, let alone a full conversation for an HOUR." Alexa sighed, trying to picture it. She was extremely proud of her friend. She was never the type to initiate anything with guys. She deserves the confidence to do so.

Rylee became flustered at the thought. She was right. Not only had she just started talking to him, but he stayed on the phone with her for an hour at five in the morning, just getting to know her. It was so comfortable she didn't even notice. That's...wow.

"Well, I'll just say you're welcome now. And I take back any apologies about what I did last night, because it seems to have worked out in your favor." Alexa laughed into the phone.

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