61 - Answer

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The next five weeks passed, all seeming the same. The only places Sebastian really saw were his apartment and the hospital for visits and physical therapy.

Sebastian was thrilled when he finished his physical therapy appointment today. He hasn't had to use oxygen in a while, and today he got to officially ditch the sling and now he sported a shoulder stability brace. It was so much more comfortable and allowed him to straighten his arm and use it, while still being supported.
It was a great feeling that, as long as he went slow, he could switch to using crutches instead of a wheelchair.

Sebastian was also only a few weeks out from having his leg cast removed, but some concerns were rising with it that he was trying not to think about. He had just told his physical therapist, Megan, on their way down the hall trying out some crutches, that he was still experiencing pain in his leg. He thought that it was normal, but according to her, it's definitely not.

So now, he has a check up appointment and Xray scheduled for Thursday.

Rylee was waiting for Sebastian in the hospital lobby and was ecstatic to see him come down the hall on crutches.

"Oh my god! Seb!" Rylee could've cried, "look at you!"

As soon as he saw Rylee, his spirits instantly lifted. He pretended to model the new gear. Kissing Rylee in the middle of both their smiling laughs.

"So I see today went well. Lots of changes. Exciting stuff." Rylee stated as they sat down, waiting for Megan to bring out some papers.

"Yeah, well. Great stuff and not great stuff." Sebastian tried to smile but couldn't quite get it where it needed to be to be convincing.

"What's that mean?" Rylee questioned, placing her hand on his thigh gently.

"You know how I've mentioned my leg hurts occasionally?"

Rylee nodded.

"Well, Megan says that's apparently not normal. So now we've gotta come back on Thursday for X-rays and a check up with her and Singh." Sebastian started picking at a stray string sticking off his sweatpants.

"Aw, I'm sorry baby." Rylee gave his leg a light, reassuring squeeze.

Sebastian just shrugged, not knowing how else to respond.

At that point Megan returned and handed them the papers she had forgotten when they originally left her room. 

"Alrighty, you're all set Sebastian. See you Thursday!" She patted him on the shoulder and continued walking back to her office.

"Well, how about we head home?"

Sebastian nodded, standing up slowly and leaning on his crutches. He followed behind Rylee and they made their way home.


When they got back, Sebastian made a beeline for the bed, he was exhausted. He was still extremely thankful that Rylee had moved the apartment around before he originally came home, because there was still absolutely no way he was doing any form of stairs.

Rylee threw her purse down on to the couch and also headed for the bed, but with other plans. She crawled up the bottom of the bed towards Sebastian, ever so slowly kissing her way up his body.

"Mmm" Sebastian sighed, "what's all this for?"

"I can't just love my boyfriend, who happens to be looking exceptionally fine as hell today? Hmm?" She smirked.

"I think that can be arranged. Watcha got in mind?" He questioned

"Don't you worry your pretty little head. I've got it handled." As she started to lean lower she stopped, and looked at Sebastian, "no pun intended..."

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