67 - Ollie Jolly Christmas

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It was somehow already Saturday and the snow was falling steadily outside. The apartment had settled into a gentle quiet that made it that much cozier. Chris and Alexa had come over a few days ago and helped them "Christmas-a-fy", as Alexa called it, their apartment. So the bright twinkling lights of the small Christmas tree cast dancing shadows along the living room walls, adding to the cozy surroundings.

Rylee rolled over to see Sebastian already awake, sitting up against the head board, script and highlighter in hand.

"Morning, baby. Merry Christmas." Sebastian said with a big lopsided smile. He closed up his script and used his highlighter as a bookmark.

"Merry Christmas," Rylee smiled back in return.

Sebastian leaned down to place a gentle kiss on Rylee's lips which she easily returned.

"How're you feeling?" Rylee asked, as she asked every morning, mainly about his leg.

"Pretty good. Best day so far to be honest." Sebastian put his arm around Rylee's shoulders as she sat up to cuddle into his chest.

"That's great!" Rylee leaned in closer to hug him.

"Mhmm," Sebastian responded, "So. Is it too early for gifts? I feel like a kid, but I'm excited to give you yours."

"It's never too early for gifts," Rylee laughed.
She got up and made her way quickly to the bathroom to get semi-ready for the day and then helped Sebastian get his crutches so he could do the same.

About ten minutes later, they met up in the living room and Rylee brought Sebastian in a mug of hot coffee as well as one for herself.

"Again, you're the best." Sebastian said as he gave her another kiss as she leaned down.

"Yep. That's your gift. You're welcome." Rylee winked as she grabbed a box and envelope and sat down on the couch next to him.

She passed the box and envelope to him and tried to stop the huge grin on her face, but failed. Sebastian passed her a small box along with a bright red envelope.

"You first." Rylee stated quickly, practically bouncing out of her seat. Sebastian laughed but complied, sliding his finger under the flap of the envelope.

He slid the card out, a goofy looking golden retriever wearing a Santa hat filled the front of the card. When he opened it, two pieces of paper fell out. He caught them in his lap but he continued to read inside. The typed greeting read "Have a dog gone good Christmas!"

As he continued down the inside he read Rylee's beautiful hand writing,
"Happy first Christmas together! I know we've been through a lot this past half a year...like more than a usual couple, but I feel like it's made us even closer than we possibly could've become otherwise. I love you to the moon and back and can't wait to keep celebrating more and more Christmas' with you. I love you Seb. ❤️

P.S. I got you two...but you know I sometimes like soccer."

He looked down into his lap and saw two tickets for the US Women's National Soccer Team championship game early next year.



"This is too mu-"

"Uh-uh. Shh. Just enjoy. Open the box, boy."

Sebastian shook his head but smiled as he did so. He slipped his finger under the wrapping paper around the box, ripping it off easily.

It was a small white box, with a removable lid, which Sebastian pulled off. Inside, laid a simple, beautiful silver watch with a blue face and silver hands.

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