77 - First Mistake

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Sebastian did the usual four knocks and then another so Chris knew it was him at the door. Chris opened it and Sebastian practically pushed past him, already beginning to pace.

"What's going on Seb?" Chris asked. Alexa was in the other room but heard Chris and came to join them in the kitchenette. She was surprised to see Sebastian so frustrated, she wasn't sure if she'd ever seen him like that.

"That article is what." Sebastian quickly stated, running his hands through his hair.

"What about it?" Chris asked, confused more than anything.

"Rylee and I have talked before about paparazzi and how you just need to ignore them, not practically fucking threaten them." Sebastian sat down on the couch, hands still in his hair, tugging it now, elbows on his knees.

"Rylee didn't threaten anybody?" Alexa now joined the conversation confused.

"Well that article sure makes it sound like it. Why the fuck did she do that?"

"Sebastian. Listen. That article had a tenth of the actual story."

"Then fucking explain Alexa because I'm baffled." Sebastian responded dripping with sarcasm his hands out in disarray.

"Ay, cool it Seb." Chris chimed in.

Sebastian threw his hands up in defeat, taking a breath and prepared himself to listen.

"We went to that cafe and as we were sitting there we noticed the girl across from us just staring, so we both agreed with one another to just leave. As we were leaving Rylee overheard the girl on the phone say 'They're leaving now, go.'"

"Hearing her say that scared the shit out of Ry. She thought someone else got sent by Michael to do shit. So she turned around and asked the girl what she wanted. The girl said she was a journalist and then Rylee had said something like 'did she ever just think of talking to the people she wrote articles about instead of  just eavesdropping on them and stalking them.' And then yeah, she did tell the girl to get a life, but it wasn't as crazy as the article made it out to be. Yeah, she yelled at her for a second, but mainly, it was honestly out of fear."

Sebastian lifted his head from his hands and looked at Alexa as she continued. Fear?

"You know what she's been through. She's told you everything, and I'm guessing you know more than I even do of what Michael did to her emotionally, mentally, physically...and even with what's happened to you the past few months...to hear someone saying 'they're leaving, go' must have been utterly terrifying."

Sebastian's face dropped, eyes softening as he listened to her speak. Shit. He didn't know about that part.

"That 'anonymous girl' was acting all innocent but she was anything but. Yes Ry 'yelled' at the girl, but not without means in my opinion." Alexa finished with a shrug.

Sebastian stared at the floor for a minute. Fuck. No wonder Rylee freaked out. You're an idiot Sebastian.

"Why didn't Rylee say that..." Sebastian asked quietly.

"Did you give her the chance to?" Chris asked.

Sebastian reflected on their conversation and his ears flushed. She was probably going to, but you jumped the gun you fucking idiot.


Alexa's phone had chimed a few times while they were all talking. She finally took a moment to take her phone out of her pocket and saw she had three new messages. All from Rylee.

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