25 - I've Got My Ways

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Rylee was camped out on her living room couch, covered in blankets and surrounded by empty water bottles and cracker wrappers. She heard her door handle jiggle and as she looked up she saw Alexa appear through the door. She had Rylee's spare key "in case of emergencies" but she always just used it to let herself in.

"Hey you, how yah feeling?" Alexa asked as she toed off her shoes and took a seat at the end of the couch, lifting Rylee's legs and putting them on top of hers.

"A lot better. I was a complete mess last night. Sebastian got to witness me in all my glory." She covered her face with her hands in embarrassment.

"Eh. Is he really your boyfriend if he doesn't hold your hair back when your puking your guts out?" Alexa laughed at her own joke. "Plus he did more than I would've. You know I'm a sympathetic puker."

Alexa continued, "Anyway. Now that we're past the formalities, spill. What's this about the L-word?"

"When Sebastian was leaving last night he said 'Bye Ryles, L-' like he was about to tag on 'love you' but he stopped himself." Rylee stated quietly.

"Well. Would you have been freaked out if he had said it?" Alexa questioned honestly.

"I don't think so...I feel like I'm feeling that way myself. We haven't been together that long at all...but it feels right, you know? He's so easy to be around, and to talk to, and we have so much in common."

"Well then that settles it. You ma'am. Are in love."

"Never thought that would happen again after..." Rylee died off. Reflecting back on her last serious relationship. She shook it off as Alexa patted her leg, giving her a sad smile.

"You're far better off now..anyway let's chat about yesterday."

Rylee laughed along with her, "Yeah I suppose so...I just hate that I had all these divine plans in my head for things for us to do on our one complete day off together. And not gonna lie, I was kinda hoping we'd have sex at some point."

This is what Rylee loved about Alexa. They have been best friends forever and know every moment of each other's lives, so speaking so frankly about her love life was second nature when she was talking with Alexa. She had already told her all about hers and Sebastian's FaceTime call from last week.

"Funny you should say that..." Alexa stated, twirling her fingers in her hair for a moment.

Rylee tilted her head at her questioningly waiting for her to continue.

Alexa paused for a moment, as if for dramatic effect, "Chris and I had sex yesterday." She immediately threw her hands up to cover the huge smile on her face, feeling like a giddy teenager.

"Nooo, no way, oh my god, Lexxxx. Spill." Rylee sat up immediately, pulling her legs from off of Alexa and sitting criss cross, staring at her intently.

"He came over yesterday afternoon, and we were going to watch a movie and get dinner but we never really made it to the movie or the dinner part." She pushed her auburn her out of her face and looked at Rylee, losing herself in a giggle, her hands on her cheeks trying to cover the blush.

"Oh my god, Lex."

"And it was sooo good. So so good." She laughed lightly, "He is like a god in bed, Rylee. No exaggeration. I have never..." she sighed contently. "I came five times yesterday Rylee. FIVE." She accentuated her words by holding up five fingers towards Rylee's face. "You know I've had boyfriends in the past that couldn't even get me there once girl."

"Well, at least one of us got laid yesterday." Rylee sighed and laughed. She was bummed her day didn't go as planned but she was ecstatic for her friend. She deserved to finally find a good guy.

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