14 - Said Too Much

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As the movie ended, the previously dimmed lampposts around Central Park began to slowly illuminate. The small crowd around them began to clamor, talking about the experience and filling the previously quiet air with gentle noise. Sebastian helped Rylee stand up and they started cleaning up their area, folded up their blanket and put it all inside the basket. Sebastian carried the basket in one hand and slung his arm over Rylee's shoulders as they walked, she placed her arm around his waist. They walked slowly, not heading any particular direction. Rylee was having such an amazing night she never wanted it to end.

As they walked and talked quietly, they found a lone bench looking out on a small portion of the lake. Sebastian sat the basket down beside them, and slung his arm back around Rylee's shoulders as they sat down. She laid her head close to his, so close they only had to whisper to talk.

"I know I've said this a million times tonight, but this was wonderful." She said in a hush.

"I'm glad you've enjoyed it. I definitely have too."

"Why does it feel like I've known you forever, Seb?" Rylee whispered quietly into the dark.

"Is it crazy that I feel the same? It's so unbelievably easy to talk to you." Sebastian looked into Rylee's eyes, tucking some of her hair behind her ear, "I don't remember the last time I've...really been able to talk to someone and feel this...comfortable."

She continued looking at Sebastian as he looked over the lake, the dim lampposts casting a glow across his face. Rylee waited, putting her hand on his stomach, twisting his shirt around her finger tips slightly. He seemed like he wanted to say more but couldn't find the words.

Sebastian continued quietly, "I feel like this is going to sound so goddamn cliche...but...being an actor makes it incredibly difficult to find someone who is just 100% real. I feel like I knew how amazingly real you were the minute you admitted right to my face you knew I was an actor but you had no idea who the hell I was." He laughed.

"I've dated girls before who've pretended to know my movies and me, just for me to see they've got IMDB open on their phone, like they think I'll be put off that they don't know my filmography. Like..how douchey can someone think I am?" He laughed again, but this time there seemed to be a hint of sadness to it. He ran his free hand through his hair, keeping his hand on the back of his head.

"You're just...so...the opposite of everyone I've gone with..."
He was still staring out over the lake, almost like he was scared to look at Rylee, to see her reaction to all of these confessions.
"You're unbelievably kind, and sweet, and caring, and beautiful, and thoughtful, an-"

Rylee turned to fully face Sebastian, causing his arm to fall off her shoulder.

I said too much...opened up too fast...shit...he thought to himself.

She put a hand on either sighed of his face rubbing a thumb along his cheek, feeling the tension immediately dissipate from his body. He shut his eyes for a moment and took a breath. He opened them back up to see Rylee's hazel ones staring back at him.

She looked into his eyes for a moment, glanced down at his lips, and looked back up.
She leaned in, gently pressing her lips to his. She felt him relax even more, returning the pressure she had applied. She could feel him smiling into the kiss which made her smile in return. It started off innocent enough, but soon, Rylee eagerly opened her mouth inviting him in as he wrapped his arms around her waist pulling their bodies flush together. She quickly adjusted to the movement, looping her hands behind his neck.

God he's a good kisser...

Time seemed to stand still and fly by all at once. They both aren't sure how long they stayed on that bench, but after a while the kisses reverted back to being slow, languid. They leaned together, touching foreheads.

"We should probably get going." Sebastian says first, though both of them were trying to avoid the truth. Rylee nodded in agreement. They both stood, Sebastian grabbing the picnic basket and then sticking his hand out for Rylee. She clasped hers in his, and they began to walk the path they had come down earlier.

The park was fairly quiet, since most of the movie goers abandoned the area a good while ago. They eventually made it back to Sebastian's Jaguar  where he opened the door for her yet again. After she got in and comfortable, he walked around the back of the car to put away their basket. He continued to his side of the car, and slid into his seat. As soon as he shut the door and put on his seat belt, he immediately reached across the middle console to put his hand on Rylee's thigh, squeezing it lightly with a small smile. She placed her hand on his as he drove them in the direction of her apartment. They started traveling in a comfortable silence, the radio quietly playing. Rylee  felt so comfortable and safe in Sebastian's company. She hadn't even realized it was happening, but a few minutes into their drive she began to fall asleep, her head lulling gently to the side.

The next thing Rylee knew, the car was no longer moving and she felt a gentle hand rubbing her shoulder, "Hey Ryles. Rise and shine, doll." Rylee slowly woke up a bit confused, and then guilt washed over her. "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry for falling asleep, I -"

"Don't apologize. Honestly. It's almost 2:00 am. You're allowed to be tired." He laughed lightly. "You might wanna get your snoring problem checked out though.."

"Are you serious? Oh my god Seb-"

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding." He laughed out loud now, opening his door and getting out to walk around and open hers.

She slowly stood from her seat, moving to the side so he could close the door. He leaned against the car, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"I'm not sure how you planned all this, but everything tonight...every single moment was perfect. Honestly. I don't know how next time will beat this."

"So, there's gonna be a next time then?" Sebastian smirked.

Rylee blushed, not realizing what words had poured out of her mouth until he said that. "I guess so." She jokingly shrugged. She took a step closer to him, wrapping her arms around the back of his neck. Sebastian took the opportunity to brush a loose strand of hair behind Rylee's hair and then placed his hands on her hips, lightly squeezing them.

Both leaned in simultaneously, kissing one another. Losing themselves in each other for a moment.

A man lightly clearing his throat killed the silence around them. They pulled their lips apart from one another to be able to see who made the noise, a blushing rising on both of their faces when they heard "Good morning, Rylee....Sebastian."
Theo stood eight or so feet away, holding the door open for Rylee.

Sebastian stuck his hand up,waving quickly, embarrassed. "Hi Theo...I'll call you tomorrow Ryles. Have a good night."

"You too, Seb. Careful going home." Rylee stated, she leaned back over to give him one more kiss, and then stepped backwards, turning around to head inside through the door Theo was still holding open.

Theo gave Sebastian a two finger salute as he closed the door behind them. Sebastian did the same back and returned back to his car, starting his drive home, unable to hide the enormous smile that appeared on his face.

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