„Mama, why you cwying?" Avery asked me when we finally got into the car and I couldn't hold back the tears. The thought of losing my daughter between all those people was destroying me. It was the worst feeling I ever experienced and my emotions just came out of me, without even wanting to. Not knowing where your child was, was the worst feeling for every parent.

„Mummy was really scared, because we didn't see you anymore, honey." Harry told her, placing a hand on my thigh. I looked up at him and he looked at me, forming a small smile. „She's okay." He whispered.

„I know." I said. „It was just a lot."

„I know and I'm gonna do something about that guy for sure." He was still mad. I saw how he furrowed his brows and how he gripped onto the wheel.

„Harry, you broke his camera, you won't get through with it." I told him.

„I don't care, he hurt Avery, she is a little kid, my kid and I can't accept that."

„Fine..." I whispered. „Do what you want, I just wanna go home."

He nodded and slipped his hand in mine, stroking his thumb over the back of my hand.
We headed straight home and didn't even talk about what happened.

„Where's Aves?" Harry asked me when I walked downstairs.

„Napping in her room." I told him, sitting down on an armchair and grabbing my book from the couch table.


„Hm?" I didn't look up from my book.

„Are you mad at me?" He asked, sweetly and kind of shy.

„No, why would I be mad at you?"

„Because you didn't say a word on the way home." He said, sitting down on the couch table on the opposite of me.

„I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at myself." I admitted, closing the book and looked down, starting to play with my wedding ring.

„Why is that?"

„Because I'm such a bad mother, Harry." I let out, tears already filling my eyes again.

„What are you talking about?"

„I let go of Avery's hand when we were in the crowd. What was I even thinking? I should have held her in my arms not just her hand..." I cried.

„It's not your fault Grace." He squeezed himself into the armchair next to me, wrapping an arm around me and I let my self fall on his chest. „That guy ripped her away from you, it's not your fault. Please don't think that."

„I could have done more..."

„No, you couldn't have." He pressed a kiss on my head, hugging me tight. „And you're not a bad mother!" He exclaimed. „You're the best mom Avery could ever have."

„Still, I feel so bad and it hurts me that she got hurt." I told him, sobbing into his t-shirt.

„I am still mad at that guy, but Avery is fine and that is the most important thing. She is fine and she's happy, so don't blame yourself."

„I'll try." I nodded, letting go of him and looking up at him. He smiled at me and ran his thumb over my cheeks to wipe away my tears.

„That's a good start." He kissed me on my lips. „Now, let's cook dinner together. I'm sure Avery is gonna wake up soon."

„Yeah, you're right. I thought she would be more tired after today." He nodded, agreeing.

„Come on." He got up and stretched his back and arms, letting out a groan. „Ughh, my back is killing me."

„You're getting old, Styles." I said with a little laugh.

„Please, I'm 25." He said.

„Almost 26." I smirked.

„Almost." He repeated.

„You know, you just shouldn't carry Avery around so much, considering you already have a bad back." I raised my brows and got up to wrap my arms around him. „Is it really that bad?" I asked more serious.

„It's bearable."

„No, but really, you shouldn't carry her around too much." I told him, running my hands over his warm, tensed up back.

„I know, I know." He sighed. „She is just too adorable to say no to."

I smiled at that, because he was right.

„What would I just do without you?" I looked at him, grinning.

„I guess we'll never know, because I won't leave anytime soon."

„Good, because I love you too much to let you leave me." I told him.

„I love you too, my love." He pressed his lips on mine.

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