Part 3: Chapter 53

Start from the beginning

Robyn was at a loss for words. She hated seeing Asha like this, and for some reason, she didn't know how to make her feel better. And looking down at her protruding belly, Robyn felt like she was now hurting Asha more than she was helping, seeing as her babies were snuggled safely in her womb while Imani was god knows where.

When it was time for her to get some rest, she switched places with Briana, who was almost just as quiet as Asha. She didn't know what had happened between them last night, only that they were both shaken up by it.

An hour went by, and it only got darker. Feeling like Meech would be a no-show again, Asha fell asleep. Briana on the other hand, had purposely slept most of the day so that she could stay up and watch Asha for any signs of another nightmare.

Not long into the night, there was a knock at the door. Expecting to see Robyn or at the least, Penny, Briana didn't make a move to get up. It was only when Meech stepped through the door that she shuffled off the bed. He grabbed her as she tried to leave the room.

"You can stay," he said.

"She'll be excited to see you. And I don't want to be in the way of y'all's conversation, so I'll just go to my room."

Meech let her go and she walked out the room, closing the door behind her. He then zeroed in on Asha's covered frame. He made his way over to her and peeled the covers from her body, noticing that she actually looked kinda peaceful. But, he could also see the dried tears sticking to her face which meant that she had cried herself to sleep.

He couldn't help himself—he reached out and caressed her cheek, but stopped when her eyes fluttered open.

"Did you find her?" She jerked up, getting straight to the point.

"I'll fill you in on what I know after you eat," he stated. Asha nodded eagerly and held out her hand as Meech pulled her from the bed. She followed him down into the kitchen where he had an assortment of food. She looked around the familiar kitchen and took a seat at the table.

Asha still wasn't sure why they called this a safe house when it was only Dashawn's crib, which also brought back memories that made her heart clench in pain.

"Why did y'all bring me here of all places?"

Meech had an answer as to why she was stashed away in Dashawn's house, but it wasn't his place to tell so he just shrugged in indifference. Instead, he started pulling out food. He took a seat across from her, unzipping his jacket and setting his gun on the table.

"Eat," he instructed, getting comfortable.

Wanting to appease Meech, she unwrapped a Five Guys burger and took a bite.

"When was the last time you ate?" He asked her.

"I had some soup yesterday. It wasn't bad, and it went down easily," she said taking another bite despite how queasy it made her feel. She fully intended on eating if it meant that she could finally get some answers. She'd rather eat now and then puke it all up later if need be. It's not that Asha was trying to starve herself or make herself sick, she just couldn't eat knowing that there was a possibility that Imani didn't have such luxuries—if Imani was even still alive.

Asha frowned, a new wave of guilt washing over her and causing her to drop the burger on the table.


"Just please tell me what's going on." Meech only nodded, not wanting to upset Asha any further. He then started from the beginning, telling Asha everything. He gave her the full details of everything that had transpired these last few days, even bringing up the fact that he sent Remi back to her dad's. He only left out small unnecessary details.

"Is there anything that I can do?" Asha asked.

"Eat," he said pointing to the food. "You need to be feeling your best when Imani comes home."

"What if she doesn't?"

"She will. I'll make sure of it." Asha said nothing after that. She ate her food, trying hard not to think about the what ifs. Meech watched her for awhile, and even though she mostly picked over the food, he was satisfied that she at least tried.

Asha looked up as Meech's phone started going off.

"What?" He answered.

"Ok, I'm on my way." He abruptly stood up, grabbing his stuff.

"Where are you going?" Asha stood up as well.

"I got business to take care of."

"Can I help?" Her question came out weak. And even though she already knew his answer, it was still worth a shot.

"No Asha." He left after that, barely acknowledging her. Meech had to be stern with her. She needed to know that this shit was beyond her, and that she was way in over her head if she thought that he would even consider putting her in danger. Her helping in any way was completely out of the question, and his answer would not change no matter how many times she asked.

Meech got in his car and drove to the warehouse. He got out and made his way into the building, bypassing security and all the workers. He stalked towards the back of the warehouse and pushed open the door to the office. Meech was greeted by the people he trusted the most, but the one nigga he actually wanted to see stood in the center of the room with his eyes locked on a recent shipment. Meech smirked to himself. He wanted to be angry, but seeing his brother brought back a sense of nostalgia.

"Took you long enough."

This chapter is...meh, it could have been better. But, stay tuned 😘

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