Chapter 100

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~Stella's POV~
Once we heard the alarms, we all got loaded up.
"Let's go!" Casey, Kelly, Herrmann and I yelled.
We all got loaded up into the rigs.
"Hey um... Captain, Lieutenant, Dawson? Maybe you guys should sit this out? Your emotions could take over on this call..." Gallo said.
"Our kids are in that building, there is no way in hell We're not going in that building." Casey, Gabby, and I said.

We got to the school and there were kids everywhere. There was heavy smoke coming out of the building and the fire was rolling quick.
"Where are they?" Gabby said as we got out the truck.

"Mom!" Addilynn came running up to us.
"Hey! Where is your sister and Alyssa and Layla?" I said.
"Alyssa and Layla have a been taking care of people of over there. And Brielle went back inside to get more people out, I tried to run after her, but the smoke got too thick." She explained. She had black soot all over her face.
"Brielle's inside? How many more people are inside?" I asked. Knowing her school only had about 350 people.
"Um.... I think about 100..." she said.

"Alright Dawson with me, Gallo and Otis together, Mouch, help engine." I said.
Dawson and I went inside.
We got a bunch of kids out, but we still couldn't find Brielle.
"Air's low! Let's get new tanks!" Dawson said.

We went back out and got new tanks.
"Any luck finding her?" Kelly asked me.
"No, but we've barely been able to get inside because there are so many collapsed victims just in the hallways." I explained.
"I'm gonna go check on Brett and Foster." Dawson told me.
"Alright. I'm gonna take a quick 2 minute break." I said. Getting some water.

~Dawson's POV~
I went over to Brett and Foster, Alyssa was helping them. So was Addie and Layla.
"No pulse... let's start some compressions Ally." Brett said.
Foster was helping someone else, so Alyssa had to do them. This was the first time she had ever done some real action.

"Me? But I've only done drills!" She said.
"It's just like the drills, you can do it." I told her.
She started to do the compressions as Brett put the kid on the monitors.
"He's got a pulse! Great job Alyssa!" Brett said.
"Let's get him to Med. You 3, help the other paramedics." Brett told Addie, Ally, and Layla as Foster and her got the kid in the rig.

"3 teenagers help us?" One of the paramedics asked.
"She's a paramedic in training and these 2 know basic life support." I said.
"Alright, we need all the help we can get." The paramedic said.
"Dawson let's go back in!" I heard Stella yell out.
"Save some lives guys." I smiled at the girls before running back to Stella.

~Stella's POV~
"Alright I'm gonna go back in with Mills, don't worry we'll find her." Kelly told me, before he ran in with Mills.
"Dawson let's go back in!" I yelled out to her.
She came running over.
"They haven't found Brielle yet?" She asked me.
"No, but Kelly and Mills are going in to find her, let's focus on getting more victims out." I said. Trying to keep my head straight.

We got more victims out. Kelly and Mills came out behind us with more victims.
"Found her yet?" I asked Kelly.
", I'm not giving up." Kelly said.
"Let me ask around real quick." I said. Kelly and Mills ran back in.
"What do you mean?" Gabby asked me.
"Ask around if anyone has seen Brielle. We'll ask around for about a minute and then we'll hear back up and head back in." I explained.

I went over to Violet, one of the paramedics.
"Hey Vi, have you seen Brielle anywhere?" I asked her.
"Brielle? What do you mean? Wait... they go to this school? Which one is Brielle again?" She asked me.
"She's my oldest. She has my curly hair, Kelly's blue eyes, my skin tone." I tried to describe her.
"No, I haven't seen her... you think she's still inside?" She asked me.
"I think so, she's becoming a firefighter, so I know she's probably trying to do everything she can to save a lot of people." I explained.
"I'll let you know if I see her." Violet said.

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