Chapter 73

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~Stella's POV~
"Brielle, can you please get your shoes on? I've asked you 3 times already." I told her.
Today I had my 36 week appointment. Kelly was getting Addie ready.
"I don't want to wear them!" She cried out.
"Bri, you have to wear them. Put them on now!" I said.
"No!" She said and ran out of her room.
I sat on her bed and put my head in my hands.
I've been really fed up with her, she's been testing me so much lately and I barely have any energy.

"What's going on?" Kelly said as he came in the room with Addie.
"I've asked her to put on her shoes like 5 times already and she won't listen... can you deal with her?" I asked him as I got up.
"Yea sure. Brielle, get in here!" He yelled out.
"Yes daddy?" She came in.
"Get your shoes on now. I know your mother has told you many times to do so already. You know she tired so stop giving her such a hard time." He told her.
"Ok..." she finally put on her shoes. I went into the living room with Addie.
"Thank you babe." I gave him a quick kiss.
"Yea of course baby." He told me back with a kiss.

We got in the car and drove to Med.
"When's your next shift?" I asked Kelly.
"Tomorrow, why?" He asked me.
"Are you serious? These girls love to test me and I cannot handle it anymore... do you have to go?" I asked him.
Brielle has been loving to push all my buttons and has been getting on my nerves for the past 2 weeks. She knows I've been having less and less energy and I have been in more pain. And now she's starting to rub off on Addie. Addie is only nice when she isn't with Brielle.
"Yea babe, I have to. You know I'm trying to work as much as I can before the twins are born. I'm trying to take 1 month off to help you." He told me.
"Yea, you're right..." I told him. I'm grateful that Chief is letting Kelly take a month of furlough to be with us. But I know these last 4 weeks or less will be the hardest. But I've been in more pain than usual, so I feel like they're going to come sooner. I've been having more cramps lately.

We got to Med and we went up to April.
"Hey, I got an appointment with Nat." I told her.
"Bay 8. She's in a surgery right now, but she'll be down shortly." She told us.
We got to the room. And of course, the girls would not listen. They were running around the room and trying for touch everything.
"Girls, cut it out now!" I told them for the tenth time. Of course, they wouldn't listen.
"Brielle and Addilynn Severide. Sit down in those chairs right now." Kelly told them.
They didn't listen again.
"Brielle Elizabeth Severide and Addilynn Kay Severide. Sit down right now or you guys will be grounded when we get home!" I lost it. I was so aggravated. They finally listened. I didn't even realize Natalie came in.

"You guys ok?" She asked.
"Yea.. they've just been giving her a hard time..." Kelly said. I rested my head on Kelly's shoulder.
"Aw. I'm sorry... well, would you like to check on them?" She asked.
"Yea, please." I said.
Nat turned on the machine and we heard the boys' heartbeats.

"Heartbeats are nice and strong. You're 36 weeks. And because this is your third pregnancy. Once you started feeling any strong contractions, even if you think they are kinda strong, come in right away. Since this is your third pregnancy, your labor can be much much faster. And it's twins, so we might have to do an emergency c-section incase if anything isn't right with their positions." She told me.
"Ok, is there anything else?" I asked her.
"You unfortunately aren't dilated at all, but I wouldn't worry about that since your only 36 weeks, but with twins, you can go into labor sooner. So, have you guys started thinking about names? I know with the girls you picked the names pretty quick!" Nat laughed.
"We're each naming one of them. I already have name picked out, but we'll tell them to each other when they are born." I told her.
"I have a name picked out too."Kelly smiled at me.
"That's exciting! I'll see you for your 38 week appointment!" Nat told me.
"If I make it till then... I feel like they're gonna come sooner." I said.
"How so?" She asked.
"More cramping than usual, and I've just been in more pain overall. With the girls, remember, I was super nauseous leading up to labor, and I've been getting really nauseous lately, it's like the girls' pregnancies, I feel like I have to throw up like really bad, but I just can't..." I said.
"Ok, well if anything at all feels weird, come to med. Have you been taking those gummies?" She asked me.
"Yea, but like with the girls, when I'm nauseous towards the end, they don't work..." I said.
"Ok, let's hope you make it to 38 weeks." She laughed.
"Alright thanks!" I said as we left.

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