Chapter 80

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-Time Jump-
Severide Kids:
Brielle is now 7; in 2nd grade.
Addilynn is now 5; in Kindergarten.
Greyson and Jaxson are now 3; still in daycare.
Casey Kids:
Alyssa is now 7; in 2nd grade.
Layla is now 5; in Kindergarten.
Oliver is now 3; still in daycare.

~Stella's POV~
I was getting the kids ready for school while Kelly was making breakfast.
"Come on, Addie, your turn." I said as I finished Brielle's hair.
Addie hopped on the stool as Brielle got off of it.
"Alright, so you want loose hair like Bri or what do you want?" I asked her.
"Can I have the buns?" She asked. I did space buns in her a couple days ago.

I did her hair then all the kids went to the kitchen.
"Mommy? You know we have a field trip today?" Brielle asked me.
"No, where?" I asked.
"I don't know. They didn't tell us and said it was a surprise." She said.
"That's cool. Maybe you guys will go to the museum or something." I said.
"Yea, it's only Ally's and I's class, since the our class did the best on the tests during testing week." She said.
"That's cool, tell me about it when I pick you up tomorrow from Auntie Cindy's. It's Friday so when Daddy and I pick you guys up tomorrow, how about we do something fun?" I said.
"Ok!" She said.

We dropped the kids off at school/ daycare and then Kelly and I drove to the firehouse.
"What do you want to do with the kids tomorrow?" I asked him as we got ready in the locker room.
"I don't know... maybe we could take them to the park?" He suggested.
"Yea maybe. That would be good." I said.
"Briefing's starting." Mills came in and told us.

"Ok guys, today we will have a school class come for a field trip. Which means two of you will be in charge of running it." Chief said.
We all groaned. We have a love-hate relationship with these things. It's fun to show the kids and all. But it's also a lot of work to set everything up and to do the actual presentation for them.
"Do we know what grade?" Gabby asked.
"Elementary. That's all they said." Chief said.
"Alright. Chief, who's doing it?" Herrmann asked.
"Dawson and Kidd." Chief said.
Dawson and I got our heads on the desk. Everyone laughed.
"Why do we always get the little ones?" Gabby groaned.
"They come at noon and leave at 2 so be prepared." Chief said.
"Yes Chief.." Gabby and I reluctantly said.
"Dismissed." Chief said.

As soon as briefing was over, Dawson and I went to the apparatus floor to make a plan for the kids.
"So how about we tell them about how some of the gear and tools work? We can show them a demo on a forced entry, and then maybe a drill or two. Then answer questions." I suggested.
"Yea, that sounds good. Let's get a door in here and maybe we can get Cruz to show them the slamigian, and we can show them how much easier it is than the two of us using a haligan and an axe." Gabby said.
"Alright, and we can show them a basic ladder drill and a dummy drag, and then we can let them try on a hat and maybe a spare SCBA mask." I said.

We got the doors out on the driveway and our bunker coats out, our gear, and got the drills set up. We also set us a mini dummy drag for the kids with a lighter dummy and some cones.

It was now 1130 and we had everything set up.
Gabby and I went up to Cruz.
"Cruz, we need you for the visit today, just for like 15 minutes." Gabby said.
"What, why? Its your turns to do it." He said.
"We need you to show the kids the slamigan. And we'll show how more efficient and easier is it than having the two of us with a haligan and an axe." I explained.
"Ok sure. When do you need me?" He asked.
"At like 1245 maybe. We're gonna show them them the bunker gear first, then we will show them the forced entry stuff, then we'll do a quick ladder drill, then we have a mini dummy drag for them to try." Gabby said.
"Ok, I'll be there." He said.
"You better." Gabby said before we went out.

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