Chapter 6

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~Gabby's POV~
Matt, Kelly and I have been talking for about 1.5 hours now. Kelly didn't want to sleep so I got Matt to get Uno from our house. We've been playing for an hour now and so far, I've won 3 rounds, Matt won 1, and Kelly won 2. So far, I think Kelly was winning this round but I knew I could still beat him.
"Pick up four, Matt!" I yelled excitedly at Matt.
"Man, you can't give me a break, can u Gab?" Matt told me laughing. He looked like he has like half of the deck now in his hands.
"Alright. I change it to Blue." Matt told Kelly.
"Uno!" Kelly said.

*5 mins later*
"Uno out!" Kelly said.
"How?!?" I said laughing, throwing my card at him.
"Hey, how long until we can see Stella?" Kelly asked me, his smile going away.
"Well Will said two hours, 1.5 hours ago. Want me to go check?" I told him. 
"Yea, could you?" Kelly asked me.

I walked down the hall to find Will. As I started walking around, I found Maggie. I knew Maggie would know what was going on with her. She told me that April was with Kelly when he got brought in, and she had Stella.
"Maggie? You have any updates on Stella?" I asked her.
"Oh yea, I was about to go to Kelly. She is starting to wake up, but she isn't waking up fully. She keeps just staying sleepy. But we took her get a CAT scan about 5 minutes ago. Every came out good, nothing is wrong. We think her body is just super tired because of all the stress it's been on." Maggie told me.
"But Kelly was fine. And he was the one with head trauma? Why is she more tired than him?" I asked her. My brain was so tired I couldn't even think straight.

"Well, Stella's body was put through more trauma. And she's in more pain right now than Kelly. All of Kelly's injuries are almost all healed up. The right side of Stella's body is covered in cuts and bruises. And her whole body is very sore. Her body is very tired and weak. That's why she is more tired, she's weak." Maggie told me. I didn't even think about Stella's body being weak from all the trauma. My brain was so fried that I literally couldn't even think.
"When can we see her?" I asked her very worried.
"She's been asking for Kelly, that's the only thing she manages to get out besides the cries of pain. How's Kelly?" She asked me.
"Kelly was walking around to go to the bathroom. He wasn't in any pain besides his head." I told her. I could tell she was happy that Kelly was barely injured.
"Ok, let's go get Kelly. But I'll tell him about Stella's condition." Maggie told me.

~Kelly's POV~
Maggie just told me about Stella. I felt so bad. She was so tired, weak, and in a ton of pain. I just wanted to lay with her and let her know it's alright. I asked Maggie if I could see her. She told me yes. She took my IV's out and told me I had to go in a wheelchair. Matt rolled me out and we all went to Stella's room.

~Stella's POV~
I was so tired. Every-time I woke up. I couldn't wake up. My body wouldn't fully wake up. I was in so much pain. I could barely talk and was crying in pain.
"Stella, it's ok..." Dr. Manning was telling me. I could only see her. I wondered where Kelly was. How was he? Was he hurt bad?
"K-Kelly? K-ow" I struggled to say. I was just crying so hard I kept coughing.
"Stella, it's ok. Maggie went to get him. He's doing really good, he's barely hurt." Manning told me. When I heard that I was so happy. But my body was in so much pain.
I was coughing so much because I was crying.
"Do we need to up her oxygen?" I heard a nurse say.
"Yea, she's just coughing from all the crying, but it doesn't hurt to give more oxygen." Dr. Manning said.

All of a sudden Kelly appeared in the room. I was crying from the pain. "Babe, it's ok. Shh, I'm here. I'll never leave you ok?" Hearing his voice calmed me down so much.
"I.. I love you, babe" I kept coughing from crying.
"Stella.. you worried me so much, do that again and you'll be dead" Gabby said laughing. It made me laugh too.

-3 days later-
We've been home from the hospital for 2 days now. Kelly didn't have shift and I was out for the next 2 as well. I was so happy to be home again. Everyone from the house came over yesterday. Dawson apparently never called anyone. We all just hung out for about 2 hours before everyone headed home. Today was shift for them.


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