Chapter 35

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~Kelly's POV~
It was about 9 am and I had been awake for about 1
hour already. Stella was still sleeping. Then she finally started to wake up.
"Morning sunshine." I said she woke up and looked at me.
"Mmh." She said as she pulled the blanket over her head and went closer to me.
"Couldn't sleep?" I asked her.
"No. I swear I only got like 2 hours of sleep." She told me as she just kept her head in the blanket.
"You want breakfast?" I asked her.
"Yea sure..." she told me.
She slept more as I made breakfast. I made bacon and eggs. I went into the bedroom and gave Stella a kiss to wake her up. We ate breakfast and decided to do something.
"Hey, what do you want to do today?" I asked her.
"I don't know. Maybe go to IKEA? We've been talking about getting a new sofa and entertainment center for the living room. Plus we were also talking about redoing the bathroom in our room and touching up Brielle's." She told me.
"Yea but... she will be here in 8 weeks or less. Don't you think doing the bathrooms now will be too much work in a little time frame?" I asked her.
"I've seen Casey do a whole bathroom Reno in less than a week. You can ask him to help you. And besides, all we're doing is just changing the sinks and maybe the walls. Maybe " She told me.
"Alright. IKEA it is. Let's get dressed." I said as we got up and went to our closets.
She got excited because we've been talking about doing this for a couple months now.
We got dressed and headed over there.

~Stella's POV~
"Alright, so we need to find a new TV stand with drawers, a new couch, and new bathroom stuff." I said as we walked in.
"What kind of couch?" Kelly asked me.
"Like one of those big "U" shaped couches. The really puffy soft ones. I wanted to get one in a dark grey." I explained.
"Do we even have space for that?" He asked me.
"Yes, the space is actually 15ft by 10ft." I told him.
"Really? I thought it was smaller than that." He said.

We looked around when we found the perfect couch.
"Omg Kelly look! It's literally perfect!" I told him. We tested it out and Kelly wrote down the numbers so we could go get all the boxes at the end.
We went to the bathroom section and found a nice sleek modern design for our bathroom, and a cute simple one for the other bathroom.
We couldn't find a good TV stand but that wasn't a real priority.

We walked through the whole store and went to the area where all the boxes were.
"You want some help with those?" I asked Kelly as he was loaded the boxes into the cart. He wouldn't let me do anything.
"No, it's fine I got it." He said as he struggled to put all the boxes in the cart. He finally got everything in and we checked out.

"Want to go to the park?" I asked him as we got in the car.
"For what?" He asked.
"We can chill out and get some ice cream." I told him.
"Let's go." He said as he started the car and headed over.

We watched the kids on the playground by the park.
"In a year or two we'll be there watching her play or playing with her." Kelly whispered into my ear smiling.
"Yea I know... I can't wait for her to be here." I told him, putting my hand on my stomach. We hung out at the park for a little bit before getting ice cream and heading home.
"It's already 6pm... want to ask Casey and Dawson to come over this weekend and Casey can help you build this stuff?" I told him as we went inside as Kelly put all the boxes in the living room.
"Yea, we can ask them during shift tomorrow." He told me.

-couple days later-
Dawson and Casey came over and Casey helped Kelly build the couch and did both bathrooms the day before. Dawson and I were hanging out in Brielle's nursery as the guys built the sofa.
"Isn't it crazy how we only have about 2 months left of duty?" Dawson asked me.
"Yea it's honestly surreal. How long you taking maternity leave for?" I asked her.
"I'm going to do that desk job until I'm about 35 weeks. Then I think when she's maybe...a year old maybe a year and a half, I'll go back to truck." She told me.
"Oh same! I'm thinking of going back maybe a month after she turns one." I told her.

A little while later the guys finished building the couch. Dawson and I went out to see it.
"Omg it's huge!" I laughed.
"Yea I know! I didn't think it would look right but I think it looks good in here." Kelly told me.
"It's comfy." Dawson and I said as we laid down on it.
We hung out for a bit before Casey and Dawson left home.


All I Need Is You  जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें