Chapter 68

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~Kelly's POV~
When I woke up I was in a bit of pain. I couldn't pinpoint where my pain was though. I opened my eyes and heard Brielle and saw her sitting there in front of me. She hugged me and it sort of hurt. I guess I got hurt there. But I don't even remember what happened.
I asked Dr. Rhodes what happened and once he told me I remembered everything.
"I've been out for almost 2 weeks? How's Stella? Is she awake?" I asked.
"She's doing great Kelly.. don't worry, she's still out, but right now let's focus on you." Rhodes told me.
"This whole thing has been very hard on her..." Gabby told me putting her hand on Brielle's shoulder.

Once I heard that, my eyes started to tear up. I didn't know Brielle understood everything.
"Alright Kelly, I want to run some tests on you to just make sure everything is fine. Some CTs, labs, and just some stuff to make sure everything is fine like we are hoping." Rhodes told me.
"Ok, Bri, how about you go with Auntie Gabby and Uncle Matt ok?" I told her.
"Ok," she said. I wondered if the other girls were here.
"Where's the rest of them?" I asked Casey.
"Addie, Ally, and Layla are with Reese in a family lounge room." He told me.

I got all the tests done and was now just waiting on the results. But the whole time, I couldn't stop thinking about Stella.

~Gabby's POV~
Matt and I were with Reese and the girls in the room. Brielle was much happier than I have ever seen her and it made me cry. She was finally her bubbly old self, this past 2 weeks have taken a real toll on her, but she was back. The happy little girl was back.

Then Rhodes came in.
"Hey, let's talk out here." He told us.
Matt and I got up and went out of the room.
"Ok, so everything is looking great right now! We just got all the labs and scans back and there is absolutely nothing wrong! This is greats news and if he continues to stay like this, he can be discharged tomorrow afternoon." He told us.
"Omg that's great!" I said.
"Yea, and we've seen some real improvement in Stella too, her Stats are now 100% and her brain activity is at 99%. Now, we're just waiting for her to wake up. She's 8 weeks pregnant, we think, and OB has an appointment to check her later today." He said. Then his pager beeped. "Stella." He told us as he ran to her room, we ran after him.

April was in Stella's room. And Stella was just laying there, but something looked off.
"She's awake?" I asked.
"Yea, but her eyes aren't opening, but look." She said. April opened Stella's eyes and her eyes are moving back and forth.
"Stella, if you can hear me, stop moving your eyes." April told her. Then Stella stopped moving her eyes.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"I've seen something like this before, but I need to do one test..." Rhodes said.
He took a syringe and started poking Stella.
"Stella, if you can feel this, take a loud breath out through your nose." He told her. Then we heard Stella breathe out.

"What is it?" I asked.
"It's, pseudo-coma, it's where patient is aware but cannot move or communicate verbally due to complete paralysis of nearly all voluntary muscles in the body except for vertical eye movements or blinking, but she isn't blinking." He told us.
"Can you fix it?" I asked.
"Yea, There is one medicine that has been tested to help this. Stella? Are you ok with that? Move your eyes up and down if yes." He opened up her eyes and she started moving them up and down.
"April start with the medication, and also give her fluids." He told her.

We left the room and were all super confused.
"How did this happen?" I asked Rhodes.
"It most likely happened because of the severe pressure she had in her brain, and it turned into a stroke, then when those wore off, this happened..." he said.
"What the results of this medicine working?" I asked.
"It's only been tested once, but it worked.." he said.
"Alright, so you're saying you're hopeful?" Matt asked him.
"Yes, yes I am." Rhodes said.

About an hour later, I went to check on Stella. There was no one else in the room. I pulled up a chair next to her bed and held her hand.
"Hey Stella... Kelly's awake. And the girls are doing good.. they've been staying with us these past 2 weeks. These past 2 weeks have been a rollercoaster... I thought I was going to loose you so many times.. but, now I have a great feeling this will be the last time." I told her. I had tears in my eyes.
"Quit getting all emotional... I'm ok." I heard her whisper.
"Oh my.. Stell?" I asked.
I looked up and she was awake and looking at me.
"Hey.. don't worry, I'm not going anywhere.." she said.
Then Rhodes walked in.
"Hey! You're awake!" He said.
"Yup...Awake but tired." She said, slightly laughing.
"That's understandable, get some rest, and I'll fill you in on everything." He said. We left the room.

"When are you gonna tell he that she's pregnant?" I asked him.
"Let's give her time to rest and decompress.. she's been through a lot right now..." he told me.
"Yea, ok, you're right..." I told him.

A little while later, Dr. Rhodes, Dr. Manning, and I went into Stella's room.
"Hey, so what even happened?" Stella asked.
"You and Kelly got caught in a building explosion... he's doing great, he's awake and everything, and you've both been out for the past 2 weeks in comas.." Nat said.
"Wait? What? 2 weeks? How are the girls?" Stella asked.
"They're doing good. They've been staying with us, they've been going to school and everything.
Addilynn doesn't really understand what's going on, but this has been super hard on Brielle.." I told her.
"I should've never ran to the 9th floor... did they ever find the woman?" Stella asked.
"No, they're wasn't anyone on the 9th floor.." I told her.
"Great.. is there anything else that is wrong? Like something that I should be worried about?" She asked.

~Stella's POV~
I can't believe that because of my stupidity, Kelly and I got really hurt. I'm thankful that we both made it out alive. And that we have Gabby and Matt to take care of the girls. But I was confused.. it looked like they were keeping a secret. And I was feeling off, but I know that's just because of everything I just went through.

"Is there something you guys aren't telling me?" I asked them.
"Well.. yes..." Nat said.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Stella.. you're pregnant." Gabby told me.
"What? There's no way..." I said.
"Well, we have the blood and lab results right here.. and they both say yes.." Rhodes showed me the tablet.
"I have to stop firefighting again?" I put my head in my hands.
"It's ok Stella, maybe you can still be in ambo?" Gabby said.
"Maybe... but omg, again? How far along am I?" I asked.
"Based on our assessment, you should be about 8 weeks right now..." Nat told me.
"Can we do a check up now?" I asked.
"Yes of course." Nat told me.

She got the machine in and did the ultrasound.
"Ok, Stella, you actually are about 10 weeks... right now. In 2 weeks, I'll check everything else, like heartbeat. Measurements, and everything else." Nat told me.
"Ok, that's great... can I see Kelly now?" I asked.
"Yes sure." Rhodes got my bed unlocked and wheeled me into Kelly's room.
His eyes lit up when he saw me.
"Hi baby." I said as I saw him.
"Hey! See? This is what happened when we screw up." He laughed.
"Ok, ok, I'm sorry." I told him.
"It's fine baby, we got lucky." He told me.
We gave me a kiss before Reese came in with Bri and Addie.
They were so happy to see us. I didn't want to tell Kelly right now that I was pregnant... but I will soon.


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