Chapter 38

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~Stella's POV~
Today was Dawson and I's last shift. We were all about to leave. Dawson and I were outside talking when Kelly and Casey came to us.
"That was good last day on ambo. We had some action with that apartment complex fire." Gabby told me as we were sitting outside.
"Yea it was. But I'm excited to be home now. What will you even do on this desk job?" I asked her.
"Basically what Connie does. I'll just help her. But I don't know, I was talking to Matt and I think I might just stay home... I'll do a couple shifts at the desk and see." She told me.
"Hey guys.. come inside real quick." Kelly and Casey came out.
Dawson and I were confused but went in. All of a sudden everyone came out and yelled "surprise!"
Dawson and I got so scared.
"Aww thanks guys!" We both said.
"Happy last day. Guys. Gabby, we'll still see you, but it won't be the same on calls without you..." Herrmann told us and gave us a hug.

Kelly and I got home from shift.
"That apartment fire was crazy today.." Kelly laughed as we walked in the door.
"Yea it was... just glad no one got hurt like last time." I said.
"Happy to be home now?" Kelly asked me as we laid on the bed.
"Yes. This past 2-3 weeks have been hard. Especially since she is just always kicking and my back is constantly hurting." I told him.
"When is your 36 week appointment again?" He asked me.
"Tomorrow." I told him.

-Next day-
Kelly and I were headed over to Med for the appointment.
"Hey guys!" Natalie said as she walked in setting up the machine.
"Hey!" I told her.
"Alright so.. your 36 weeks now. You still working?" She asked me.
"Nope, last shift of yesterday. And thank god. It was getting way too hard at the end." I laughed.
"Alright so, you're technically full term. Baby girl can come any day now! Take it easy now. Have you been having any pain?" Natalie said.
"Yea, my back is constantly hurting, and she is almost always kicking." I told her.
"That is totally normal. Come back at 38 weeks for another check up. You might start to feel these really strong cramps. They are basically just false labor cramps. But if they start to get really bad and close together. Come right in, that might be labor." She said.

We got home and we were just hanging out.
"Babe, I'm starving, do you want to go get something to eat?" I said.
"Yea sure, where were you thinking?" He asked me.
"Panera." I told him.

We got to Panera.
I ordered a bowl of broccoli cheddar and a bbq chicken sandwich. Kelly got a bowl of New England clam chowder and a BLT sandwich.
"How big do you think she'll be?" I asked Kelly.
"Idk.. maybe 7lbs?" He told me.
"Rlly? I think more like 6." I told him.
"Wanna bet?" He asked me.
"What's the cost?" I asked him.
"Loser has to change all the night diapers for the first week." He told me.
"You're on!" I told him.

-one week later-
Kelly was on shift and I heard a knock at the door.
"Heyyyy" Dawson said with a bag in her hand.
"Hey! I thought you were on shift?" I asked her.
"I stopped that desk job.. it was too boring and I would rather just be at home for these next few months before she's born. But, I brought us our favorite donuts from that donut shop that we used to always stop by!" Gabby told me.
"Ooh yay!" I said as I let her in.
"So what did Natalie say at your 36 week appointment?" Gabby asked me.
"She basically said that all my back aches and her kicking constantly is normal, which I knew. And that I'll start to experience these fake labor cramps. But if they get too close and painful go to med because it could be labor." I explained.
"Oh ok, I have my 30 week appointment next week, and I'm getting you have your 38 one next week?" She questioned.
"Yea. If she doesn't come before then." I laughed.


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