Chapter 15

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~Stella's POV~
I woke up in Kelly's arms. I didn't want to wake him up, but all of a sudden, Brielle kicked me in my bladder. I managed to get out of Kelly's arms and went to the bathroom. When I came back Kelly was awake.
"Hey beautiful." He said with a smile on this face when I came back in the room.
"Hey, sorry I didn't mean to wake you. Brielle kicked me in the bladder and-" I started to say as I laid back next to him. But then I got interrupted by Kelly kissing me.
"Hey, it's fine. And it's 9:30 anyways. So we should probably get up." He told me. Placing his hand on my bump. It was getting so much bigger now.

~Kelly's POV~
We got up, made the bed and went to the kitchen.
"So, what are my girls hungry for today?" I said as I walked towards the fridge.
"IHOP?" Stella asked.
"Sure! Let's get dressed." I told her.
We got dressed and headed towards IHOP.

"Hey, for 2?" I asked the hostess.
"Of course! This way!" She said grabbing some menus and taking us to our table.
"What do we want today?" Stella said looking at the menu then down at her stomach. I lightly chuckled.
"Alright, what would you guys like to drink?" The waitress came over and asked us.
"2 waters, one coffee, one hot chocolate." I told her.
"Perfect! And do you guys still need a few or are you ready to order?" She asked us.
"We're ready." Stella told her.
"I'll have the tall stack of French toast with a side of bacon." I told the waiter.
"I'll have the Oreo pancakes with home fries, sausage, and eggs on the side." Stella told her.
The waiter chuckled a bit when she heard what Stella ordered.
"Um, is there a problem?" Stella asked her. I could she was getting mad. I took her hand to calm her down.
"No, it's just,... are you guys going to share that food? It's seems like a lot. Most people get that meal so they can split it with someone." The waitress told us. I could see Stella getting really mad. She unzipped her jacket and moved the menu so the waitress could see her bump.
"Well, yes, I am going to split it with her. Not that it's any of your business." Stella rolled her eyes at her. Rubbing her stomach.
"I am- I am so sorry." She tried apologizing to us.
"Hey, can we get a new waiter?" I asked the waitress.
"I-I um... sure.." She said.

A few minutes later some other waiter brought us our drinks.
"Here you guys go! Is there anything else you guys need?" He asked us.
"No, I think we're good." Stella told him, getting a spoon to eat the whipped cream off her hot chocolate.
"Perfect! Your food should be out in 10 minutes!" He told us as he left.

Our food came. As we were eating I asked Stella.
"Hey, you want to go to the cabin for the weekend? I'm pretty sure we Boden will let us miss one shift."
"Yea sure! And I'm pretty sure Dawson or Mills can fill in for me!" She said excitedly. She loves going to the cabin.
"Alright it's settled. When we get back to the house, we'll pack, I'll call Chief Saturday morning to see if we can call in sick. And we should be in the road by 1!" I told her.

What Stella didn't know, was that I'm planning to propose to her. I have a whole set up over there already. I asked Casey to go down there this morning to set a something up. He sent me photos a little while ago and it looked perfect.

We got home. We each got a duffle, packed a couple outfits, we already have a couple of outfits there anyways. I told Stella to get some snacks for herself for the road. When she left the room I went into my nightstand drawer and took out the box with the ring in it. I put it in my pocket. As she came back I asked her. "You have any dresses there? I was thinking we could go out to eat tonight." I wanted to take her out after I proposed.
"Yea, I have some long fitted dresses that should still fit me because they are stretchy, but they would obviously be shorter. And I some flowy ones too." She explained.
"Ok good! I have some nice outfits there as well." I told her.

-On the road-
Stella blared her music almost the whole ride. She fell asleep but woke up from me pressing on the break a little to hard and honking my horn.
"Sorry, sorry, this guy cut me off." I told her.
"It's fine, but how far is the next rest stop?" She asked. Shaking her legs.
"Um, about 2 minutes?" I told her.
"Can we please stop there?" She asked me.
"Sure" I chuckled.
We were only about 20 minutes away from the cabin, but I knew she wouldn't be able to hold it that long. Stella and I went into the rest stop and used the bathroom. We came out and Stella said "I'm hungry" we looked around the rest stop and found a Taco Bell, a Wendy's, and a Chinese food place.
"What do you guys want?" I asked Stella.
"Wendy's!" She said excitedly.
We ordered, and ate in the car parking lot.
"Babe, you know how much I love you?" She asked me.
"No, tell me again." I laughed. She hit me on the shoulder than kissed me for a good 5 minutes.
"That much." She said.
We finished eating, threw everything out, and got back on the road. I decided to stall for a bit because it was only 4pm. I wanted to propose to Stella by 7 some could go out to eat at 9.
"Hey, there are some outlets near here, you want to do some shopping?" I asked her.
"Ooh yes! Let's go!" She said excitedly.


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