Chapter 16

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~Stella's POV~
I was excited about going shopping in the outlets. I wanted to buy Brielle some clothes. We also had to start working on her nursery. Kelly won't let me help because he wants the theme to be a surprise.

-At Buy Buy Baby-
I found a cute onesie said "my daddy saves lives" and it had a fire truck on it. I tried to find one that said that about moms but I couldn't find any. Some lady came up to me as I was trying to look.
"Can I help you find anything?" She asked me.
"I'm trying to find a shirt that says something specific. But it doesn't seem like you guys have it." I explained.
"Well what are you trying to look for?" She asked me.
"Do you guys have a onesie like this, but that says mommy?" I asked her. Holding up the onesie I had. She laughed a little.
"No, why would we have that? I've never met a woman firefighter." She said.
"Hi, I'm Lieutenant Stella Kidd with the CFD. And this is my boyfriend Lieutenant Kelly Severide with the CFD." I told her. Pointing to Kelly as he walked over by me to see what was going on. I passed my Lieutenant's test a little over 6 months ago. I was just waiting for a placement. Her face went pale.
"Oh, I'm so sorry... but no, we don't have any clothes that say that..." She told us before walking away in shame.
"What was that all about?" Kelly asked me confused.
"I asked her if they had something like this, but with mommy" I told him. Showing the onesie I had. "But she laughed at me and told me that they wouldn't have that because she has never met a woman firefighter." I explained.
"Well, it's ok, because you are one hell of a firefighter and Brielle will be so lucky to have you as her mommy." Kelly said as he kissed me. We bought Brielle a couple more outfits before we headed to the Cabin.

~Kelly's POV~
I was so excited to propose to Stella. She started getting a little tired in the car. We had 30 minutes left of the car ride, so I left her get a small power nap in.

-At the Cabin-
I parked outside of the cabin.
"Stella, babe, we're here." I said as I started moving her to wake up.
"Huh... oh yay!" She said excitedly but sleepily. I gave her a few minutes to wake up before we got out. She headed for the trunk before I said.
"Let's wait to see what outfits we have here before getting all the bags out." I told her. She was confused but agreed.
I opened the door and Stella's face lit up.

There were rose petals at the front entrance leading to the kitchen. There was a big sign that said "turn around". When Stella turned around I was already on one knee.
"Stella Kidd, from the day I met you, I knew I would love you forever. You were my light at the end of the tunnel. We have made so many happy memories and I hope we will make so much more. I am so excited to become a father with you and watch our daughter grow up. I want to be with you forever and never leave your side. Stella Kidd, will you marry me?" I said with tears in my eyes.
"Hell yea! I will, Kelly Severide, I will!" She said crying. I put the ring on Stella and we kissed for a minute before going into the room to change.

"I love you babe." Stella told me as we started to get dressed.
"I love you too" I told her back and kissed her.
"Does this look good?" Stella asked me. She was wearing a black fitted dress that went up to the middle of her thighs. It usually goes just under her knees. But it rides up because of her bump. With black heels, gold earrings, and a gold necklace. She looked stunning.
"You look like a goddess, babe. Or should I say fiancé?" I said. She blushed.
"I love you too, fiancé." She said as she kissed. "And might I say, you look very handsome in the outfit." She added. I was wearing some black jeans, an Oakley shirt and a black leather jacket.

We headed to the restaurant.
"Hi, table for 2?" The host asked.
"Yes please." I told him.

~Stella's POV~
I started regretting wearing heels. My feet were already hurting and we barely walked anywhere. We sat down at the table and got the menus. Soon a waitress came over.

"Hey folks how are you guys today?" She was very bubbly.
"Good, and you?" Kelly and I said.
"Very good, thanks for asking! Now let me read you the drinks! So we have-" she started to say. But I interrupted her.
"That's not necessary..." I told her. I was sitting across from her, so she couldn't see my bump. And Kelly just gets beer.
"Oh, you'll love these choices!" She said. I looked at Kelly and he just looked at me and whispered "just let her say them."
"Go ahead..." I said reluctantly.

"Alright! So we have a bottle of Red or White wine. We have this orange Sangria with apples. It's my favorite. We have margaritas. We have Patron tequila. Jack Daniels Whiskey. We have tap and bottled beer. We have bourbon, brandy, vodka, and sake. Any questions?" She told us.
"What kind of tap beer do you have?" Kelly asked her.

"Corona, Coors lite, blue moon, Heineken, and Bud lite." She said.
"Let me get a blue moon." Kelly told her.
"12oz, 16oz, 18oz, or 24oz?" She asked.
"16oz, thanks" Kelly told her.
"And for you?" She looked at me. I wasn't even paying attention. I was on my phone, since I can't get any alcohol.
"Stella." Kelly told me and grabbed my hand to get my attention.
"What?" I asked him.
"What would you like to drink?" The waitress asked me again.

"Oh, sorry, um I'll get a Diet Coke."I told her.
"You sure you don't want any of the drinks I just mentioned?" She looked at me confused.
"Yes, I'm sure" I told her.
"You sure? They're really good. I recommend the-" she tried to say. But I interrupted her. I was getting annoyed, she'd been at our table for 15 minutes already just trying to talk about alcohol.
"I'm fine. I don't want any." I told her. Kelly got my hand, he saw I was getting annoyed.
"Alright, your loss." She told us rudely. I was about to yell at first when Kelly whispered to me. "Just get up and go to the bathroom, she'll see your bump and leave you alone about the alcohol."
She was writing our drinks down when I got up. She saw my stomach and her face went from rude to shock.
"Oh, I am so sorry!" She apologized. I already was walking to the bathroom.

~Kelly's POV~
"It's fine." I told the waitress. She left to go get our drinks. When Stella came back. She looked like she calmed down.
"You ok now?" I asked her.
"Yea, yea... she was just annoying me." She said.
The waitress came back with our drinks and took our order.

"I'll have a 16oz thick cut NY strip with asparagus on the side." Stella asked her.
"I'll have the 18oz T-bone steak with mash potatoes on the side." I told her.
"Ok, any appetizers?" She asked us.
"Yea, can we get an order of the garlic knots and an order of the bbq chicken bites?" Stella asked her.
"Of course! It should be about 30 minutes!" She told us.
"Great, thanks" I told her. She took our menus and me and Stella talked.
"So, I think we should do the gender reveal soon. Brett is keeps bugging me about it. Maybe we can have some party at the firehouse. Maybe Chief can put the house out of service for that day." Stella said.
"That sounds like a great idea!" I told her. All of a sudden we heard "help, help! She's not breathing!"


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