Chapter 92

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~Stella's POV~
I woke up in a fog.
"What?- what happened?" I asked as I started to wake up.
"Babe! Oh I was so worried!" Kelly came over.
I saw that I was in the ICU.
"Where, where is she? Where's-where's the baby?" I asked.
"She's doing good. She wasn't breathing at first. But she's fine..." Kelly said, pointing to a crib in the corner of the room.

I sat up and looked over at the crib.
"How long have I been out?" I asked.
"2 hours." Kelly said.
"Can I see her?" I asked pointing to the crib.
Kelly gave me our daughter.
"Does she have a name yet?" I asked, smiling at her sleeping in my arms.
"No, I wanted to wait until you woke up. You have any names in mind? I only had one." Kelly asked.
"What was your idea?" I asked him.
"Rae. Rae Kinney Severide." He said.
"I was thinking Oakley.. but I didn't have any middle names in mind. Why don't we make her have two middle names? Oakley Rae Kinney Severide." I said.
"I like that.. Oakley... it's perfect." He smiled.

"Hey! You're awake! You both gave us quite a scare." Nat and Rhodes came in.
"Yea.. I guess that's our family specialty.." I laughed.
"Does her have a name yet? I have to do her birth certificate." Nat asked.
"Yea.. Oakley Rae Kinney Severide." I said.
"I'll be right back." Nat said, taking Oakley.

"Alright I just need to do a quick assessment." Rhodes told me.
"Why you? Did I have anything wrong with my heart?" I asked him.
"Yea... you coded when you passed out after giving birth. Your heart just gave out. We almost took you up to the OR for surgery. But luckily, we waited 5 minutes and it was just a false alarm. But we want to keep you here, not only because you just gave birth, but to keep a close eye on your heart." Rhodes explained.
"Ok... is it anything serious?" I asked.
"No, not at all. Just a precaution." Rhodes said.

Nat came back in with Oakley.
"Hey! So everyone from the firehouse is trying to come. And your kids are getting kind of restless. Who do you want in?" She asked.
"Well, we don't need 15 firefighters in the ICU. So just bring in the kids please. And Casey."
I said.
"Ok, Gabby's here too, want her as well?" Nat asked.
"Yea, of course." I said. I took Oakley back in my arms.

"Knock knock!" I heard someone say. I looked up and saw Gabby, Matt, Brielle, Addilynn, and the twins.
"Hey!" I said.
"Is that baby sister?" Addilynn asked.
"Yea, it is, want to hold her?" I asked.
She got on the bed.

"She's adorable.. what's her name?" Gabby asked.
"Oakley Rae Kinney Severide." I said.
"I heard you gave birth in the Squad truck and there was a scare. What happened?" Gabby asked.
"So last night I had some bad cramping. It got a little bad, but then they just stopped. So we just let it go. Then the kids wanted to see Kelly today. But I got some more cramps, and I got super nauseous. It sorta subsided after 10 minutes. So we decided to go to the firehouse. Then at the firehouse I got some more bad cramps. Got even more nauseous, and threw up. And then my water broke. Apparently she couldn't wait and Ambo was still out on a call. So we had to go in the squad truck and I gave birth there on the way here." I said.

"Yea, Oakley wasn't crying when she was born. Once we got here, Choi took her and ran inside. Stella lost a ton of blood and then she passed out. And her heart kind of gave out for a minute or two." Kelly said.
"How along you staying here? Need us to take care of them tonight?" Casey asked, pointing to our kids.
"Yea have to stay until tomorrow. Would you guys mind? But I don't want Gabby dealing with 7 crazy kids and she's pregnant." I said.
"Don't worry! And Chief put the whole house out of service for the rest of shift. So she won't be entirely alone with them all." Casey said.

-next day-
"Ok Stella, how are you feeling?"  Rhodes came in.
"Good, just a little in pain." I said.
"Pain from what?" He asked.
"Just a little soreness from giving birth." I chuckled.
"Alright, I can give you some morphine, you want some?" He asked.
"Yea sure." I said.
"Alright, everything else looks good. I'll get a nurse in here to set up the IV and I'll get Nat to start on your paperwork. Once your IV is finished I'll come to take it out and you guys can leave." Rhodes said.
Oakley was laying in her little crib in the corner of the room.

A nurse came in and gave me the morphine. But 5 minutes, I got super nauseous, but I didn't understand why.
"Kelly can you hand me one of those?" I said.
He gave me one of those blue bags that you can throw up in. I threw up, and then I felt my body temperature go up. I was getting sweaty, and I was starting to get concerned.
"Kelly... something... isn't right.." I said.

"Hey, we need some help!" Kelly yelled out.
Dr. Rhodes ran in and looked very concerned.
"This is all just start now? The nausea just came on suddenly?" He asked.
"I... yea... I'm not pregnant anymore or in labor.. why am I feeling like this now?" I asked.
"Let me give you some metoclopramide. It'll help with the nausea." Rhodes said.

He got a thermometer and took my temperature.
"101.3" Rhodes said.
I threw up again, and again.
"Why is this happening?" I asked.
"Don't worry Stella, we're gonna get to the bottom of this.." Dr. Rhodes told me.

All of a sudden it got harder to breathe and the monitors started going off and everything was getting fuzzy.

~Kelly's POV~
"Babe? Babe? Rhodes she isn't breathing!" I yelled.
"I need a nurse!" Rhodes yelled.
The nurse that came in earlier came in and helped.
"Her throat is closing up, I got to intubate now. No meds, she's out. Give her 15 of albulterol, and 2 mils of Epi." Dr. Rhodes said.
They got her intubated and stable.

"What happened?" I asked Rhodes.
"She must've had an allergic reaction to the morphine or something... that's why she all of a sudden got a fever and threw up.." Rhodes said.
"But she's had Morphine a hundred times... why would she have an allergic reaction to it now?" I asked.

Dr: Rhodes looked at the little cart in Stella's Room and looked at a little bottle of Medicine.
"This is midazolam..." Rhodes said.
"She's allergic to that medicine.... Who gave it to her?" I asked.
"We... have a new nurse.. and morphine and midazolame are kept right next to each other.., Monique, can you come here?" Rhodes asked the nurse who gave Stella her IV.
"Yea Dr?" She asked.

"What medicine did you give Stella?" He asked her.
"I gave her the 20 mls of morphine you said to... why?" She asked.
"Because you gave her midazolame.. she's allergic to that. That's what caused her to go into anaphylactic shock." Rhodes explained.
"Oh my god.. I'm so sorry. I- how did I mix them up?" She asked.
"It's ok... I'm just glad we caught it in time." I said.

-at home-
Kelly and I just got home from the hospital. Gabby and Matt insisted on keeping the kids for tonight.
We were in the couch together admiring our daughter.
"I love you my little Oakley Bear." I smiled and gave her a kiss.
"I love you baby... you did amazing." Kelly gave me a kiss.
"I love you too... thank god I was at the firehouse. With how quick her birth was. I would've given birth by myself here before anyone came." I chuckled.
"Yea. It was..." he said.

We snuggled on the couch for a bit more before going to bed.

Anyone see what I did with her name?!


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