Chapter 1

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This story is written in Stella's POV unless said otherwise

"Kelly? Kelly!" I yelled as I watched in the loft. I met up with Dawson, Chili, and Brett to have breakfast after shift while Kelly just went home. I walked into the loft and tried to find Kelly.

"Yea?" Kelly said as he sleepily watched out of the bedroom. I felt kinda bad for waking him up, Squad had calls almost back to back for a majority of shift.
"Aww, I'm sorry, babe. I didn't realize you were
asleep!" I told him.

"No, it's ok, how was breakfast?" He asked me.
"It was good, Dawson dropped me off, and I think Chili and Brett are gonna have a Spa day today."
"You didn't want to go to that Spa day?"

"Nah, I wanted to be with you for these next two days. I barely saw you at shift!" I said as I started towards the kitchen to get some water.
"I love you, babe." Kelly said as he hugged me from behind.

~Kelly's POV~
Shift was so crazy yesterday. From about 9am-2am it was calls back to back and me and my whole squad were beat. I was so happy when Stella came home because I barely saw her last shift.

She slept a lot during last shift, which was a little bit off. Sure we saw each other on calls, but we had to focus, so we didn't really talk.
I love her with all my heart. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Especially after Shay.

~Back to Stella's POV~
"I love you too, baby" I said as I turned around and gave him a kiss before taking his hand and going into the bedroom. I was very tired and wanted to relax with him for a bit.

*2 hours later*
I woke up to an empty bed. Where's Kelly? I thought.  I looked at my phone and saw it was 1 pm. I was surprised I slept for 2 hours. I don't even remember falling asleep. And for truck, shift was slow so I mostly napped the whole shift.

After 5 minutes I decided to get up and see where Kelly was. I looked all over the loft and couldn't find him so I decided to text him.

Stella: "hey, where are you?"
Kelly: "hey, sorry I didn't want to wake you, I'm with Casey helping him with a construction job. I should be back by 7 or 8."

I had about 6-7 hours before he came home. I got dressed and cleaned up the loft a little. After 15 minutes I was done cleaning and got bored, so I called Dawson to see if she wanted to hang out here.


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