Chapter 39

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~Stella's POV~
Today was my 38 week appointment. Kelly was on shift so Dawson went with me. Kelly hated that he had to miss this appointment, but he didn't realize until last minute that I had the appointment today.
I was doing my hair when I heard a knock at the door.
"Heyyy, the appointment's in like 20 minutes, are you almost ready?" Dawson asked as I let her in.
"Yes, I just need to finish my hair." I told her.
"Want me to help you?" She asked. I hated straightening my hair, but I loved how it looked on me.
"Can you?" I asked her.
"Of course!" She said. She helped me straighten my hair and we were out the door in 10 minutes.

-At Med-
"Hey, I got my 38 week appointment today." I told Maggie.
"Ok, go to bay 7." She told me.
We got into the room and Natalie came in after 10 minutes.
"Hey! Sorry for the wait! Got stuck helping Dr. Rhodes with a surgery!" She said as she walked in.
"It's fine!" I told her.
"Ok... baby girl is looking very good! She's still a bit small, but it's totally fine! Have you experienced any false labor cramps?" She asked me.
"A couple, but they don't feel that bad, I got one or two bad ones, but overall, it's mostly just been back aches and her kicking like crazy." I told her.
"Alright, so text me if anything! And she'll be here very soon! You're unfortunately not dilated at all, but it's ok since it's your first!" She told me.
"Can't wait!" I told her.

When we left Dawson and I drove back to my place.
"Stella.. I have to ask you something." She told me.
"Yea?" I asked her.
"How in the world did you work until 36 weeks? I literally can't even imagine working at that point! I feel like my body has just given up at 30 weeks and I'm not even working!" She said laughing.
"Trust me.. I was honestly thinking about ending early.. the last 3-4 weeks were the absolute worst." I told her.
"Hey, I've got to go back my place, I've got to babysit my niece and nephew, but I'll see you later!" Dawson told me as we drove up to my house.
"Alright see ya!" I told her.

I picked up the loft a bit. I cleaned our room. I cleaned the bathroom. I cleaned the kitchen, washed the dishes. Then I cleaned the living room. When I was done I was tired and then I fell asleep.

A few hours later I woke up to a kiss.
"Hey babe." I saw Kelly standing there. He was in his gear so I guess he was still on shift.
"Hey... what are you doing here? What time it is?" I asked him.
"I wanted to check on you, it's 12am. Get some sleep my love." He told me. He gave me a hug and carried me to the bed.
"I love you. Be safe..." I told him as I went back to sleep.

-Next day-
~Kelly's POV~
Casey and I were getting dressed in the locker room as we were getting ready to leave.
"Hey how's Dawson doing? Haven't seen her since she quit the desk job." I told him.
"She's doing good. She got bored of it and decided to just stay home these next 10 weeks until the baby is here. She is honestly so curious how Stella worked until she was 36 weeks." He told me.
"Yea, I'm curious too.. she's happy to be home though, it was getting way harder for her in the last month." I told him.

I got home and saw Stella laying in bed on her phone.
"Hey baby." She said with a smile, putting her phone down.
"Hey beautiful." I told her, laying in bed giving her a hug and kiss.
"How was shift?" She asked me.
"It was ok, wasn't too busy." I told her.
"That's good... I think Brielle missed you.. she's finally calm for once." She said putting her hand on her bump.
"Maybe she'll be a daddy's girl." I said smiling.
"Maybe..." she said.
"Did have any of those cramps while I was gone?" I asked her.
"Just one, it's wasn't too bad though." She told me.
"How was your appointment? I'm sorry I couldn't be there." I told her. I hated that I had to miss the appointment.
"It was good, Dawson went with me. Nat said that she was still a little small but it was ok, and that I'm not dilated at all." She told me.
"I can't wait." I told her with a kiss.
"Maybe I'll win the bet." She smirked.
"Eh, we still have 2 weeks." I laughed.


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