Chapter 59

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-5 months later-
Addilynn is now 5 months old. And Brielle is 3.
~Stella's POV~
Today was Addilynn's 5 month appointment. And Brielle was having a check up today.
"Babe! We have to leave soon! Are you almost ready?" I yelled at Kelly as I was finishing getting Addie ready.
"Yea! Getting Bri's shoes on now!" He yelled back.
I finished getting Addie ready and we headed to her appointment.
"Ok! You got the girls bags ready?" I asked him as I got out of the room. Heading towards the door.
"Yea, right here." He showed me Brielle's bag and the diaper bag.
We went down to the car.
"Mommy I have to go potty." Brielle said.
"Ok, let's go, but we have to hurry!" I said. I gave Addie to Kelly and ran up with Brielle.
"Alright, let's go! We're about to be late!" I said as we ran down to the car.
I got Addilynn in her seat and Kelly got Bri in hers.

We got to Med and were late.
"Come on let's go! We're already late!" I said as we parked the car and ran in.
"Hey guys!" Maggie told us as we ran in.
"Hey, sorry, hectic morning. But we have an appointment today with Nat. It's Addie's 5 month check up. And Brielle also has a check up today." I told her.
"Yea no worries! Go to bay 2 and I'll get Nat in there." She told me.

We got in the room and Nat came in shortly after.
"Hey guys! So how have you guys been? Haven't seen Kelly in the ED since that house fire a few months back! That's a good sign." Nat said as she walked in.
"We've been good. Going from 1-2 was a huge difference, but we have made it work and we've been loving having two little ones." I told her.
"Alright so who wants to go first?" Nat asked as she got some gloves on.
"Are they both getting.... You know?" I asked her and poked her in the arm.
"Yea... we have to. You know that." She told me.
"Addie can go first, she doesn't know what's happening so she won't cry." I told her.
"Alright, she's a good weight, good height. Anything different?" She asked.
"Not really, she's been starting to eat purées. But other than that, not really anything." I told her.
"Alright, let's give her this." Nat said getting out the syringe.
"Wait, Kelly, can you please take Brielle out for a minute?" I look at him and looked at the needle.
"Yea, come on Bri, let's go walk around for a quick minute." He told her. He took her hand as they went out.
"Ok daddy." She said.

"Alright, this won't hurt at all." Natalie played around with Addilynn. She tickled and poked Addie, then she gave her the shot. She didn't even cry.
"All done." Natalie said as she threw out the needle.
"Alright, now what does Bri need to get?" I asked Natalie.
"She's gotten all her shots except for her annual flu shot." Natalie told me.
"Ok so not only is she getting a shot, but now she is going to be a little down because her body trying to react to the shot...." I told her. When Brielle got her flu shot last year, her body got so weak and she was just so under the weather.
"Alright, we can get her in now." Natalie told me.
"Ok." I told her. Then Kelly came in.
"Hey, the ED was getting really busy, and we didn't want to go too far." He said as he walked in.
"Alright, Brielle you ready for your check up?" I asked her.
"Yea!" She said. I picked her up and put her on the chair.
"Alright, she looks good. Let's give it to her now." Natalie said. Brielle saw the needle and immediately freaked out.
"No, no I don't want that mommy." She said and she tired to get in my arms.
"Baby, you have to, it's ok, you won't even feel it." I told her. Then she started crying.
"I don't want it!" She cried out.
"Just do it." I whispered to Nat. I had Brielle in my arms as she was crying in chest. Nat got Brielle's arm and did the shot.
"See? All done." Natalie said as she put a bandage on.

After the appointment we got home and then I got a call from Gabby.
Stella: hey gab, what's up?
Gabby: hey, can you please do me a favor?
Stella: yea sure what's up?
Gabby: can you watch Alyssa for me? I think I'm in labor, but my water hasn't broken. I've gotten the pains really strong for the past hour. Casey's getting Ally's bag ready now, can you guys take her tonight?
Stella: omg yea! Of course! You want me to pick her up?
Gabby: yea could you? I- ow!
Stella: gabby? You ok?
Gabby: yea. Yea... I'm gonna call you back in a minute ok?

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