Chapter 99

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~Stella's POV~
"A minute 45." Brielle and I are at the academy. Kelly had to stay back to help Addilynn out with a project for school. Brielle is practicing a hose drag, that's the one drill she struggles with the most. But today, she did the best she has ever done.
"No way!" Brielle said.
"Yea look!" I said showing her the stopwatch.
"Alright, I think we've done enough for today...can we go back home?" She asked me, taking off the gear.
"Sure honey, great job today. I think you'll be ready for the academy in two months." I smiled. She graduates high school in 2 months, and right after high school, she's going right into the academy.

We got home and Addie and Kelly were fighting.
"Addilynn, look it says right here that you need to to have 3 explanations for each slide!" Kelly yelled, showing Addilynn her computer.
"Yea, but my teacher said that it was a typo! We only have to do 2!" She yelled back.
"What's going on?..." I asked.

"Dad isn't helping me! We've been doing this for 2 hours and have done nothing!" Addilynn yelled.
"What's the project for?" Brielle asked.
"Ms. Jackline's class, History. It's a stupid theme project and we have to list events that happened that relate to a specific theme." Addilynn explained.
"Oh, I had her class and I had to do the same project. She's the type of teacher who gives out the same work every year. Let me get my computer and we can work off my work." Brielle said.
"Really? Thank god! You're a lifesaver!" Addilynn said.
"Thanks Bri." Kelly said.
Brielle went upstairs, got her computer and the 4 of us were at the dining room table.
"When is this due?" I asked Addie, even though I knew what the answer would be.
"Tomorrow" She said.
"Of course." I said.

"Ok, Let's just reword everything from mine... so instead of saying 'The Mayflower Compact was the first written government document that turned into how our government is today." We can say 'One of the first written government documents, called the Mayflower Compact, was a first step of many to having structure and evolved into the government we have today.' Sound good?" Brielle said.
"What grade did you get on this?" Addilynn asked her.
"100, well actually, I got a 105 on it because I handed it in early." Brielle said.
The girls got Addilynn's project done and it was now late and we all went to sleep. Kelly and I had shift and the kids had school.

Next morning, Kelly and I woke up to our alarms blaring. We get up 30 mins before the kids do. Brielle takes Addie to school since they go to the same school, and we take the boys to the middle school and Oakley to the elementary school.
"Hey, how did Bri do yesterday at the academy?" Kelly asked me as we were getting ready.
"She did really good, she kept practicing the hose drills and she got a minute 45 yesterday. After that, she was super exhausted and that's when we came home." I said.

I was doing my hair and Kelly was getting his shoes on behind me. I looked away from the mirror for one second, and then I felt Kelly pick me up from behind.
"Kelly, come on I have to finish!" I laughed.
"Don't worry we got time." He laughed and kissed me on the neck.
"I have to make the kids breakfast." I said.
"Ok, 5 minutes.. let's just..." we sat down on the bed, I was in his lap. He stroked the hair I had in a low ponytail and looked into my eyes. Then he started to kiss my lips and neck.
"Fine.. 5 mins." I smiled and whispered back, kissing him back.

After 5 minutes. We got done getting ready and I went to see if the kids were awake. Addilynn and Brielle get ready themselves. I checked to see if they were awake and they were getting dressed.
I woke up the boys and Oakley.
Then I went downstairs, made some breakfast for the kids, just some eggs and toast. Brielle and Addilynn came down, dressed and about to leave.
"You guys still have 30 mins, where are you heading off to?" I asked them.
"We're gonna get Starbucks before school, love you." They said. I gave them each a kiss and they left.

We got Oakley and the boys to school and we went to the firehouse.
We got to the firehouse and right before briefing, we got a call.
Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambo 61, Engine 51, auto accident 949 Ferris Ave

We all got loaded up and went to the call. It was a 2 car accident.
"Truck let's take the SUV." I said. We looked inside the car and saw 3 people. The driver, a woman in the passenger seat, and a kid who looked about 5 in the back seat.
"My husband! He passed out! Help him!" The woman said.
"Don't worry ma'am, we'll get him." I said.
"Lieutenant, the door's jammed on this side." Gallo said, at the drivers side.

"Alright, let's get the door open." I said. "Ma'am, let's get you out ok? Are you hurt anywhere? Did anything happen in the crash?" I asked her.
"My baby, is my baby ok?" She said.
I looked in the back and the boy was ok. He looked a little spooked, but he looked fine.
"Yes ma'am, your son is fine. But you have a nasty cut on your head." I told her.
"No, I mean-..." she said. Then she let out a scream of pain. I didn't understand.

"Brett! Let's get gurney over here!" I yelled out. Another ambo came and took the husband.
"Let's get you out of here." I told the woman. I put a C-collar on her. She was wearing a blanket on her. Once we got her out I saw why she screamed in pain. She was pregnant, and super pregnant.

"Ma'am how far along are you?" Brett asked her.
"37 weeks and 5 days. It's probably nothing though.. I've been having false alarms all week." She said.
We got her in the gurney and she let out a another scream of pain.
Dawson got the son out and took him to the Ambo so Foster could check him.
"Ok ma'am? You're actually in labor right now. We need to get you to the hospital." Brett said.
"What? No I can't be! I'm not ready for 2 kids yet!" She said.

"Listen, I know the transition can be scary, but it'll be all ok." I told her.
"You're a mom?" She asked me.
"I got 5 at home. My oldest is 17 and my youngest is 9." I said.
The woman let out another scream of pain.
"Get her to med." I told Brett. They loaded up the ambo and left.
We all finished with the call and went back to the firehouse.

It was now noon and we were all in the common room.
Mouch was sitting in the couch and turned on the news.
"Hey guys... one of the schools are on fire... a high school." Mouch said.
We all looked and Kelly, Casey, Gabby and I all looked at each other. Brielle, Alyssa, Addilynn, and Layla all go to that school.
"That's the high school where the girls go..." Gabby said, she started to panic.

Truck 23, Squad 29, Engine 74, Ambo 97, Truck 93, Squad 19, Ambo 20, Engine 85, Truck 81, Squad 3, Engine 51, Ambo 61, school fire 556 Chicago Dr


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