Chapter 18

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~Stella's POV~
I woke to Kelly kissing me.
"Good morning beautiful." He told me as I opened my eyes.
"Morning, my love." I told him back with a kiss.
We got ready for shift.  Before we went out the door Kelly told me, " don't forget to take off the ring!"
"Oh, yea!" I yelled back. I totally forgot.

~Gabby's POV~
Last shift I was supposed to be the replacement for Chili on ambo. But I ended up just being the replacement for Stella. Since she was out. I had to fill in for her. Chief and I didn't announce that I was the replacement for Chili last shift because I was really just the replacement for Stella.

~Next Shift~
I was at the locker rooms when I saw Stella walk in.
"Hey! So are you excited to meet your extra help on ambo?" I asked her. I never told her it was me.
"Yes! It's going to be so much easier for Brett and I!" Stella said excitedly.
"Let's get to Briefing." I told her, looking at my watch.
"Alright let's go! I'm excited to meet Brett and I's new partner!" She said as we walked to the briefing room.

-during briefing-
~Stella's POV~
"Alright, settle down" Chief said as we walked into the room.
I didn't see anyone I didn't recognized in the room so I was wondering if our new partner on ambo was late or something.
"Ok, so I have finally found a replacement for Chili on ambo. Brett, Kidd, I hope you guys like her... Gabby Dawson is the new addition to Ambo!"  Chief yelled.
"Wait what?? When did this happen?" Brett and I both asked Gabby.
"I talked to Chief the shift before last, and I asked him if I could take that spot. Since he was having a hard time finding someone to fill it in." Gabby explained.
"Omg yes! Now all three of us will be working together in the same company!" I hugged Gabby.
Just then the Bells went off.
Ambo 61 person in distress 5782 Kenton avenue.
"Let's go!" Brett said. I could she was excited about Gabby being her partner again. I was too.

~Gabby's POV~
-at the call-
We got into the call. We got called to a restaurant.
"Please you gotta help her." Some man came out to guide us to the victim. We got to the woman and she was choking on a piece of steak. When we got there we tried to do the Heimlich, but she quickly went unconscious.
We laid the woman down and opened her mouth. I could just barely see the piece of steak.
"Give me some forceps and a light." I told Brett. She gave them to me. I shined the light down and tried to get the steak.
"Stella, give me a compression." I told her. After she did that, the steak came right up and I was quickly able to get it out. Also immediately after we got the steak out the woman woke up coughing. Brett and I got her on the gurney and Stella went in the back with the woman while I drove to med. After we dropped her off we headed back to the house.

-At the firehouse-
~Stella's POV~
We got back to the house and Brett, Gabby, and I went into the kitchen to get breakfast.
"Mills, what did you make?" Gabby asked as we walked in.
"Breakfast burritos. It's basically a burrito filled with eggs, sausage, cheese and bacon. There's like 5 left in the tin." He said pointing to the lasagna tin that had the burritos in.
We each got a burrito and went to the tables to eat.

I went to Kelly's quarters and found him on the phone. He had his back to the door and didn't hear me come in. I sat on his bunk and listened to his phone call.
"Alright, so I can pick it up tomorrow morning? Great!" Kelly said. I was wondering what he was talking about. "Alright thanks! See you then!" he added before hanging up. When he turned around and got startled when he saw me.
"Sorry! Just wanted to come in and you were on the phone so I waited her." I told him.
"How long have you been here?" He asked me.
"Only about 2 minutes. What are you picking up tomorrow?" I asked him.
"The furniture for Brielle's nursery." He smiled.
"What color?" I asked him. He wouldn't let me know anything about the nursery.
"It's a surprise." He always told me. "Once everything arrives in a couple of week. Me and Casey are going to start working on it." He added.

-Next morning after shift-
As Kelly and I were getting ready to leave. We talked about the gender reveal. "So, I was thinking we could have it here. Boden can put the house out of service for the day and we could have the party here!" I explained to Kelly.
"That sounds cool! But how would we announce baby B's gender?" He asked me.
"I was thinking that we could make it something unique! So the gender will be truck, or Squad. Truck for girl since I'm on truck and Squad for boy since you're on Squad. And I could sit in the drivers seat for truck and you do the same for Squad. And then which ever vehicle's sirens and lights start, that's the gender! And after we reveal the gender, we can get out and show my ring! I'll keep it in the truck and then put it on before I get out!" I told him.
"I would've never thought of something like that! That's so cute babe!" He told me.
"When would we do it?" I asked him.
"Let's go ask Boden!" He took my hand and we walked to Boden's office.

"Severide, Kidd, what do you need?" Boden asked as we knocked.
"We want to do the gender reveal. But we were hoping we could do it here?" I asked him.
"Of course! I can put the house out of service that day! How would you guys announce it?" He asked us.
I told him how we would to do. But I left out the part about the engagement announcement.
"That sounds like a great way! Would December 12 work?" He asked us, looking at his calendar. It gave us 1 week to get everything ready.
"Yes! It's perfect!" Kelly and I said.


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