Chapter 52

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~Stella's POV~
A couple weeks later
Stella is now 35 weeks pregnant.
It was the middle of the night, Kelly was on shift. I woke up to Brielle coming in my bed.
"Mommy?" She came into my bed and shook my shoulder.
"Yea...?" I asked her half awake.
"Where is daddy?" She asked.
"On shift baby.. why?" I asked her.
"Can we visit him? Like how we did last time?" She asked. I looked at my phone. It was 1am.
"No, honey, its 1 in the morning, he'll be here when you wake up... go to bed please" I told her turning over. Then she started having a tantrum.
"No! I wanna see daddy!" She yelled out and cried on the floor.
"Brielle Elizabeth Severide, it is 1 am. We are not visiting daddy. We will see him in the morning." I told her, with a slight tone in my voice.
She kept on crying and having the tantrum.
After 5 minutes I gave in.
"OK OK! WE'LL GO SEE DADDY!" I yelled out. I was so aggravated already. I put on leggings and a hoodie and kept Brielle in her pjs.
All of a sudden Addilynn kept kicking me super hard.
Ok, guess she wants see him too.. I thought to myself, as I sat in the car for a minute as she kicked me.
"Mommy, let's go!" Brielle yelled from her car seat.
"Ok, we're going!" I yelled back as I started the car.

I got to the firehouse and Herrmann saw us outside as he was drinking coffee.
"Hey, you do now it's 1am right?" He asked as we walked up to the house.
"Yea, but she decided to wake up and have a tantrum about visiting Kelly. I'm too tired to argue anymore with her..." I said annoyed.
"Why you gotta give mom such a hard time huh?" Herrmann joked with Brielle.
"Is Squad here?" I asked Herrmann.
"Yea they're-" he started to say, then the Bells went off.

Squad 3, truck 81, Engine 51, ambo 61 house fire 457 forest street
"Are you serious." I said as we heard the bells go off.
"Where's daddy?" Brielle asked me, wanting to go inside.
"Daddy's going on a call, let's just go home, and we'll
See him in the morning, I promise." I told her begging. I was exhausted.
"No!!! I wanna see him!" She started arguing. I didn't want to deal with her. So we went inside as everyone was running to the vehicles.
"Hey! I'll see you guys when I get back!" Kelly told us as he ran by us.
"Daddy!" Brielle yelled out.
"Daddy's going on a call, we'll see him when he gets back." I told her.
"Ok..." she told me, upset. I was happy she finally wasn't arguing with me anymore.

Brielle and I went to Kelly's quarters.
"Mommy, can I color?" Brielle asked me pointing to some documents on Kelly's desk grabbing a pen.
"No! Not those baby!" I ran over and took the pen. I left the room for a quick minute.
"Here." I said, giving her some printer paper from the copy machine and some crayons from Chief's office.
"Mommy, can I have your phone to watch something while I color?" she asked me.
"Sure." I put on YouTube and gave her my phone.
After 5 minutes I got tired and when to sleep on Kelly's bunk, while Brielle was sitting at Kelly's desk.

~Kelly's POV~
We were at the scene. We didn't find anyone in the whole house.
The floor was becoming unstable. And the smoke was getting thick.
"Alright, that's it! I'm calling it! Everyone out!" Chief yelled into our radios.
I was on the top floor with Casey, trying to find the way out in this smoke.
We got it the stairs, but right before we went down they just fell.
"Severide! Casey! Where are you?!" Chief yelled in our radios.
"Chief! We need an aerial by the northside bedroom window! The stairs gave way!" Casey said into his radio.

~Casey's POV~
The smoke got thicker. Mouch got the aerial up.
"You go first!" Severide yelled to me.
I went down the ladder. Kelly was about to get on when all of a sudden the floor gave way.
"Severide!" I yelled.

I ran back up the ladder and looked down in the window, I couldn't see anything, only smoke. Then I heard his PASS alarm go off.
"Squad! Go get your Lieutenant!" Chief yelled out.
As I got down from the ladder, I saw squad bring out Kelly and put him on the stretcher as Brett and Foster brought it over.
I saw Gabby cleaning her face and when she saw Kelly her face became upset.

"Matt, Matt! What happened?!" She came up to me.
"The floor gave way as he was about to get on the ladder." I told her.
Some lady that was watching the whole thing came up to us.
"Oh, this house has been abandoned forever... no one has set foot in there in a few years, what happened?" she told us.
"What? Why didn't you tell us this?!? My friend could die!" I went up to the lady.
"Babe, calm down!" Gabby got in front of me.
"Matt, you riding with us?" Brett asked as she got in the back of the ambo with Kelly.
"Yes! Call Stella!" I told Gabby. "Herrmann you're acting Lieutenant!"

~Gabby's POV~
As I saw the ambo leave, I called Stella. I knew she was at the firehouse, because I saw her as I ran to the truck.
I called her 5 times and it went straight to voicemail.
"Anything?" Herrmann asked me.
"No... I called 5 times already. I don't know why she isn't answering..." I told him.
"Alright, truck! We're going back to the firehouse before we go to Med!" Herrmann said as truck packed up.
"What? Why?" Otis asked, he didn't know Stella was there.
"Just drive!" I yelled.
We got it the firehouse. Herrmann and I went inside while the others stayed in the truck.
We went inside and found Stella and Brielle in Kelly's quarters. Brielle was on Stella's phone and Stella was sleeping on Kelly's bunk.
"Hey sweetie? Mommy's sleeping?" I asked Brielle.
"Yea. She fell asleep when you guys left." She told me.
"Stella, Stella.... Wake up." I shook Stella on the shoulder.

~Stella's POV~
I woke up to someone shaking my shoulder.
"Huh?.." I woke up and saw Gabby and Herrmann standing there. "What's going on?"
"I called you like 5 times!" Gabby yelled at me.
"Brielle? Did mommy get any phone calls?" I asked her.
"Yea, but you were sleeping, so I stopped them." She told me.
"You have to give mommy the phone when she gets calls..." I told her. "Now what happened?" I asked Herrmann and Gabby.
"It's Kelly..." Herrmann told me.
"What?? What happened?!?" I said getting scared.
"We'll explain everything at Med, truck is outside, let's go!" Gabby said. She picked up Brielle and ran out. Herrmann and I quickly followed.
We got in the truck and I was tearing up. I didn't know what was wrong with Kelly, I couldn't loose him.
"Mommy? What's wrong?" Brielle asked as she saw me crying.
"Nothing baby..." I told her as I hugged her tight and kissed the top of her head. I rubbed my stomach.
Please please please be ok baby. I can't loose you, we can't loose you. I thought to myself.
Gabby took my hand a rubbed it.
"Don't worry... I'm sure he's fine." She whispered to me. But she didn't look convincing.

We got to Med. we saw everyone sitting in the waiting room.
Brielle was very confused.
"Mommy? Why are we here?" She asked me.
"Something happened baby... here's my phone, go sit down." I told her.
"Hey, I'm sorry.." Cruz came up to me and hugged me.
"What Happened?? No has even told me what happened yet to him!" I said.
"Me and Severide...We were on the top floor. The stairs broke, so we got an aerial up and he told me to go down the ladder first. Right before he got on, the floor gave way.." Casey told me.
"What?? No... I- I can't loose him.. please no. I can't loose him!" I cried into Gabby's arms.
"Listen, we haven't heard anything yet... so don't assume the worst." Gabby told me.
I just was crying in Gabby's chest.

"Mommy? What's wrong??" Brielle asked me, I picked her up and stroked her hair.
"Um... daddy just got a little hurt. You know when you fell at the park?" I told her.
"Yea.." she told me.
"He just fell, he got a little hurt..." I told her.
"Can we see him?? I wanna give his booboo a kiss." Brielle told me. She's so sweet and innocent. I just looked at her and cried.
"Yea... we- we can see him in a bit.. how about you go to April and see if she can give you some crayons and paper?" I pointed to April at the desk.
"Come on Brielle, let's go see." Matt got up and went with her.
"It's going to be ok.." gabby told me.
"We don't know that... I can't loose him... we have a 2 and a half year old daughter. And another one on the way. I can't do this alone.. I need him.." I told her.

After 5 mins Will came.
"Hey guys... I'm so sorry. Kelly..."


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