Chapter 53

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~Stella's POV~
I watched Brielle color on the little side table in the waiting room. I sat with her fighting back tears. I let a couple fall, and I kept sniffling, Brielle kept looking back wiped the tears off my face.
"Don't cry mommy... look! I'm drawing you and daddy in front of a fire truck!" She showed me her photo gave me a hug.
"Aww, baby I love it." I hugged her and gave her a kiss on the top of her head. I kept her close and let more tears fall.

After a little, it was now 3am.
Will came. I stood up.
"How is he?" I asked him worried.
"Hey guys.... I'm so sorry. Kelly.... He had a brain bleed. It was pretty severe and he also pinched a nerve in his spinal cord... and we won't know the extent of his injuries until he wakes up." He told me.
"And how long would that be?" I asked him.
"We won't know... his sats are coming back up. But it could take a few hours, to a few weeks for him to wake up.." he told me.
I sat down and put my head in my hands.
After a few seconds I got my head up and I asked him, "can I see him?"
"Of course." He told me as I got up.
"You want to take Brielle?" Gabby asked me.
"Yea.. can you guys come though?" I asked Gabby and Matt.
"Yea.. of course." Matt told me as he got up.
Gabby got Brielle and carried her as Will led us to Kelly's room.

When we got to Kelly's room, I broke down.
"Hi my love... I don't know if you can hear me.. but please, please pull through.. we can't loose you. I can't loose you.. I can't do this by myself. Please.." I cried, grabbing his hand and kissed it.
"Daddy?... mommy?...Why isn't daddy waking up?" Brielle asked me as she stood next to me, shaking Kelly's leg, to get him to wake up.
"Daddy... is sleeping right now... remember when I told you he got a booboo? Well to get better he has to sleep..." I told her.
"Oh ok... can I kiss his booboo?" She asked me.
"Yea.. Sure baby.." I picked her up and she kissed his cheek and forehead.
"I love you daddy... don't worry, all the booboos are better now..." he whispered into his ear, like how he does for her.
I smiled at her and cried. I hugged her tight and hugged Gabby.
"He's going to be ok... please don't cry." She told me as I put my head under her chin.
"We can't loose him Gabby... he can't be gone..." I told her in between sobs.
"Mommy? Can I lay with daddy?" Brielle asked.
"Yea, princess. But be careful.." I told her. I laid her on the gurney in between Kelly's legs.
"Good night daddy." She whispered as she laid there snuggling him.
"We'll leave you guys alone..." Gabby and Matt told us as they went out the room.
I sat on the seat next to Kelly and held his hand as he laid there lifeless.

After about 15 minutes Brielle fell asleep on the gurney laying with Kelly. I took off my hoodie for her to use as a pillow.
I just sat in the chair with my head in my hands.
A little while later Will came in.
"Hey.. I just have to check his vitals... she fell asleep here?" He asked pointing to Brielle.
"Yea, you want me to move her?" I asked him, getting up.
"No, no it's good... his vitals are improving.. that's a very good sign." He told me.
"That's great." I said smiling. Then I got a sharp jolt of pain throughout my body. The same ones I got with Brielle when I got too stressed.
"Woah.. you ok?" Will asked coming over to me.
"Yea... just been super stressed out..." I told him sitting back down.
"Are you sure? I can get Nat in here and she can check you." He told me.
"No I'm ok.." I told him.

After about half an hour I fell asleep in the chair.
I woke up to knocking. It was Gabby and Matt.

~Gabby's POV~
Everyone else went back to shift while Matt and I stayed back for Stella. We've all had very close calls. But we couldn't imagine what she's going through right now. Herrmann was acting Lieutenant for Truck and Capp was the same for Squad.

"I'm going to check on Stella, wanna come?" I asked Matt, getting up.
"Yea sure." He said.
When we got to Kelly's room, we saw Brielle awake on the gurney, laying with Kelly. And Stella was asleep on the chair.
"Hi sweetie, mommy fell asleep?" I asked her as I stood there.
"Yea, I think she fell asleep when I was sleeping." She told me.
I knocked on the doorway to wake up Stella.
"Hey, sorry, just wanted to check on you guys..." I said, walking up to Stella.
"Hey.. sorry I'm exhausted... Will came by earlier and said that his vitals were improving... so that's something good." she told me. She was so tired and stressed out.
"that's good. See? He's going to be ok." I smiled at her and I gave her a hug.
"Brielle? Do you have to use the bathroom?" She asked her.
"Yes mommy." Brielle told Stella.
"Can you stay with him please? I have to use the bathroom as well." She told me, pointing at Kelly.
"Yea of course!" I said as I got Brielle off the gurney for Stella.
When they left Matt looked at Kelly.
"Will told Stella that Kelly's vitals are improving." I told him.
"That's good..." he told me. I could tell he was upset. His best friend is very injured.
"Listen.. he's going to be ok.. you have to believe that." I told him.
"Yea... yea I know.." he told me.

After they came back we all stayed in the room.
Then Kelly started to wake up.
"Daddy!" Brielle said.
"Baby?" Stella asked as she saw Kelly wake up.
"Hey..." he said. I could tell he was barely conscious.
"Hey man. You have us quite a scare back there." Matt chuckled.
"Is the doctor going to be here soon?" He asked.
"Why? What do you need?" Stella asked him.
"Drugs." He chuckled.
"We'll get April." I said as Matt and I went out.
"See? What did I tell you?" I smiled at Matt as we walked up to April.
"Hey. Can you give Kelly some more morphine or something?" I asked her.
Then all of a sudden we heard the alarms go off.

That's Kelly's room.


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