Chapter 54

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~Stella's POV~
I saw Kelly start to move.
"Daddy!" Brielle yelled out.
"Babe?" I asked.
He was very groggy, but was still somewhat coherent.
"Hey..." he told us.
"Hey babe, oh my god, I was so worried about you!" I leaned into him and placed my head on his shoulder.
"Hey.. when is the doctor coming?" He asked.
"Why? What do you need?" I asked him.
"Drugs." He chuckled.
Gabby and Matt went out to April to get Kelly some morphine.
"Baby... I thought I was going to loose you..." I said stroking his hair, looking into his blue eyes.
"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere..." he said.
All of a sudden he passed out and the monitors all started going off. He was coding.
"Mommy? What's going on??" Brielle was super scared and crying now and grabbing onto my leg. I was crying as well.
"I-I don't know baby.." I said picking her up, crying, as Dr. Halstead, Dr. Rhodes, Dr. Manning, and April all ran in.
"Get a crash cart!" Dr. Rhodes yelled.
"Compressions." Natalie said as she started them."Charge the paddles to 200." She said.
"Clear!" Will said shocking him.
"They're hurting daddy!" Brielle cried.
"No they're not pumpkin, I promise." I told her.

After 5 shocks they got a rhythm back.
"Pulse is not strong, but it's there, blood pressure's low. Sats are 80." Natalie said.
"Mommy? What's wrong with daddy??" Brielle cried in my chest.
"I don't know pumpkin, I'm sorry." I cried. Bopping her back and forth in my arms.
"He's got a bleed somewhere else... call the OR and the blood bank. Tell them we're heading up now!" Dr. Rhodes said as they all ran out.
"What's happening???" I grabbed Natalie's hand as they ran out.
"He has a bleed somewhere else... Dr. Rhodes and Dr. Choi are going to find it.. don't worry, he's in good hands.." she told me.

Gabby and Matt were outside of the room watching the whole thing.
"I don't understand! He was awake and talking 5 minutes ago! Why? Why?!" I sat back down and cried with Brielle in my arms.
"Mommy...? Is daddy going to die?" Brielle cried.
"No he is not! Listen! If I know anything about Kelly Severide, it's that he is a fighter! He has gotten into many messes, but he has always pulled through! Today is not an exception!" Matt told us.
"So daddy is going to be ok?" Brielle asked Matt.
"Yea, he will be, remember when you kissed his Booboo? That kiss is going to stay with him in the OR and he will make it out alive." Gabby told us.

Matt took Brielle away from me.
"Hey Brielle, how about we get something to eat? A muffin? A cookie?" He asked her.
"Yes please!" She yelled out. She was so innocent. She barely knew what was going on, but she also did know at the same time.
"Is it ok?" Matt asked me.
I nodded my head and they went out. Gabby pulled up a chair next to me and hugged me.

"He will be ok... you have to trust that..." he told me.
"Yea.. maybe he will be, but who's to say that he won't be in a coma for the next 3 years? Or that he suffered brain damage from that brain bleed? Or he is paralyzed from that pinched nerve? We don't know anything! All we know is that we got our hopes up too quick and now anything can happen again!" I yelled.
"You guys ok?" Maggie asked as she walked in.
"Can you get us Dr. Charles and Dr. Reese?" Gabby asked.
"No, I don't need them... please... I just want Kelly to be ok..." I cried.
"I'll get them..." Maggie whispered back at Gabby.

~Gabby's POV~
I asked Maggie for Dr. Charles and Dr. Reese. Stella needed to talk to someone about this, she is under a lot of stress right now. And she's 35 weeks pregnant right now, she shouldn't be on this much stress.

After 5 minutes they came in.
"Hey guys.. I just got word on what happened... I'm really sorry..." Dr. Charles said as he walked in with Reese.
"Listen.. I know you probably already got told this.. and I know it will be difficult right now... but you really need to keep your stress levels down... Natalie told me that you suffered these "stress pains" with your first pregnancy? But you were working at the time?" Reese explained to Stella.
"Yes, I know I need to keep my stress levels down. I'm a damn paramedic and a firefighter. I think I know what the hell is best for by body, medical wise. But it's not easy to do so when your husband is literally hanging on by a thread and you don't know why. And on top of that you're about to have a baby is less than 5 weeks and you also got a 2 year old daughter who you are trying to protect." Stella snapped. She was mad, but also upset.
"She's just trying to do her job Stella... don't stress. I understand this is all very difficult, but you need to listen to what she said... Will told me you had another pain earlier today? Have you had anymore?" Dr. Charles asked her. I didn't know she had those pains again.
"I've had a few more... but I had them with Brielle too, the stress would just get to me... it's hard... when you have to try to believe that your husband will be ok, but you are doubting everything and trying to keep a brave face for your daughter... I can't,- I can't do this by myself. I need him!" Stella started crying again. Reese got up and comforted her.
After about 20 minutes, Dr. Charles and Dr. Reese got paged to another room.
Then Brielle and Matt came back. Brielle had some cookies.

"Mommy! Look! I got you a cookie!" Brielle smiled and gave Stella a cookie.
"Thank you my love." Stella wiped her tears and kissed Brielle. She looked hesitant to eat it, but then she did.
After she ate the cookie, she put Brielle on her lap, and put Brielle's head under her chin and just looked up and tried not to cry.

~Stella's POV~
After about 30 minutes Will came back, but he didn't have Kelly with him.
"Hey, they are finishing stitching him up. So apparently, when he fell, he ended up tearing a piece of his liver... they were able to repair it, but we still don't know anything about the brain bleed and pinched nerve until he becomes fully coherent." He told us.
"Daddy's ok?" Brielle asked.
"Yea baby... he's... he's getting better ok?" I told her. I didn't know if it was fully true, or even true at all...but it was better to believe that.

When they brought Kelly back in the room, Natalie told me. "I haven't seen you leave this room.. go get something to eat, clear your mind.. please just go do something..." she told me.
"Yea Stella, you haven't eaten... aren't you hungry?" Gabby asked me.
"Yea.. but I've been so worried about Kelly, I've just been ignoring it." I told her.
"Go get something to eat, or go for a walk around the hospital. Go even take a nap in the doctor's lounge. Just please get out of this room for a bit, give the stress a break... I'll let you know if anything changes... and I am going to check you. Will and Dr. Charles told me about your stress pains." Nat told me.

"Ok.. yes you're right.. I should just take a little break.. where do you want to do the check up?" I asked her, getting up.
"Come back here after you had the break and we'll go in a different room." She told me.
"Can you guys come?" I looked at Gabby and Matt.
"Yea of course." They both said.

I took Brielle's hand and we walked around for a bit before heading to the cafeteria.
"Mommy? Why are we here? Uncle Matt and I were just here." Brielle told me.
"Yea, but Auntie Gabby and I haven't eaten anything. So we're going to get something real quick." I told her.
Gabby and I ate some fruit. The stress has been really getting to me. After we finished eating I got super nauseous.
"Hey.. you ok?" Gabby asked, with her hand on my back.
I shook my head and ran to a trashcan. I threw up and then I felt so much better.
"You're ok now?" Gabby asked me.
"Yea... sorry, the stress has just really gotten to me.." I told her.

After that we walked around for a bit more before heading back to Kelly's room.
"Any change?" I asked Nat.
"No, but it's only been about an hour and a half... let's check you now, let's go to bay 3." Nat said walking out.
"Matt can you watch Bri?" I asked him.
"Yea sure!" He said sitting her on his lap.
"Don't you guys have to pick up Ally soon? It's almost 8 am... we've been here all night." I asked Gabby.
"I asked Cindy to watch her until we know what's absolutely going on with Kelly.. don't worry I'm here for you." She told me with a hug.

We got into the room and Nat did a quick checkup.
"Baby girls heart rate is a little fast, but obviously you have been on a lot of stress all night.. but other than that she looks good! Just one quick question, have you experienced any of the false labor cramps?" She asked me.
"A couple, but they weren't really bad like the ones I had with Brielle just yet." I told her.
"We'll, it's your second baby, so she could come earlier." Nat told me. "You're not dilated at all just yet, but you still have a couple days till you're full term."
"Ok." I told her.
"Has anything else happened that I should know about? Anything about the stress?" She asked me.
"Yea.. she threw up just about 20 minutes ago." Gabby told her.
"Well, everything looks good, but if you start feeling sick again because of stress, you have to tell me."
She cleaned me up, then she got paged to Kelly's Room.

We ran to Kelly's room and saw him awake. He looked completely fine.
"Hi beautiful." He smiled as soon as he saw him walk in.
"Omg babe! You had me scared to death!" I ran and hugged him.
"Don't worry, I can't go that easily.." he laughed.
"Alright Kelly, we just need to run some tests to make sure everything is fine.. you did suffer a massive brain bleed and pinched a nerve. You also ruptured your liver from the fall." Will told Kelly.
"Ok, do what you gotta do." Kelly told them.
"Daddy! I'm so glad you're back! My kisses worked!"
Brielle said as she went up to Kelly.
"Yea they did pumpkin." I smiled at her and kissed Kelly.


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