Chapter 91

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-Stella is 35 weeks pregnant; Dawson is 28-
~Stella's POV~
The kids have off this whole week because of thanksgiving. It's now Monday. Kelly has shift tomorrow. Today we had to go to the store and I had to start cooking for thanksgiving.
"Babe.. we have to go food shopping for Thursday." Kelly shook me awake.
"Mmphm..." I pulled the blanket above my head. I didn't get much sleep last night. I woke up like 15 times to go use the bathroom, and then I was up with Braxton Hicks for an hour. I almost thought it was labor.

Kelly pulled the blanket down and moved the hair out of my face and gave me a kiss.
"I'm sorry babe, but remember we're hosting this years thanksgiving." Kelly said.
"What time is it?" I asked.
"8am. The store opens at 10 and you said we wanted to get there early so that way it's not too crowded." He said.
"That's right... did you guys have breakfast yet?" I asked him, as I got up.
"Yea, I made the kids pancakes, and made us some sausage and eggs." He said.
"Alright thanks baby." I smiled and gave him a kiss.

Kelly and I ate, got the kids ready, and then got ourselves ready.
"Who's coming again?" Kelly asked as I was getting my makeup on.
"Gabby, Casey, their kids, Brett, Antonio, and that's it." I said. I wasn't in contact with any of my family. And Kelly didn't like his mother too much. So our only family was our firehouse family.
"What is everyone bringing?" Kelly asked. I noticed he was making a list.

"The Caseys are bringing mashed potatoes, ham, and a green bean casserole. And the Dawsons are bringing a pernil and rice." I said.
"Brett's last name is actually Dawson?" Kelly asked me.
"Yea, but just like Gabby and I, we use our maiden last names at work so there's no confusion." I said. Surprised that Kelly didn't know that.
"And what are we making and buying from the store?" He asked.
"So we're making the turkey, sweet potato casserole, and that bacon Mac and cheese thing that we made last year, that was delicious. And at the store, we'll buy some pies and the kids can maybe bake some cupcakes on thanksgiving as a little activity." I said.
"Ok.. got it all." He said.

I groaned a little as I got up and got my purse.
"You good?" Kelly asked me, putting his hand on my back.
"Yes, I'm just 35 weeks pregnant with your daughter." I chuckled, giving him a kiss.
"You know we still haven't figured out her name." Kelly said.
"We will soon, don't worry." I said.
"When are you due?" He asked me.
"January 12nd." I said. Putting my hand on my stomach and feeling her kick my hand.
"That's only a little over a month away." He said.
"Yea, but maybe she'll come earlier." I chuckled.

We got to the store and went inside with all the kids.
"Alright let's get everything we need. And guys please don't run around." I said.

We got everything we needed from the store. And it was still packed in there. It took an hour to get everything. Once we left it was noon.
We drove back to the house and I decided to start seasoning the turkey now.
I made the rub, and made the juice that it would sit in.
I seasoned the whole turkey and put it in the pot and put it in the fridge.
By now it was 3pm and I was exhausted.

"Mommy, can you please play with us?" Addilynn came running down the stairs.
"Sure honey... what are you guys playing?" I asked.
"We're playing with blocks." She told me.
"Want to get Daddy and ask him to play too?" I said, pointing to Kelly on the couch on his phone.
She ran up to him and jumped on his lap.
"Daddy, can you do play with us? We're all gonna play blocks!" Addilynn said.
"Sure honey, let's go." Kelly chuckled. We all went upstairs.

We were all playing with the blocks. We played for 2 hours already. Then things got a little out of control. Brielle accidentally knocked over Jaxson's tower and then he got mad at her. He threw a block at her face and she was crying.
"Jaxson Kelly Severide! We don't throw blocks! Especially not at people's faces!" Kelly yelled at him.
Brielle was crying and came to me.
"Here honey, let me see." I told her. She took her hands away from her face and the corner of the block hit her just at the side of her eye. There was a small amount of blood.
She was crying and buried her face on my shoulder.
"Honey it's ok... it's just a scratch.." I comforted her.
"Jaxson, say sorry to your sister." Kelly told him.
"I'm sorry Bri..." he said.
"It's ok..." she said.

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