Chapter 65

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~Gabby's POV~
Dr. Rhodes showed us the results.
It showed she was pregnant.
"What? Are you sure they're correct?" I asked.
"I'm afraid so... there is no telling how this affect her,  and her body is too unstable to do anything about this right now..." he told us.
"But isn't this dangerous in her condition right now?" Matt asked.
"Yes... it is, we just have to keep an extra close monitor on her and the baby now.." he said.
"How far is she? Have you had anyone check yet?" I asked.
"No we haven't, we will send OB down in a bit, they're tied up upstairs." He said.
"Ok... thanks Dr. Rhodes..." I said.
"We just need your consent to administer fluids and nutrients into her for the baby's health." He asked.
"Yes, yes you have our full consent." Matt said.
"Alright, thanks guys.. I'll let you know if anything changes." He told us.

We went back to the room that Reese and the girls were in.
"Hey! So Rhodes told you guys the lab results?" Reese asked.
"Yea... it's crazy, she's barely even stable... and now she's pregnant and her body is barley stable for herself..." I said.
"It's ok, the comatose state she's in can actually help her body recover." Reese told us.
"Alright... we should go... their girls have been through enough for the day... and it's only noon... are gonna go have a little... stress reliever for the day" I said.
"Alright... I'm sorry guys, but they'll pull through.. I just know it." She said.
"Thanks Sarah. We'll see you." Matt said as we left.

Brielle was still upset as we left.
"What do you girls wanna do today?" I asked trying to lighten the mood.
"Bowling!" Ally said.
"Yea!" Layla and Addie Saudi
"Bri, honey? Do you want to go bowling?" I asked her.
"Yea.." she said. She was still upset.. but once she heard bowling she got a little happier. Bowling is her favorite thing to do now.

When we got to the bowling ally, we got in a lane and got all the bowling balls.
Then we started the game.
Matt was winning, I was only 3 points behind him, and all the girls were around the same score.
"Come on Matt!" I yelled out, it was our last round.
He only ended up scoring 3 points. In total he had 112.
I ended up with a strike and in total I had 125.
Alyssa ended up with 40 points.
Brielle ended with 45 points.
Layla ended up with 41 points.
And Addilynn ended up with 39 points.
After we finished, we got lunch at longhorn.

"Hello! How many?" The host asked us.
"Hi, for 6?" I asked.
"Ok, it's going to be about a 10 minute wait. Is that ok?" He asked us.
"Yea that's fine." I said.
"Ok, can I have a name?" He asked.
"Gabby." I replied.
"Alright I'll call you guys shortly!" He said.

We sat down, waiting to be called, and after 5 minutes the girls started getting restless.
They were running around and being super loud.
"Girls, please be quiet ok? This is not a playground." I asked them the first time.
"Sorry mommy/ Sorry Auntie Gabby." They said.
Then they started acting up again.
"Girls. I already told you guys to simmer down." I said again.
"Sorry!" They said.
Then they started being loud again and running around everywhere.
"Alyssa Blaze, Layla Shay, Brielle Elizabeth, and Addilynn Kay, I told you girls to stop 3 times already. Now sit down or we'll leave." I had a tone in my voice.
Matt and I got up and the girls sat down.
After 2 minutes I heard my name being called.
"Gabby, party of 6?" We heard my name.
We got to the table and figured out what to order.
The girls don't eat much, so the 2 older ones shared a meal and the two younger ones shared one.

The waitress came over.
"Alright, can I get you guys started on anything to drink?" She asked.
"6 waters." I told her.
"Kids sizes for them?" She asked, pointing to the girls.
"Yea please." I said.
"Ok, any appetizers? Are you guys ready to order?" She asked.
"Can we get the order of chicken wings?" Matt asked.
"Sure thing! And what would you like to order?" She asked.
"Alright so I'm having the 18oz T-bone steak, with mash potatoes." Matt said.
"And for you?" She asked me.
"I'll have the 10oz ribeye." I told her.
"Ok, and for them?" She asked pointing to the girls.
"They will share the steak quesadillas," I said pointing to Addie and Layla. "And they will share the half a rack of the bbq ribs." I said pointing to Bri and Ally.
"Alright! I put these orders and be right out with your drinks!" She said.
After we ate, the girls begged for dessert.
We got this cake thing to share. And it was huge. We only managed to eat half of it.
We got home, and the girls played and were full of sugar.
They were basically bouncing off the walls until about 6pm. We decided to get them to bed early tonight. Instead of 9, we got them to bed by 8.
We showered the girls, got their pjs on, and got them to bed.

Matt and I were in the living room.
"It's... crazy, Stella is pregnant, but her body is barely stable... what if she looses the baby? Will Rhodes tell her?" I asked him.
"Well did Stella know?" He asked.
"No, Rhodes told us they were doing labs on her every couple hours, and that was the only thing that was different.. they even ran the test a couple more times." I told him.
"Ok... well all we can do is hope for the best. Do you want to call Chief and tell him that you're going to take shift off? Or do you think you should go to work? Stay busy?" He asked me.
"I think I would rather stay busy, the girls are at school anyway from 750-3 every weekday. And then Cindy picks them up when we're on shift." I told him.
"Are you really preparing to keep them for this whole week?" He asked.
"I-.... I don't know.... You heard Connor, they're both in comas and they don't know when either of them is going to wake." I told him. Then Brielle came out of Ally's room crying.

"What's wrong sweetie?" I asked her as I picked her up.
"I want mommy and daddy!" She cried into my arms.
I looked at Matt with tears in my eyes.
"I know baby... I'm sorry, I do too..." I hugged her tight.
"I don't want them gone!" She cried.
"No baby, they aren't gone ok? They will get better, I promise. It may take them a little bit, but they will get better..." I told her.
Brielle was in my arms crying until she finally calmed down and when the sleep. I carried her to Ally's bed.

Matt and I went to our room. And laid down together.
"She knows... she understands everything!" I cried.
"I know, I know babe, but the best thing we can do is to keep a brave face for the girls ok? If they see us overwhelmed, they will get even more scared..." he told me, hugging me.
"This just isn't fair! Why did Stella have to run up? Why didn't I just go with her? Why did we decide to even go to floor 9? Why! Why? Why?!" I was hysterical crying into Matt's arms.
"Babe, look at me," he picked up my chin and I looked into his eyes. "they will be fine, yea it's looks bad now, but we're talking about Stella and Kelly, the toughest firefighters we know. If anyone can survive this, it's them." He kissed me in the top of my head and hugged me tight under his chin.
"I love you..." I told him as I had my face buried in his chest.
He took my face out for his chest and wiped my tears.
"I love you too." He said back.


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