Chapter 42

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~Stella's POV~
We got back from the appointments a little while ago. I was cooking dinner, Kelly was watching game on the couch and I had Brielle in my arms.

"Kelly! Can you please keep an eye on these steaks, while I go change Brielle?" I called out to Kelly as he was on the couch.
"Yea sure babe!" He said getting up.
After I changed Brielle I laid with her on the couch. Then I heard a knock. Kelly opened it and it was Gabby and Matt.
"Hey guys!" Matt said as he walked in. "I bring beer!"
We all laughed.
"Well you know Gabby and I can't drink" I chuckled.
"How come you can't?" He asked.
"Because I'm breastfeeding." I said.
"Ohhh yea." He said. "Well we also brought a cake"
"Matt, you skipped shift too?" I asked him. They had shift today, Kelly called out sick because of the appointments.
"Yea... I didn't really sleep last night, Gabby was up all night in pain." Matt said.
"Well you won't be sleeping for much longer anyway." Kelly laughed.
"There's my little god baby!" Gabby said excitedly as she came to hug me.
"Omg when are you due?" I asked her.
"Next week, don't tell Nat that I'm out of the house." She chuckled.
Gabby handed Brielle to Matt to hold.
"Imma go change into leggings." I told Kelly as I walked towards the bedroom. Gabby followed me.

"How've you been?" I asked her as I walked over to my drawers.
"Good! Ready for her to come out! Matt and I have a little bet on when she'll come, I think she'll be here in the next couple days, Matt thinks she'll come on my exact due date." She laughed.
"Really? What's the price?" I asked.
"Loser has to clean all the number twos in her diaper for the next month." She laughed.
"Man! I hope you win!" I chuckled.
Gabby and I were talking in the room when all of a sudden she let out a groan and looked in pain.
"Are you ok?" I asked her, putting my hand on her back.
"Y-yea... I've just been getting those false labor pains.. man they're no joke!" She chuckled as she sat on my side of the bed.
"Maybe she's ready to come soon." I chuckled.
"I hope she is.." Gabby laughed.
"Listen, don't be stubborn like I was." I chuckled.
"I'm not! I just don't think she's ready just yet!" She laughed.
Then we heard Brielle crying.
"She must be hungry.." I said looking at my phone.
I went out and got Brielle then I came back in.
I fed her while Gabby and I kept talking.
"I'm so excited for her to come." Gabby smiled.
"You'll be a great mom Gabby!" I told her. I finished up and put Brielle to sleep her in Nursery.
Gabby and I watched her sleep for a minute, then Kelly called us over for Dinner.
We ate and talked for a bit. After we were done we were all sat on the couch and talked more.
"You guys excited to become parents soon?" Kelly asked Matt and Gabby.
"Yea! I feel like I've been pregnant forever but it also feels like I just found out!" Gabby said.
"I'm excited for the girls to become besties!" I said.
We talked for a bit more, then we heard Brielle crying in the baby monitor.
"I just fed you, what to you want from my life?" I laughed.
"Can I get her?" Gabby asked.
"Yea sure!" I said.

We both walked to Brielle. Right before Gabby went to pick her up she let out another groan.
"Ow. Ah, god that hurt!" She said.
"Are you sure you're ok?" I asked her.
"Yea.. I'm ok.." she told me.
"Listen... Gabby, please don't be stubborn like how I was. Tell me, does it hurt a lot, like more than usual?" I asked her as I picked up Brielle is calm her down.
"Yea, a little, but it's fine... really." She said.

We went back out and Kelly took Brielle.
"There's my baby girl." Kelly smiled as he took her.
Gabby and I went to the kitchen to get the cake that they brought.
I grabbed the cake out of the fridge. I put it on the island and took it out of the box. Then, Gabby let out an agonized groan, she almost fell but I caught her.
"Are you ok???" I asked as I helped her up.
"Yea.. I'm fine.." she said as she got up.
"No you're not, Casey! Can you please come?" I yelled out. Kelly and Casey came into the kitchen.
"What's wrong? Gabby? Babe? Are you ok?" Matt ran over.
"Listen I'm-" Gabby started to say, then her water broke.
"Ok, scratch that... she's coming!" Gabby yelled out.
"You guys need us to get your hospital bag?" I asked.
"No, we've been keeping it in the car for the past week." Matt told us.
"We'll follow you guys there!" I said as we got Brielle's stuff to get to the hospital.

We were following them to Med. All of a sudden, they pulled over. We also pulled over behind them.
"What the...?" I asked.
Then Matt came running out.
"Listen, we're still 10 minutes away.. and the baby's coming.. Stella, can you please...?" Matt asked me, freaked out.
"Yea of course!" I said running to their car. "Kelly call 911!"
"Stella! Please! Get her out!" Gabby yelled in pain.
"Let's get you facing me..." I said as Gabby shifted towards me. "Looks like Casey lost the bet." I chuckled.
"Ow! Just get her out please!" Gabby yelled.
"Alright.. Gabby, I can see her head, on your next contraction, I need you to push." I told her.
"I can't! I can't!" Gabby yelled out in pain.
"Gabby, you're one of the bravest people I know.. you can do this!" I told her.
"Come on my love, you can do this!" Matt comforted her holding her hand.
Gabby started screaming as a contraction came on.
"Here we go Gabby, push!" I yelled.
Within 15 minutes Alyssa was born. We got her to cry.
"Here you go! Here's your mommy!" I said as I gave her to Gabby.
Gabby was crying as she held Alyssa on her chest.
Then an Ambulance came.
"Gabby! Stella!" Brett yelled as she came.
"Hey! She couldn't make it to the hospital." I said.
"Gabby, let's get you and the baby to the ambulance." Brett said as we helped her on the gurney.
"I'll drive your car to Med." Kelly told Matt.
"I'll drive Brielle and I." I told Kelly.
We all got to Med.
"Hey, where's Gabby Casey?" I asked some nurse at the front desk, holding Brielle in my arms.
"Who are you?" She asked me.
"I'm her friend, I helped deliver her baby and that baby is my goddaughter/ niece." I told her.
"I'm sorry only family can go in.." she told me.
"Stella! Kelly!" Matt said as he saw us.
"Hey! How are they?" I asked.
"They are doing fine! Thanks to you!" He hugged me.
"Can I see them?" I asked.
"Gabby's sleeping... she passed out on the way here. She's exhausted." He said.
"How's Alyssa?" I asked.
"She's doing great! Want to see her?" He asked.
"Yes!" I said as he took us to her room to see her.
I gave Brielle to Kelly and held my goddaughter.
"Hi sweetie! I'm your Auntie Stella!" I said as I held her.
"Aww, she's so cute Matt!" I said.
"Well it makes sense." Kelly chuckled.
We stayed at the hospital for a bit. When Gabby woke up we talked for a bit. Then we had to leave because we had to get Brielle to bed.


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