Chapter 61

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~Stella's POV~
"Good night my princess." I gave Brielle a kiss and put her to bed.
She fell asleep and Kelly got Addie asleep.
We laid in bed together.

"How did time fly by so fast?" I asked Kelly as we laid down.
"Fly by how?" He asked me.
"Brielle is starting school tomorrow.. and Addie is almost 2 in a couple months... where did our babies go?" I said kind of sad. Our babies were growing up and getting bigger.
"We could have another one." He smiled and kissed me on the neck.
"Yea, no maybe in another year or two." I chuckled.
"Well how many kids do you want?" Kelly asked me.
"I don't know.. maybe 4?" I told him.
"Yea, I was thinking 4 or 5." He told me.
"That sounds nice. And when Bri is older, she can drive them places and be a really nice big sister." I told him.
"Yea, it's about to be 10pm, we have shift and we have to get Addie to daycare and Bri to school." He told me. "What kinda of daycare is Addie going to anyway?"
"It's basically like a pre-K for younger kids. But it's also a daycare." I told him.
We decided to have Addilynn in daycare and Cindy would pick them up. And they would be with her on weekends if we have shift.

-next Morning-
"Bri, sweetie wake up, you have school today." I told her as I softly woke her up.
After she woke up, I got her showered, did her hair naturally curly, and put her in a cute little outfit, black leggings, a little red shirt, and a sweater.

"Mommy? Why do I have to go to school?" Brielle asked me as I was making breakfast.
"Well, you have to learn to get a job, and a job will get you money." I told her.
"Do you make money from your job?" She asked me.
"Yea, daddy and I both make money, that's how we have this apartment, food, and all this furniture." I said.
"Did you have to go to school to be a firefighter?" She asked me.
"Yup, after you finish all 14 grades, you go to another school call the fire academy and you learn to be a firefighter there." I explained.

After we ate breakfast, we dropped Addie off at daycare, then we dropped off Brielle.
Gabby and Matt were there too, Ally and Brielle were at the same school, and Layla and Addie were at the same daycare.
"Bye sweetie, Auntie Cindy will pick you up later and we'll see you tomorrow morning ok?" I told her.
"Love you!" She gave us each a kiss and ran inside excitedly.
"How did we make such a cute little girl." I asked Kelly as I teared up watching her run inside.
"Come on babe, we don't wanna be late for shift." He gave me a kiss in the head and we headed to shift.

-at shift-
Dawson and I were at the coffee maker.
"I wasn't the only one who cried right?" Gabby laughed as we stood there.
"No, I cried too, it's crazy, they were just born! And now they're 4 and starting school." I said.

⚠️TW: Suicide⚠️
Truck 81, Squad 3, ambo 61, engine 51, person injured 45 fern boulevard.
"Let's go." I said as we ran out.
When we got to the call, it was a young teenage girl, she was very distraught. She was standing close to the edge of the building on a roof. There were police, so I'm guessing this is a suicide.
"What's going on?" Casey asked as we got out of the truck.
"Neighbors called saying they heard a noise of crying and screaming on the roof. Then a pedestrian told us that she's been saying 'I don't wanna be here! Let me be free!' And she has been rocking back and forth on that ledge for the past 10 minutes." The officer told him.
"Kidd, Dawson, Otis, with me." Casey ordered.
We got up to the roof and the girl looked even more scared.
"Get away.. I'm done with this.. I can't handle this anymore." She cried.
"Get me roped up." I whispered.
While the girl has her back turned, we quickly got a harness and rope on me.
"Listen sweetheart, can you tell me what's wrong? Why don't you want to be here?" I asked her.
"You won't understand..." she told me, backing up closer to the edge.
"Listen, I could understand.. if you just tell me. What's your name?" I asked her.
"B-Brianna.." she told me.
"Ok, Brianna, my name is Stella, can you just tell me what's wrong?" I said, getting closer to her.
"They're gone..." she whispered.
"Who? Who's gone honey?" I asked.
She looked at me with tears in her eyes, she looked back and cried.
"Im sorry..." she inched back and fell back.
I ran and jumped off, I caught her and we were both hanging there in mid air.
"It's ok, I've got you..." I told her. I kept her tight as Truck pulled us back up.

After we got back from the call, Dawson and I were talking as we were doing truck inventory.
"Real smart work you did back there." Dawson told me.
"The crazy thing was... I totally forgot I was on a harness, when I jumped, I had 500 things going through my head, then when the harness pulled back, I realized how crazy of a stunt I just did..." I told her.
"Stella, I know what was happening but, are you serious?" Dawson asked me.
"Yea... I don't even know why I did that... I just kept thinking... what if Bri gets in trouble.. what if Kelly and I don't come back home from a call... and she looses us... that could be her.. but what if there's no firefighter who would do what I just did?" I told her.
"Listen... that will never happen ok? She's 4 years old.. and you guys are the best parents... don't even think of that again, you hear me?" She said.
"Yea.. yea I hear you." I told her as we finished.


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