Chapter 96

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~Stella's POV~
I walked into the kitchen to make some coffee.
"Hey, need help making anything?" I heard Gabby walk in.
"No thanks, no ones up yet. Just me and Kelly, and I guess you and Casey." I said.
"Alright.... Thanks for letting us stay here. Do any of the younger ones know about Bri and Ally?" She asked.

"No, we got them to bed and they didn't know anything. I heard some noise in Brielle's room last night, Alyssa was sleeping walking around the room and Brielle was awake, but she wasn't fully awake and just dazed." I said.
"Yea... I should've told you. She tends to sleep walk sometimes... why didn't you get me?" She asked.
"Wasn't a need to. And Brielle used to sleep walk too whenever she was dealing with stress. Do you know why Alyssa does?" I asked.
"We took her to Med to get checked out. Dr. Charles and Reese figured it's just normal. No real reason, but it should stop soon." Gabby said.
We heard something at the stairs. Then Alyssa came into the kitchen.

"Well good morning there." Gabby chuckled.
"Aunt Stella, where's your Aleve? Bri only had some Tylenol in her medicine cabinet..." she said. She looked dead. I could tell the alcohol really hit
"Yea sure... anyone else awake?" I asked as I looked through the cabinet.
"Uh... not that I know of... Brielle is snoring though.." she said. She sat down at the island and leaned her head on her hands and her eyes her half closed.

"How'd you sleep?" Gabby asked her.
"Good... why am I here? And how did I get here..? The last thing I remember was Bri and I walking to Jacob's house... and... oh my god... we had alcohol didn't we? That's why I'm feeling like death?" She asked.
"Yup... you're lucky Bri called. But you were both... let's just say the alcohol took over." Gabby said.
"Ok but what happened?" Alyssa asked.

"So from what Brielle told us last night when she called, there was alcohol at the party, she said that you guys thought it would be ok to drink a little. She tried not to drink too much because she wanted to be able to walk you home. But she ended up having too much herself. She called me and we heard you trying to get another drink while Brielle told you to stop. She called me telling me that you guys needed us to pick you guys up, that she has too much to drink her self and she felt tipsy and dizzy and nauseous. She said she didn't feel safe getting in a car with anyone. We got there and saw Brielle laying on a couch passed out. And you were at a drink station chugging something down. We're disappointed in you guys... but we're glad that she called instead of trying to get in a car with someone and you both get in an accident." I said.
"I'm sorry... we thought it would be fine..." she said.

~Brielle's POV~
I woke up and my head was pounding.
"Oh my god..." I said. I put my hands on my head. I remember everything from last night.
I turned and saw Alyssa wasn't there.

I saw that I had water on my nightstand. I could still taste the alcohol in my mouth.
I started to drink my water and then I ran to the bathroom and threw up.

My head was pounding and I felt exhausted and super nauseous.
I took some nausea meds I have for when I'm on my period. But I couldn't even swallow them. I threw them up as soon as I got them down.

I sat on my bathroom floor with my head in my knees.
I took a deep breath and sighed.
I could feel a stabbing in my abdomen.
"That was not worth it..." I told myself, as I gripped my counter from the pain.
I tried to take the medicine again, I was finally able to keep it down, but I could feel my body wanting to throw up. And the stabbing pain wouldn't go away.

~Stella's POV~
We heard some foot steps from the stairs.
"Alyssa you ever make me go to another party again and I will push you off of the truck's ladder." Brielle said when she walked in the kitchen.
"Well good morning to you too..." Alyssa chuckled.
Brielle gave her the same look I give Kelly when he annoys me. Even though she's always been a daddy's girl, she's always had my sass and attitude.

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