Chapter 81

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~Stella's POV~
It was now 8am and I was laying in Kelly's bunk. I woke up to him shaking me awake.
"Babe, wake up." He whispered.
"Yea...?" I said as I woke up.
"Shift's over. Let's go get changed out and go get the kids." He said, he moved the hair out of my face and gave me a kiss.
"Ok... let's go." I said as I got up.

We got changed out of our uniforms and drove to Herrmann's house.
"It's cool that you guys got to do Brielle's visit." Kelly said as we drove.
"Yea it was. But it was pretty funny how they shot up their hand every time, but they obviously knew all the answers." I said.
"Yea, but I bet Bri and Ally still loved it." He smiled.
"Yea.. what will we do with the kids today?" I asked.
"Park? You know they love that place." He said.
"Alright. That sounds good. But let's only be there for maybe 2 hours. I'm super tired." I said.
"You're still tired?" He asked me.
"Yea, I have no clue why though. Ever since that field trip yesterday, I've been exhausted." I said. I laid my head on his shoulder as he drove.
"Ok, we'll only stay for 2 hours, then we can go home and you can get some rest. Kids and I will be in the living room." He told me.
"Well, we have to get breakfast first." I laughed.

We pulled up and got the kids.
"Hey guys, where do you guys want to eat for breakfast?" Kelly asked as we all got loaded in the car.
"Can we go to that bagel shop?" Addilynn asked.
"Yea! Can we?" Brielle asked.
"Yea!" Both the boys said.
"Sure let's go." Kelly said.

Once we got to the bagel shop, we went inside and ordered.
"Alright, what do you kids want?" I asked them.
"A bagel with butter." Greyson said.
"Can I have that too?" Addilynn asked.
"Ok, and you two?" I asked Jaxson and Brielle.
"I want what you get." Brielle said.
"Bagel with cream cheese please." Jaxson said.

"Alright so, 3 bacon egg and cheese with ketchup salt pepper on everything bagels, 2 plain bagels with butter, and a plain bagel with cream cheese." Kelly told the guy at the counter.
"Anything to drink?" The guys asked.
"6 bottles of water and... you want coffee?" Kelly asked me.
"You really asking me that?" I laughed.
"And 2 coffees." Kelly chuckled and told the guy.
"Alright, will that be for here or to go?" The guys asked.
"You guys want to eat at the park?" I asked the kids.
"Yea!" They all said.
"To go." Kelly told the guy.

We got the food and then we got to the park. We went to a picnic table and ate.
"Mommy? Can we go play now?" Brielle asked as they all finished eating.
"Ok, but stick together." I said.

We watched the kids play.
"How did we make such cute kids?" I smiled at Kelly as we watched them play.
"Well the first step was that their mom was hot." He laughed and kissed me.
"Well it's the same for their dad." I laughed.

I rested my head on Kelly's shoulder and closed my eyes. Luckily the playground wasn't busy at all. We were the only ones there, because it was only 930am. Then I got woken up by one of the kids running up to me.
"Mommy! Can you push me on the swing?" Jaxson ran up.
I got a little startled.
"Jax.. mommy's trying to sleep." Kelly said.
"No.. it's..fine. I'll push you." I said.

I got up and right before I started to walk over I got a dizzy spell, I quickly sat back down and put my head in my hands.
"Woah, babe you ok?" Kelly asked me.
"Yea I'm fine... just super tired and I guess I got a dizzy spell." I said.
"We've already been here for over an hour, want to just leave so you can rest?" Kelly asked me.
"No, it's fine, I want the kids to have fun..." I said. I tried to get up again to go to Jaxson, but Kelly stopped me.
"No babe, I can see you're not feeling well. Let's just go home." He said.
"Ok, yea let's...let's go.." I said, I was exhausted and also knew it was no use to argue with him because I knew he would end up winning anyway.
"Brielle, Addilynn, Greyson, and Jaxson! Come on we're going home!" He yelled out.
"Aww why?" Addilynn asked as they ran over.
"Because, we've been here for awhile already. And we had a long shift yesterday. Your mother is very tired from shift." He said.

We got home and the kids went to play in their rooms and I went to lay down.
After 2 hours I woke up and Kelly came in the room.
"You ok babe?" Kelly asked me, laying down next to me.
"Yea.. I'm fine. I think last shift really just killed me." I said.
"You want anything? Pain killers? More coffee?" He asked.
"No, I'm good now I think. Thanks babe." I gave him a kiss.

Then I got a text from Gabby.
Gabby: hey, you guys busy?
Stella: no why?
Gabby: the kids want to see yours. It's not like they spend all week with each other at school. But you know, they've been bugging me.
Stella: yea sure, you guys can come. When were you thinking?
Gabby: it's noon right now so, maybe 3? We can all grab a bite to eat or something for dinner together.
Stella: alright sounds good. I'll see you then.

"Who was that?" Kelly asked.
"The Casey kids have been begging Gabby to come see the kids. So they are coming over at 3 and we're all gonna go get dinner together." I said.
"You sure you want to go out? You've been tired all day." He asked.
"It's fine baby." I smiled and gave him a kiss.

Gabby and Matt came over and we decided on where to go.
"Where should we go? I'm starving." I said.
"Want to try that Mexican place that's 20 mins from here? Antonio said that him and Brett went there a couple weeks ago and he said it was good." Gabby said.
"That sounds good." Kelly said.
"Wait, they're closed today." Casey said, looking at his phone.
"So how about we just make something here?" I asked Gabby.
"Yea sure. I'm starving anyway too and it would be faster to make something." Gabby said.
"Surprise us." Kelly and Casey laughed.

Gabby and I looked in the kitchen and decided to make Chicken Parm.
"I'll start making the pasta, how about you start seasoning and breading the chicken?" I said.
"Ok." Gabby said.
We were making the food. Then when we finished, we served everyone and ate.

Gabby and I just cleaned up the kitchen and were talking.
"Want some wine?" I suggested.
"You know I do." Gabby laughed.
I poured the wine, but before I could take a sip, I started to feel uneasy. And then I got hit with a wave.
"Hey you ok?" Gabby grabbed my hand.
"Yea, sorry, I've just been out of it all day. Just been tired, ever since yesterday with the girls' field trip I've been exhausted." I said, I sat down a chair and tried to clear my head.

"You think you could've caught a cold or something?" Gabby asked me.
"I don't know maybe. I-... wait..." I said.
"What is it?" She asked.
"Come with me." I said. We walked to the bathroom and I took out a box of pregnancy tests.
"You think you're...?" Gabby asked me.
I looked at my phone.
"February 18th, I'm almost 2 weeks late." I said.
"Alright, take one." Gabby said.
I took the test out fo the wrapper, but I just stood there for a minute.
"You ok?" Gabby asked me.
"It would be 5 kids Gabby... 5." I said. I looked at her with tears in my eyes.
"Hey.. it's ok. It's not like you guys won't know what you're doing. You'll do great." She hugged me.

I took the test and we put on the 3 minute timer. Once the timer went off, we flipped over the test.
I started to cry.
I was pregnant again.


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