Chapter 98

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-February Winter Break-
~Stella's POV~
"Come on Brielle, take a break for now. It's freezing out here." Kelly told his daughter. The kids were off for this whole week at school.

The Casey kids and our kids are at the firehouse for this shift, and then tomorrow morning, we're all leaving to the airport for a vacation, we're not telling the kids where, but we're going to Disney World. The weather isn't too hot over there. It's like in the high 60s over there, while it's in the low 40s here. We need to escape the cold here for a bit. All the luggage is in the cars. We're very excited.

Brielle and Alyssa are doing drills. Alyssa was learning how to do some simple paramedic stuff like different meds, IVs, and CPR. And Brielle was doing a ladder drill. She was so determined to beat her personal best.
"One more time!" Brielle said, as she was getting ready to do it again.
"Brielle you've been at this for an hour now, take a break." I laughed.

Squad 3, Truck 81, Ambo 61, Engine 51 person in distress 140 James st.

"Dang it." Brielle said as she took off my turnout gear to give me. "Man it's freezing. Guess I didn't feel it from the adrenaline." She added.
"Be good, we'll be back." I told Brielle as she gave me my turnout gear back.
The kids all went inside and we went to the call.
***AN: Even though Stella is Lieutenant, she drives the truck still, and Casey rides with Truck.***

Once we got to the call, we all got out to see what we were dealing with. It was a young guy, who had a basketball hoop fallen on him.

"Help me! Please!" He said.
"What's your name bud?" I asked him.
"Jared." He said, he was loosing breath.
"What were you doing shooting hoops in the cold Jared?" I joked.
"I'm playing Winter basketball this year, tryouts are next week. But the indoor courts are too packed." He said.
"Alright don't worry, we'll get you out and you'll be at those tryouts next week." I said.
"Otis, Mouch, And Gallo, let's lift up this hoop." I said.

We started to lift it up.
"Ow ow! Stop please!" He said. We noticed a part of the hoop broke off and was impaled into his chest.
"Hey Kelly, we need the Sawzall over here!" I yelled out to him.
Jared was looking too much blood, he was loosing consciousness.
"Hey, hey, stay with me." I told him.
"Sawzall." Kelly said as he brought it over.
I took off my turnout coat and covered the kid's head as they were cutting the hoop.
Once they got the hoop cut, Ambo took him to Med.

We got back to the firehouse. Truck got back first. Squad and Engine were getting gas, and Ambo was at Med.
It was 6pm. Even though it was still early, we decided to set up the mattresses in the bullpen for the kids. Dawson and I got the mattresses out from the storage room that used to be Chef's office. And sleeping bags.
We set it up in the bull pen.

"Where are the kids?" Gabby asked me as we finished getting the beds ready.
"That's a good question.." I laughed.
We looked around and found Addilynn, Layla, Jaxson, Greyson, Oliver, Oakley, Madison, and Mason in the locker room.
"What are you guys doing?" Gabby asked them.
"We're bored, so we wanted to hide from you guys." Oliver said.
"Where's your older sisters?" I asked, seeing that Brielle and Alyssa weren't there.
"I don't know. They didn't want to hide." Addilynn said.

We looked around and found Brielle and Alyssa in Kelly's quarters. Alyssa was at the desk and Brielle was on his bunk.
"Hey, just wanted to let you guys know that we set up the beds in the bullpen already." I said.
"Mom we could've done it." Brielle joked.
"Can you help me beat this level?" Alyssa gave Brielle her phone.
"What are you guys playing?" Gabby asked Alyssa.
"Roblox." Alyssa said.
"Hey mom, you're a Lieutenant now, how come you don't have your own office?" Brielle asked me.
"I just share one with your dad. We always just sleep together here anyway. Even when I wasn't a Lieutenant, we were always in here together." I said.
"These bunks aren't even that bad, they're pretty comfy." Brielle said.
"We're all going to the airport tomorrow right?" Alyssa asked.

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