Chapter 70

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~Stella's POV~
Natalie's expression got me super worried. She looked at the screen for a minute before speaking.
"Um... it's twins..." she said.
What. Twins? There's no way.
"Are you serious?" I said, trying to get up and look at the screen.
"Yea, look, clear as day." She said turning the screen towards me and pointing at them.
I looked at Kelly confused and surprised.
"This would explain why you have felt worse. Twin pregnancies are way harder because it's two babies." Nat told me.

"Two.. at once..." I told Kelly.
"That's great babe... we'll be fine..." he told me.
I just held his hand and kept my tears in. I was scared of having another baby, now we'd be having 4 kids altogether.
"It's ok, you guys will do great, you already have two little girls." Natalie told us.
"Yea... yea we got this.." I said.
"Mommy? What's that?" Brielle came up and pointed at the screen.
"That's the babies in mommy's tummy, it's twins." I told her.
"Really? Cool! Is it a boy and girl?" She asked me.
"Uh... I don't know." I said. I looked at Nat.
"I can't tell right now, but would you guys want to know or have a gender reveal?" Nat asked me.
"I think we could plan a gender reveal, we can find out the gender here, and at the gender reveal we could tell everyone we're having twins." I looked at Kelly.
"Yea, that would be better." Kelly said.
"Ok, so you guys will have to come in in 3 weeks to found out the gender." Nat told us.
"Alright, that's fine." I said.
"Alright, congrats you guys! I'll get some photos printed out!" Nat said.

We got to the car, we gave the girls our phones so they would be distracted while we talked.
"That was... unexpected." Kelly said as we got in the car.
"Two.. two at once.. we'd have 4 kids now Kelly." I told him.
"Babe it's ok, look, we know what to except. And we'll be just fine." He told me.
"I guess... it does make sense why this pregnancy has already been harder. And why my stomach has been more swollen." I told him.
"Yea. What do you think the genders are?" He asked me.
"I have a feeling it's gonna be a girl and a boy. I hope we get at least one boy." I told him.
"Yea, I think it's gonna be 2 girls, I don't know why, but I have the strongest feeling that we're gonna have more girls." He told me.
"Well I hope we get at least one boy." I chuckled.
"Yea me too, oh, don't forget to call Chief." He told me.
"Yea, maybe I'll just work this shift on Monday and leave then. Truck technically doesn't really need a replacement for me because we already have 6 ppl. Mouch, Casey, Me, Dawson, Otis, and Gallo." I told him. "So if I leave, Truck can still have 5 ppl. That's why Chief made Truck have 6 ppl instead of 5, incase one of us to out, we technically aren't short numbered."
"Oh yea, we'll tell Chief on Monday? And everyone else?" He asked me.
"Yea, we can basically just tell them during briefing, like how we did with the girl's; but we won't tell them it's twins until the gender reveal." I explained.
"Alright, sounds like a plan." He chuckled.
Then we pulled up to the restaurant.

-Monday shift-
We got the girls ready for school. I did the girls hair, and got them dressed while Kelly made breakfast. I put Brielle's hair in natural curls, and Addie wanted her hair in braids.
We got the girls fed and dropped them off.
Then we got to the firehouse.
Kelly and I got our uniforms on and got to Chief's office before briefing.
"Hey Chief?" I asked as I walked in.
"What is it Kidd?" He asked.
"Today is my last shift for a bit..." I told him.
"What? What do you mean last shift?" He asked.
"I'm pregnant!" I said.
"Ohhh, congrats you guys! When are you announcing it to everyone else?" He asked.
"Right now!" Kelly said.
"Alright let's go!" Chief said.

During briefing, Chief said some announcements, then at the end, Kelly and I announced it.
"Alright, now Kidd and Severide just need to say something." Chief said as he stepped to the side.
Dawson, Matt, Kelly, and I all laughed a little at each other.
"Alright, so, we'll have another member of 51 joining us in just a few months... I'm pregnant!" I said.
Everyone cheered and congratulated us.
"That's great! Another little one! When's your last shift?" Herrmann asked.
"Today! I straight up cannot work during this pregnancy! Trying it hide it last week was so difficult!" I laughed.
"When's the gender reveal?" Gabby asked me.
"In a month! We find out the gender in 3 weeks!" I said. I made sure not to say genders bc I didn't want anyone to know it was twins.
"I know it's a boy!" Brett said excitedly.
"I don't know, we'll see!" I said.

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