Chapter 37

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~Kelly's POV~
It was 4 am and we had shift in the morning. I woke up to Stella tossing and turning.
"Hey, you ok?" I asked her.
"No. My back hurts and she won't stop kicking me." She told me. I could tell she was upset.
I got up and got some spare pillows from our closet and gave them to her.
"Here look." I said. I pulled her close it me. Her back was turned to me. I put a pillow under her stomach. And a pillow under her side and her back. I hugged her tight and put my hand on her bump.
"Thank you." She said smiling as she got sleepy.
"Of course baby." I said as I stroked her hair and we went to sleep.

-In the morning-
~Stella's POV~
Kelly and I woke up to our alarms going off.
"Time for work." I said as I turned off my alarm.
"How did you sleep after I helped you?" Kelly asked me.
"Really good. Thanks babe." I told me with a kiss.
"Of course, I love you." He told me with a chuckle.
"It's crazy, I have one more week until I'm off for a year." I said as we got ready.
"Yea it is... she's coming soon." Kelly said with a smile.

-At shift-
As I was getting changed in the locker room, Dawson came in.
"Hey! OMG we only have 2 more shifts after this and we're done!" She said excitedly as we came in.
"Well you're still doing that desk job when we're done with ambo." I told her.
"Yea I know, but I'm excited to be taking it slow and easy." She told me.
"I'm excited to be home! I'm kind of done with being on ambo. I'm too uncomfortable." I told her.
"Yea. Well at least she'll be here soon!" She told me.
Then we heard the bells.
Ambo 61 person in distress 43 grant ave

We got to the scene.
A young girl came out and just yelled. "My mommy! My mommy! You have to help her."
"What happened sweetheart?" Gabby said as the girl ran over to us.
"She we were watching TV, she said her arm was hurting, then she fell asleep and isn't waking up!" The little girl was crying.
We got inside and saw the mother laying on the couch unresponsive.
"Her heart rate is very fast..." Brett said as she hooked up the monitor.
"Wait... you said your mommy's arm hurt? Which one was hurting?" I asked the little girl.
"That one" the little girl said, pointing to her mom's left arm.
"This lady is having a heart attack." I told Dawson.
"Pushing 10 of Nitroglycerin." Brett said.
"Bag her." Brett told me.
Within a few minutes the mother woke up.
"Mommy!" The girl ran over and hugged her mom.
"Ma'am? You just had a heart attack. We need to take you to a hospital. Has this ever happened before?" Dawson told the woman.
"Oh. No, this has never happened before.." the woman told us, we loaded her into the ambo and took her to Med.

It was around 5pm now and Dawson, Brett, and I were talking. Truck, Squad , and Engine were all out on a call, so it was just the 3 of us in the house.
"I haven't heard anything about my new ambo partner yet.. and we only have 2 more shifts together.." Brett said.
"It's weird... but I'm sure your partner will get along with you.. don't stress too much about it." Gabby said.
"Yea, you're right." Brett said.
"Want us to talk to chief about it?" I asked Brett.
"Could you? He'll probably talk to you guys about it before he tells me anything about them. He loves surprises." Brett chuckled.

Gabby and I went to Chief's office.
"Dawson, Kidd, what do you need?" He asked as we walked in.
"We're just wondering who is replacing us on ambo when we leave..." Gabby said.
"Well.. I have two options, someone fresh out of the academy... or someone who has been on the job for 3 months." He explained.
"Who is the 3 month person?" I asked.
"Emily Foster. She has been on the field for about 3 months now, she used to be a doctor at Med before something happened... wouldn't give me much details about her." he explained.
"And who is the other person?" Gabby asked.
"Someone named... Hallie Westen... she was top of her class but has 0 experience. And I don't think I would want her in the busiest house in Chicago with no experience." He told us.
"Then the answer sounds clear Chief." I told him.
"Foster?" He asked.
"Yup." Gabby and I both said.
"Alright, I'll notify HQ." He said, picking up his phone.

We left Boden's Office.
"So did you find out?" Brett asked us.
"Yea, you'll be working with a girl who has 3 months of experience on the field, and she was a doctor at Med before that." Gabby explained.
"A doctor? Why would she become a paramedic?" Brett questioned.
"I don't know.. Chief said that something happened at Med and that she became a paramedic because of that..." I told her.
"Thanks for getting the info!" Brett said.
"Anytime." Dawson and I both said as we heard the vehicles pull in.

"Hey babe." Kelly said as he saw me in the common room.
"Hey." I told him back.
We went to his office.
"How was the call?" I asked him.
"Some guy had a brilliant idea of exploring a train track that he thought was abandoned. And he ended up living.. but he had to get his legs amputated.." he told me.
"Oh wow... ppl are complete idiots, though.. that does sound like something you would do.." I laughed.
"Hah.. it probably would be." He chuckled.
"Yes it would.." I laughed.
"How have my girls been today?" He asked.
"Your daughter thinks my lower back is a punching bag. And she thinks that it's funny be really active when I try to relax.." I told him. Putting his hand on where she was kicking.
"Well.. only 2 more shifts and you can relax all you want until she is here.." he told me with a kiss.


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