Chapter 49

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~Stella's POV~
I woke up to Brielle coming into our room.
"Mommy?" I heard her say and wake up me.
"Yea pumpkin? What's wrong?" I asked her.
"Can I snuggle with you?" She asked me.
"Yea sure, come here baby." I picked her up and we snuggled in bed for a bit.
A little few hours later I woke up to my alarm going off.
"I forgot, we have the appointment today." I said as I woke up. I turned off my alarm and Brielle woke up.
"Mommy? Can I wake up daddy?" She asked me.
"Yea, we need to get ready." I told her.
"Daddy! Mommy says you need to wake up!" Brielle shook Kelly and woke him up.
"Huh? What?" He said as he woke up.
"We need to get ready!" Brielle told him.
"For what?" He asked.
"Appointment." I told him pointing to my bump.
"Alright, let's get ready. When it is?" He asked.
"3 hours, if we hurry up, we can get breakfast before heading there." I told him, picking up Brielle to get her ready.
"Ok, I'll be ready in 15 mins." He told me.
"I'll get her ready, then I'll get myself ready." I said.
We went to Brielle's room, I got her dressed and did her hair.
"Mommy, where are we going?" Brielle asked as I was putting on her shoes.
"We're gonna go have breakfast, then mommy has to go to the doctors." I told her.
"Doctor? Are you hurt?" She asked me worried.
"No sweetheart.. mommy is having an appointment to see the baby.." I told her rubbing my stomach.
"Baby sis?" She asked.
"We'll see today ok?" I told her.

"Alright, you can go get ready now babe." Kelly came out of the bedroom.
"Alright, I'll be quick!" I said running into the bedroom. I got dressed in leggings, and a t-shirt. I threw some water on my hair and did my makeup.
"Alright I'm ready!" I said as I got my purse.
"Where are we eating?" Kelly asked as he got Brielle.
"McDonald's!" Brielle yelled out.
"I could go for that." I laughed.
"Me too, let's go." Kelly said heading out the door.
"Do we have time to sit inside and eat?" Kelly asked me.

I checked the time, we had an hour and a half to until the appointment.
"Yea, we do." I told him.
We went inside.
"Hi what can I get for you?" The girl asked us.
"Can I get 2 sausage, egg, and cheese biscuits?" Kelly asked.
"Ok, what else?" She asked.
"Let me get the breakfast burrito, but instead of bacon, can you do sausage?" I asked.
"Yes we can! And for the little one?" She asked, pointing to Brielle.
"Happy meal!" Brielle called out.
"Are you guys doing those right now?" I asked the girl.
"We aren't for another 30 mins, but I can make an exception." The girl smiled.
"Thanks so much!" I told her.
"No problem! Your total is $21.54." She said.
Kelly paid and we went to a table.
"I'll go wait for the food." Kelly said as we sat down.
"Mommy? Where's daddy going?" Brielle asked me.
"He's gonna go get the food." I told her.
After Kelly brought the food, we talked as we ate.
"I was thinking... what if I get don't find out the gender today... but we ask Gabby to throw us a gender reveal party?" Kelly asked me.
"That would actually be really cool! I could ask her, but I know she'll be down anyway!" I laughed.

After we ate, we went to the car, and we got to Med.
"Hey, I have an appointment with Nat." I told April at the front desk.
"Ok! You can go to room 3." She told us.

We went to the room. After about 2 minutes Natalie came in.
"Hey! So are we going to find out the gender today?" She asked as she turned on the machine.
"No, we were wondering if you could put the gender in an envelope, so we could give to Gabby and she could throw us a gender reveal party." I explained.
"Yea! I could do that! What do you guys think it is?" She asked.
"I think it's a boy." I said.
"I think it's another little girl." Kelly smiled.
"What do you think?" Nat asked Brielle.
"Baby sis!" She pointed to my stomach.
"She's been saying "baby sis' everytime I talk about the baby, I swear she knows something." I laughed.
"I'll get the gender in an envelope so you guys can give it to Gabby!" She said as she walked out of the room.

After the appointment, I called Gabby.
gabby: hey Stella! What's up?
Stella: hey! We were just at our appointment, and we were wondering if you guys could throw us a gender reveal party? We have the gender in an envelope to give to you.
Gabby: OMG yes! I would love to! You can come by drop it off now! When do you want the party? And where?
Stella: in 2 weeks? Our place?
Gabby: yea! I can make it by then!

-gender reveal party-
Gabby kept Kelly and I out of the house all day.
We got back when the party was almost about to start.
Everyone was wearing what ever color they thought the baby's gender would be. Besides Casey and Gabby, they were wearing both pink and blue.
I was wearing a blue tight dress. Kelly was wearing a pink shirt with jeans. And Brielle was wearing a pink dress.
"Surprise!" Gabby said as we walked in.
"Omg it's adorable Gabby!" I said as I saw everything.
She decorated everything in blue and pink and had a box in the middle of the room.
"So, you guys have to open the box, and if pink balloons pop out, it's a girl, if blue balloons come out, it's a boy." She explained.
"Can't wait!" I said.

-box opening-
It was now time to find out baby #2's gender.
"Let's see, will it be Asher, or Addilynn?" I whispered into Kelly's ear.
"Let's find out." He said.
"Brielle come here!" I yelled for her.
I picked her up and she helped untie the ribbon in the box.
All of a sudden pink balloons came out.
"It's a girl!" Everyone cheered.


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