Chapter 27

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~Stella's POV~
As I started the IV I felt something.
"Woah, woah- what are you doing?" The tougher guy asked. I felt as the guy shoved the gun into the back of my neck. I heard him cock it. And I got tears in my eyes instantly. I looked at Dawson helpless because I know one little move and this guy could kill both me and Brielle.
"Listen, we need to do this. Unless you guys want to take him to a hospital, this is the only way we can treat him." Dawson told the guy.
He thought for a moment, then took the gun away from my neck.
We got the IV in.
"Let's start bagging." Dawson told me.
"Listen, I'm gonna go check with the others, hold them down about hour or two. I just got a text from Eco and I got show them. Then I'm gonna help them cuz they got like 15 people out there." The tougher guy told JB.
"Yea, yea. Let's just get the hell out of here already." JB said. He pointed the gun closer to us.
"We need to pack this wound and wrap it." Dawson told me. "And we can't lift him.. he's at least 200lbs and with all these fluids pumped into him he's like 215." she whispered.
"Hey, listen we need you to help us lift him." Gabby told JB. He hesitated.
"Just do it yourself. Why do you need me?" He asked.
"Listen this for your friend. We need two ppl to lift him while the other wraps the wound. One of us needs help to lift him." I explained to him.
All of a sudden we heard shallow breaths coming from Akeil.
"Akeil! Fix him!" JB yelled.
Dawson lifted his shirt. We found a bullet wound in his chest.
"Dammit. No exit hole. The bullet must be around or in the lung." Dawson said.
All of a sudden we heard sirens.
JB started to run out to check out what was going on.
"Hey, hey! listen, we either need your help, or get us the other paramedic so she can help us. If you want your friend to live." I told him.
He hesitated for a moment, then put his gun down and help us.

~Matt's POV~
I was worried for Stella and Gabby. They were in danger. And I couldn't help them. I saw that Brett was afraid. She kept looking back like she was trying to see what was going on in the bunk room.
"Don't worry, I bet they're fine." I told her.
One of the guys who was in the back with Stella and Gabby came out.
"Hey, I just got a text from Eco, he said we're in the clear." He told their leader.
Then we heard something outside
"Great, which one of you called the cops??? Huh?" One of the guys asked us as he heard the police.
"You took our phones, and our radios. None of us could have." Otis told them.
"Maybe it was one of those ambo ladies in the back." One of the guys told their leader as he started to run towards them.
"It was not them. You took all our phones and radios already, how could it be them?" Boden asked them.
"I suggest all of you shut up before you meet what's in this!" Their leader told us pointing the gun at all of us. "Go to them." The leader told one of the guys.
"Listen, when there is a distraction... I need you to cover me. I need to check on Stella and Gabby." I whispered to Mouch.
"You got it." He whispered back.

~Gabby's POV~
We got the wound bandaged up. But Akeil was still not breathing right. One of the guys came into the room, my guess it was their leader.
"He good? Cuz we need to leave before these cops get to us." He said.
"Yea he's stable for now, but without a hospital or a surgeon to get the bullet, he will get worse." I explained.
Then Akeil's breathing got even worse.
"Hey, hey! I thought you knew what you were doing? That don't look good!" He yelled at us.
"He's developing a tension pneumothorax." I explained.
"In English, dummy." He told me.
"His injury is letting air into his chest cavity, but won't let it escape. And it's pushing pressure onto his heart. I need to pierce his chest to let the air escape." Stella explained. "JB, hand me that orange tube." She told him. She got the needle and felt where she needed to put it.
"No, now what the hell that for?" The guy said putting the gun at Stella's head.
"Needle decompression. I need to let the air escape so the pressure stops pushing on his heart." She explained to him.
"No, no that ain't gonna work, get over here." He grabbed Stella by the arm.
"No, bro, they know what they're doing." JB tried to tell the guy.
"Hey! Let her go!" I yelled and got up.
"You just work on him, or else." He put the gun right on my stomach.
"Hey, hey. Bro, maybe just stop for a minute." JB told the leader.
"No! And why you tell them your name for?! Cops and fireman, all the same. One carry an axe, one carry a gun." He yelled at JB.
"Let's go." He grabbed Stella by the arm and took her towards the locker room.
"Hey bring her back!" I yelled.
"You just worry about fixing him!" The guy turned around and pointed the gun at me.

"Listen, I need to do this... or he will die." I told JB.
"Ok...ok yea do it." He told me. I put the needle in, let the air escape, and Akeil let out a couple breathes.
"He, he good now?" JB asked me.
"For now... he needs a trauma surgeon to stitch up his abdomen wound and to take out the bullet." I explained.
He looked at his friend.
"Listen... I know you don't want this life for yourself... I can help you. You just need to help us get these guys out. They don't even have to go to jail." I told him.

~Stella's POV~
The guy grabbed me by my arm and took me to the locker room.
"Which one yours?" He asked me.
"That-that one, right there." I pointed to mine.
"Open it." He told me as he pointed the gun.
I opened it up and he pushed me out of the way and started looking through it. He found a photo of me and Kelly at our wedding and a sonogram of Brielle.
"Listen... you act up again. And I will track down you down, and murder your entire family." He said showing me the photos. He cocked the gun, put his finger in the trigger and pointed it at my stomach. I stood there and looked him dead in the eye and let the tears fall from my face. Praying in my head for him not to pull the trigger. I felt a sharp jolt of pain go through my body and I winced in pain and bent over a little. I put my one hand on my stomach and another on my back
"Oh, you gonna regret that." The leader said, shoving the gun harder in my stomach.
"Just stop.. please.." I cried.

"Aye! We busting out of here!" JB came in. I looked at him with tears running down my face.
"Dude! Don't!" JB yelled at the guy and tackled him to the ground. He smashed the leader's head in the locker and he passed out.
I took the gun out of his hand and called over to Dawson.
"What happened?" She asked, running in.
"I'll tell you later..." I told her. I got my phone and called Kelly.

Kelly: "Stella, Stella! Are you ok?!"
Stella: "Listen, babe, I'm fine. They got everyone in the common room. But they have 4 of them in there watching everybody. Get the police to come in through the back doors by the locker rooms. We got two guys that need to go to the hospital."
Kelly: "alright! We're heading in now."

Within a minute the police sneaked in through the back doors.
"Where is everyone?" Jay asked me.
"Common room" I said.

~Matt's POV~
"Freeze! Don't move, put your weapons down!" I heard someone yell. The whole gang looked at each other and then tried to run.
Mouch, Otis, Boden and I got them and pinned them to the ground.
Within less than a minute Ruzeck, Jay, Erin, and Voight all came in and put the guys in handcuffs.

I ran to find Gabby.
"Gabby!" I said as I found her, Stella, Kelly, Antonio, and two of the gang members there.
"Listen, JB doesn't need to go to jail. He got stuck in the gang life. And he couldn't find a way out. Can't you guys do what you guys did for Cruz's brother? He saved me by tackling this guy." Stella told Antonio.
"What happened?" I whispered to Gabby.
"I'll tell you later." She told me back.
"Ok, JB won't go to jail. But we need to get this guy to a hospital still." Antonio pointed at the leader on the floor.
"And the other guy." Gabby told Antonio.

After they got everyone out and things calmed down. Chief got us all in the briefing room.
"I am taking the house out of service for the rest of the day. Do what you guys need to be ready by next shift. Talk to someone if you need." He told us.


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