Chapter 2: Please Believe Me!

Start from the beginning

“I have to go out… I’ll see ya later Eli!” I said as he glared at me. I didn’t see why he was so mad… anyway, I made my way down to the lobby and out the door in a jiffy and in a blink of an eye I was starting up my car. I roamed throughout the city until I found the mall.

I smiled as I made my way into the building. The smell of teens, hot dogs and nail polish hit me like a truck as I walked in. I looked at the directory and saw there were Victoria’s Secret, Pac Sun, JCPenny’s, Forever 21, and a bunch of other stores. I saw I was closest to Forever 21 so I went there first. As I walked through the mall having a totally normal day I thought to myself, Black looks great on me… I’ll get a black bikini! I looked through their bikinis and saw none that appealed to my eyes, so I went to Victoria’s Secret.

I walked in and was surrounded by pink. My heart tightened in nostalgia as I remembered my sister, Mary’s, room-walls painted two shades of pink with doll houses, dolls and white selves that her books laid upon. A lump formed in my throat as I remembered the lost. My eyes burned with tears. I bit my tongue hoping that would stop the tears from falling, but one unfaithful tear slid down my cheek as I continued to choke back the rest from spilling. I wiped the stray tear way and slowly stopped crying. I refused to cry in public and have these ignoramuses take pity upon me. I walked to the place where the bikinis laid. I looked through them all and the last one turned out to be the perfect one. The entire outfit was simple enough. The top was what they called a daisy push-up triangle top. It tied in the neck and back with a little bow in the front. The bottoms were what the store called double-string bottoms, I guess. I tied at both sides and it covered the butt well enough. I smiled and bought the bikini from the cashier. I walked out of the store with a small bag. I moved my way through crowds of people making my way towards the exit. Somehow I ended up at the food court, so I bought some lunch from Chick-fil-A- one for me, one for Eli, and a few for us in the near future, after we ditch this place. I sat at an empty table and at my chicken sandwich. When I took a sip of my lemonade, I saw a boy sitting in front of me.

He had straight black hair with blue highlights. His blue eyes sparkled and looked as clear as the ocean at the beach were I killed my brother. He wore a black shirt with a band name on it. I think it was Panic! At The Disco but I couldn’t quite decipher it.

“Hello,” I said.

“Um, hi,” he said.

“Not to seem rude, but is there a reason for you being here?”

“Well you see my mom and my dad fell in love and on their honeymoon they--.”

“No! No!” I interrupted. “I meant, why are you sitting in front of me?” I laughed.

“Oh, to meet you of course, I’m Kyle by the way,” he said, smiling a tooth grin.

“Gwyn,” I said with my mouth full of chicken and bread. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see a group of boys looking over at this table. Some were gawking, some were making kissy faces, some were just standing there. I turned to them and they either didn’t care or didn’t notice because they just ignored me. “Are those guys bothering you?” I asked him.

“No! Not at all! In fact, I came in here with them!” For some reason I just couldn’t believe him.

“Um, why don’t I just do this?” I grabbed his shirt and pulled him towards me. I rammed my lips into his. At first he was shocked but then he moved to my side of the table and wrapped his arms around my waist. I moved my arms around his neck and played with his hair. I nibbled on his bottom lip and he opened his mouth-out of either surprise or eagerness. Soon my little, innocent kiss turned into a short make-out session. I pulled away and he frowned. I just smirked and told him to go hang with his friends. He just nodded his head with his mouth agape. When he began to walk away I decided to have my fun and give his butt a little slap.

“Bye Kyle,” I waved as he turned to me. I laughed and grabbed my Victoria’s Secret bag and left over food. “Oh, and Kyle,” he turned back to me. “Do you think you can show me where the exit is? I’m new here and lost.” I told him smiling. He smiled back and said sure. We walked to the exit without his friends. He told me he loves how I had a Southern accent but not a real heavy one. “Um, there’s something I think you should know,” I told him. He looked down at me with a puzzled look. “You need to get as many weapons as you can and fast! You’ll also need a van or something-enough for your family and friends maybe. You’ll need all the food you can get too and water. And don’t forget about clothes and maybe--.”

“What is this all about Gwyn?” he asked me with a confused smile on his face.

“The zombie apocalypse! It’s spreading now and fast! Trust me! I just came from a zombie infested town! You need to do as I say or you’ll be eaten or one of them.”

“How do I know I can trust you?”

“Two reasons- One, because I’m telling you too. Two, because I was there first hand and when you’ve been where I’ve been you don’t joke about this shit!”

“Even if you were telling the truth, how do I know you aren’t trying to get me killed?”

“Because I’m still alive aren’t I? Look, I’m not gonna waste my time trying to convince you of anything. Believe what you want but I’m telling you the truth! I hope you get eaten, asswipe!” With that, I stormed off in the direction of what I believed to be the exit. I said to myself, “Why are people such idiots?!”


Yes believe it or not I have written this chapter in a day! I am very pround of myself! i hope you enjoyed it! Please try not to get eaten. These are the translations:

"Yes, can I have a suite on the top floor? We will be staying here for a few days, thank you."="Oui, puis-je avoir une suite au dernier étage? Nous allons rester ici pendant quelques jours, Merci."

Whisper to me what you said, I wasn't listening.= Whisper-moi ce que vous avez dit, je n'écoutais pas


Juliet Capulet

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