I am the Alpha - Part 9

Start from the beginning

“Erin, you really scared me,” Jack confesses.


“Nah, Rin we’re the ones who are sorry. You could have died because we decided to have some fun not thinking about what would happen to you,” he gushes. I almost forgot why I was this way, great now he’s reminded me I’m kinda pissed off.

“Don’t worry it would’ve happened sooner or later anyway. I mean I’ve been trying out my abilities for a while now,” I admit knowing they are about to freak.

“WHAT?!” they all chorused in a mix of anger, frustration and worry. Yep, completely freak Oh joy!

“Erin, are you telling us that you’ve been playing around with things that can kill you without telling any of us?!!!” Jack yells as the others growl menacingly at the thought of me playing around with my abilities.

“Look Jack....” I start trying to explain how he was blowing it out of proportion.

“No you look Erin!! You can’t do this kind of stuff without telling us or having us with you. What would happen to you if you blacked out in the forest with no one around?” The others bristle with agreement. Oh, I see how it is.

“Erin, does your dad know about this?” Chase demands doing a pretty good job of acting like my father anyway.  How dare he? My dad isn’t in charge of this pack, I am!


“No one knows,” I whisper feeling weak once again. What is wrong with me? I shouldn’t be this vulnerable not in front of my pack in most packs this would be the perfect change for a wolf to challenge the Alpha. Thank god, we all love each other too much.

“Does he know?” I asked quietly

“Yes, he’s going to be back tonight,” Jack confirms my fears.

Don’t get me wrong I love my dad but he is just so damn protective. Before I became Alpha I would have to go everywhere with an escort, I couldn’t even go for a run without my brother or his friends. Of course it didn’t help that I was born to be Alpha making me even more guarded. Then when I actually got my position as Alpha when I was sixteen taking over from my brother who was filling in till I was of age I finally got some freedom.

Our pack only consists of seven wolves; me and the guys but our families are also werewolves; we belong to the Seluris (Sell-lure- riss) or in normal speak; East Forest tribe. My dad along with some elderly members of the tribe forms the council, they decide what’s best for us all but I get a large say of what is best for the pack. There are only aloud to be ten or less wolves in the pack at one time and they must be over the age of sixteen and male, well except me. Wolves get put into the pack for several reasons; birthright – being the offspring of an Alpha or Beta wolf, Age – turning sixteen that is if there are any spots left, Earning right in tribe games – winning or showing great skill during the games held by the tribe and/or winning a dominance fight over a wolf in the pack already.

I was given my spot by birthright but I sure as hell proved I was more than just a girl with her daddy’s surname. I had wanted to be in the pack so much even though I was forbidden as a she-wolf but then again I was born with an imprint (tattoo) which made people respect me to be part of the pack one day. By the time I was ten my imprint had transformed into what it is today, showing my right as Alpha over the others.

My brother was also born with the Alpha mark, but he seemed to have always known I would be Alpha over him one day. Jordan is also in the pack due to birthright because his dad Toni was the packs previous Beta. Chase, Sam and Mitch all got in because they have badass skills whereas Matt got in for is skills as well he also got chosen because he’s clever and good with reasoning things out.

The council had decided that for the time being our pack is strong and perfectly balanced so we can remain as the seven of us for a while even though there are plenty of guys who are about to turn of age. Guess I might have some newbie’s soon, fun.

Dad better not come back and put me back under guard like when I was little because I think I will seriously flip if I have a bunch of dumbass idiots following me everywhere I go as well as having the younger wolves reporting back to my dad about my every move. 

“Is he mad?” I ask curious about my fate.

“Dunno.” Oh how very helpful!

“Erin?” Chase asks


“How is the connection now? Can you hear our thoughts and emotions again yet? Are you able to communicate through your mind?” He questions curiously. Here we go, time for the cazillion questions concerning my abilities, my health.... blah, blah, blah

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