124. a moment - b99

Start from the beginning

"Oh god." Jake whispered to himself, and everyone stared at the radio in shock.

"Jake?" Amy looked at Jake.

"Rosa and Kenz are there." Jake said calmly, seemingly calm. "I'm just going to,-" Jake left calmly, and everyone flinched - even Holt - upon hearing the loud crash from the copy room. "I'll pay for that!"

Gina found Jake in the copy room, trying desperately not to fall apart. Nobody had gone inside since Jake had, giving him some space. Gina saw the broken copy machine, and smiled to herself.

"Jakey." Gina slid down to the floor next to him, slinging an arm around his shoulders. "They are gonna be fine."

"What if he isn't?" Is all Jake can ask, and since Gina knows Jake has a fear of loosing Kenzie, and just hugged him.

Holt stepped out of his office after getting off the phone with One Police Plaza, speaking up.

"Squad, your attention. The shooters have been taken into custody." Holt announced. "I don't have the identity of the injured officers, but if Rosa and Kenzie are unharmed they should be stepping off the elevator any moment." Everyone turned to look at the elevator, and then froze. The elevator dinged, and Rosa stepped off with a very un-Rosa expression. She hadn't taken the time to wash her hands of the blood, hadn't even stopped since the EMT wouldn't let her into the ambulance because she wasn't family, next of kin or his husband. She'd driven straight to the precinct, had to get to Jake. She had to make sure he knew she tried to go with him.

"Jake." Rosa crushed him into a hug, and Jake who was still frozen in shock, only barely held onto Rosa. "I tried- i tried to save him. I don't-they wouldn't let me into the ambulance." Rosa sounded so broken that it snapped Jake out of his frozen shock, and his knees gave out under him. They both went down, Charles and Gina and Amy and Zach and Terry and Holt all snapped back into focus and quickly moved to console the two usually emotion hidden detectives that were now crying on the floor of the precinct. "Oh god, it was so horrible."

"Worse than prison?" Jake asked hoarsely, and Rosa held both sides of his head and stared at him.

"I thought he was dead, Jake." She said seriously, tears still pouring down both of their faces. "Nothing is worse." Jake didn't know how to process the feelings he was feeling, the pure distraught and anguish and fear that just ripped right through him. So he did the only thing he could think of. He burst out crying again and pressed his face against Rosa's shoulder, gripping her tight. She held him back just as tight, crying almost as hard.

The first thing Jake did when he worked up the courage to walk into the hospital room after his second not so dignified break down in the hall, to which Gina and Amy had held him as he cried pretty hysterically and helped him calm down even though all Jake wanted to do was freak out even more for a third time, was to grab onto Kenzie's hand and hold it tightly.

"Jake?" Kenzie's eyes fluttered, rolling his head to the side. The movement was a little hard, since the bandaging that was stained a little red and covered his neck, and Jake choked back a sob.

"Hey Kenz." Jake whispered weakly. "Oh god, are you alive? Is this real?"

"Look." Kenzie dragged their joined hand up to his heart, and Jake felt the thudding of his heart beat under his hand. "I'm still going." Jake pressed his forehead against Kenzie's gently for a moment. Jake was still having trouble with the processing, and dragged the chair over to the bed and fell into it, pressing his forehead against Kenzie's hip with a sob.

"I thought i'd lost you." He sobbed, officially uncaring about what anyone thought. "When Rosa- when she came into the precinct, she had blood all over her hands. She- she collapsed in my arms, and she didn't know if you were going to make it, Kenzie. I was so scared."

"I know." Kenzie whispered, running his free hand through Jake's hair. "Me too."

Jake refused to leave Kenzie's side the entire time he'd been in the hospital. When Kenzie had been shot, the bullet had hit his neck and skimmed the edge of his carotid artery. If Rosa hadn't acted so quickly and if it had been even a milometer to the right Kenzie would have bled out in the middle of the street. The harsh reality of that crashed into Kenzie, and Jake had held him as he cried.

The entire thing had shaken both Police Officers forever, but only for the better as Kenzie made a vow to work harder than ever to keep their relationship strong. The last thing either of them wanted was for one of them to be killed on duty with things left unsaid. And for now, that's all either of them could ask for.

authors note
fucking needed to write this yo. spoilers for season 5 of b99 and my fic adultism

this is a very real danger of two law officers dating, let alone being married. i wanted to show that

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